.TH "SRC/sgesvxx.f" 3 "Version 3.12.0" "LAPACK" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME SRC/sgesvxx.f .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .SS "Functions/Subroutines" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "subroutine \fBsgesvxx\fP (fact, trans, n, nrhs, a, lda, af, ldaf, ipiv, equed, r, c, b, ldb, x, ldx, rcond, rpvgrw, berr, n_err_bnds, err_bnds_norm, err_bnds_comp, nparams, params, work, iwork, info)" .br .RI "\fB SGESVXX computes the solution to system of linear equations A * X = B for GE matrices\fP " .in -1c .SH "Function/Subroutine Documentation" .PP .SS "subroutine sgesvxx (character fact, character trans, integer n, integer nrhs, real, dimension( lda, * ) a, integer lda, real, dimension( ldaf, * ) af, integer ldaf, integer, dimension( * ) ipiv, character equed, real, dimension( * ) r, real, dimension( * ) c, real, dimension( ldb, * ) b, integer ldb, real, dimension( ldx , * ) x, integer ldx, real rcond, real rpvgrw, real, dimension( * ) berr, integer n_err_bnds, real, dimension( nrhs, * ) err_bnds_norm, real, dimension( nrhs, * ) err_bnds_comp, integer nparams, real, dimension( * ) params, real, dimension( * ) work, integer, dimension( * ) iwork, integer info)" .PP \fB SGESVXX computes the solution to system of linear equations A * X = B for GE matrices\fP .PP \fBPurpose:\fP .RS 4 .PP .nf SGESVXX uses the LU factorization to compute the solution to a real system of linear equations A * X = B, where A is an N-by-N matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices\&. If requested, both normwise and maximum componentwise error bounds are returned\&. SGESVXX will return a solution with a tiny guaranteed error (O(eps) where eps is the working machine precision) unless the matrix is very ill-conditioned, in which case a warning is returned\&. Relevant condition numbers also are calculated and returned\&. SGESVXX accepts user-provided factorizations and equilibration factors; see the definitions of the FACT and EQUED options\&. Solving with refinement and using a factorization from a previous SGESVXX call will also produce a solution with either O(eps) errors or warnings, but we cannot make that claim for general user-provided factorizations and equilibration factors if they differ from what SGESVXX would itself produce\&. .fi .PP .RE .PP \fBDescription:\fP .RS 4 .PP .nf The following steps are performed: 1\&. If FACT = 'E', real scaling factors are computed to equilibrate the system: TRANS = 'N': diag(R)*A*diag(C) *inv(diag(C))*X = diag(R)*B TRANS = 'T': (diag(R)*A*diag(C))**T *inv(diag(R))*X = diag(C)*B TRANS = 'C': (diag(R)*A*diag(C))**H *inv(diag(R))*X = diag(C)*B Whether or not the system will be equilibrated depends on the scaling of the matrix A, but if equilibration is used, A is overwritten by diag(R)*A*diag(C) and B by diag(R)*B (if TRANS='N') or diag(C)*B (if TRANS = 'T' or 'C')\&. 2\&. If FACT = 'N' or 'E', the LU decomposition is used to factor the matrix A (after equilibration if FACT = 'E') as A = P * L * U, where P is a permutation matrix, L is a unit lower triangular matrix, and U is upper triangular\&. 3\&. If some U(i,i)=0, so that U is exactly singular, then the routine returns with INFO = i\&. Otherwise, the factored form of A is used to estimate the condition number of the matrix A (see argument RCOND)\&. If the reciprocal of the condition number is less than machine precision, the routine still goes on to solve for X and compute error bounds as described below\&. 4\&. The system of equations is solved for X using the factored form of A\&. 5\&. By default (unless PARAMS(LA_LINRX_ITREF_I) is set to zero), the routine will use iterative refinement to try to get a small error and error bounds\&. Refinement calculates the residual to at least twice the working precision\&. 6\&. If equilibration was used, the matrix X is premultiplied by diag(C) (if TRANS = 'N') or diag(R) (if TRANS = 'T' or 'C') so that it solves the original system before equilibration\&. .fi .PP .PP .nf Some optional parameters are bundled in the PARAMS array\&. These settings determine how refinement is performed, but often the defaults are acceptable\&. If the defaults are acceptable, users can pass NPARAMS = 0 which prevents the source code from accessing the PARAMS argument\&. .fi .PP .RE .PP \fBParameters\fP .RS 4 \fIFACT\fP .PP .nf FACT is CHARACTER*1 Specifies whether or not the factored form of the matrix A is supplied on entry, and if not, whether the matrix A should be equilibrated before it is factored\&. = 'F': On entry, AF and IPIV contain the factored form of A\&. If EQUED is not 'N', the matrix A has been equilibrated with scaling factors given by R and C\&. A, AF, and IPIV are not modified\&. = 'N': The matrix A will be copied to AF and factored\&. = 'E': The matrix A will be equilibrated if necessary, then copied to AF and factored\&. .fi .PP .br \fITRANS\fP .PP .nf TRANS is CHARACTER*1 Specifies the form of the system of equations: = 'N': A * X = B (No transpose) = 'T': A**T * X = B (Transpose) = 'C': A**H * X = B (Conjugate Transpose = Transpose) .fi .PP .br \fIN\fP .PP .nf N is INTEGER The number of linear equations, i\&.e\&., the order of the matrix A\&. N >= 0\&. .fi .PP .br \fINRHS\fP .PP .nf NRHS is INTEGER The number of right hand sides, i\&.e\&., the number of columns of the matrices B and X\&. NRHS >= 0\&. .fi .PP .br \fIA\fP .PP .nf A is REAL array, dimension (LDA,N) On entry, the N-by-N matrix A\&. If FACT = 'F' and EQUED is not 'N', then A must have been equilibrated by the scaling factors in R and/or C\&. A is not modified if FACT = 'F' or 'N', or if FACT = 'E' and EQUED = 'N' on exit\&. On exit, if EQUED \&.ne\&. 'N', A is scaled as follows: EQUED = 'R': A := diag(R) * A EQUED = 'C': A := A * diag(C) EQUED = 'B': A := diag(R) * A * diag(C)\&. .fi .PP .br \fILDA\fP .PP .nf LDA is INTEGER The leading dimension of the array A\&. LDA >= max(1,N)\&. .fi .PP .br \fIAF\fP .PP .nf AF is REAL array, dimension (LDAF,N) If FACT = 'F', then AF is an input argument and on entry contains the factors L and U from the factorization A = P*L*U as computed by SGETRF\&. If EQUED \&.ne\&. 'N', then AF is the factored form of the equilibrated matrix A\&. If FACT = 'N', then AF is an output argument and on exit returns the factors L and U from the factorization A = P*L*U of the original matrix A\&. If FACT = 'E', then AF is an output argument and on exit returns the factors L and U from the factorization A = P*L*U of the equilibrated matrix A (see the description of A for the form of the equilibrated matrix)\&. .fi .PP .br \fILDAF\fP .PP .nf LDAF is INTEGER The leading dimension of the array AF\&. LDAF >= max(1,N)\&. .fi .PP .br \fIIPIV\fP .PP .nf IPIV is INTEGER array, dimension (N) If FACT = 'F', then IPIV is an input argument and on entry contains the pivot indices from the factorization A = P*L*U as computed by SGETRF; row i of the matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i)\&. If FACT = 'N', then IPIV is an output argument and on exit contains the pivot indices from the factorization A = P*L*U of the original matrix A\&. If FACT = 'E', then IPIV is an output argument and on exit contains the pivot indices from the factorization A = P*L*U of the equilibrated matrix A\&. .fi .PP .br \fIEQUED\fP .PP .nf EQUED is CHARACTER*1 Specifies the form of equilibration that was done\&. = 'N': No equilibration (always true if FACT = 'N')\&. = 'R': Row equilibration, i\&.e\&., A has been premultiplied by diag(R)\&. = 'C': Column equilibration, i\&.e\&., A has been postmultiplied by diag(C)\&. = 'B': Both row and column equilibration, i\&.e\&., A has been replaced by diag(R) * A * diag(C)\&. EQUED is an input argument if FACT = 'F'; otherwise, it is an output argument\&. .fi .PP .br \fIR\fP .PP .nf R is REAL array, dimension (N) The row scale factors for A\&. If EQUED = 'R' or 'B', A is multiplied on the left by diag(R); if EQUED = 'N' or 'C', R is not accessed\&. R is an input argument if FACT = 'F'; otherwise, R is an output argument\&. If FACT = 'F' and EQUED = 'R' or 'B', each element of R must be positive\&. If R is output, each element of R is a power of the radix\&. If R is input, each element of R should be a power of the radix to ensure a reliable solution and error estimates\&. Scaling by powers of the radix does not cause rounding errors unless the result underflows or overflows\&. Rounding errors during scaling lead to refining with a matrix that is not equivalent to the input matrix, producing error estimates that may not be reliable\&. .fi .PP .br \fIC\fP .PP .nf C is REAL array, dimension (N) The column scale factors for A\&. If EQUED = 'C' or 'B', A is multiplied on the right by diag(C); if EQUED = 'N' or 'R', C is not accessed\&. C is an input argument if FACT = 'F'; otherwise, C is an output argument\&. If FACT = 'F' and EQUED = 'C' or 'B', each element of C must be positive\&. If C is output, each element of C is a power of the radix\&. If C is input, each element of C should be a power of the radix to ensure a reliable solution and error estimates\&. Scaling by powers of the radix does not cause rounding errors unless the result underflows or overflows\&. Rounding errors during scaling lead to refining with a matrix that is not equivalent to the input matrix, producing error estimates that may not be reliable\&. .fi .PP .br \fIB\fP .PP .nf B is REAL array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) On entry, the N-by-NRHS right hand side matrix B\&. On exit, if EQUED = 'N', B is not modified; if TRANS = 'N' and EQUED = 'R' or 'B', B is overwritten by diag(R)*B; if TRANS = 'T' or 'C' and EQUED = 'C' or 'B', B is overwritten by diag(C)*B\&. .fi .PP .br \fILDB\fP .PP .nf LDB is INTEGER The leading dimension of the array B\&. LDB >= max(1,N)\&. .fi .PP .br \fIX\fP .PP .nf X is REAL array, dimension (LDX,NRHS) If INFO = 0, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X to the original system of equations\&. Note that A and B are modified on exit if EQUED \&.ne\&. 'N', and the solution to the equilibrated system is inv(diag(C))*X if TRANS = 'N' and EQUED = 'C' or 'B', or inv(diag(R))*X if TRANS = 'T' or 'C' and EQUED = 'R' or 'B'\&. .fi .PP .br \fILDX\fP .PP .nf LDX is INTEGER The leading dimension of the array X\&. LDX >= max(1,N)\&. .fi .PP .br \fIRCOND\fP .PP .nf RCOND is REAL Reciprocal scaled condition number\&. This is an estimate of the reciprocal Skeel condition number of the matrix A after equilibration (if done)\&. If this is less than the machine precision (in particular, if it is zero), the matrix is singular to working precision\&. Note that the error may still be small even if this number is very small and the matrix appears ill- conditioned\&. .fi .PP .br \fIRPVGRW\fP .PP .nf RPVGRW is REAL Reciprocal pivot growth\&. On exit, this contains the reciprocal pivot growth factor norm(A)/norm(U)\&. The 'max absolute element' norm is used\&. If this is much less than 1, then the stability of the LU factorization of the (equilibrated) matrix A could be poor\&. This also means that the solution X, estimated condition numbers, and error bounds could be unreliable\&. If factorization fails with 0 0 and <= N: U(INFO,INFO) is exactly zero\&. The factorization has been completed, but the factor U is exactly singular, so the solution and error bounds could not be computed\&. RCOND = 0 is returned\&. = N+J: The solution corresponding to the Jth right-hand side is not guaranteed\&. The solutions corresponding to other right- hand sides K with K > J may not be guaranteed as well, but only the first such right-hand side is reported\&. If a small componentwise error is not requested (PARAMS(3) = 0\&.0) then the Jth right-hand side is the first with a normwise error bound that is not guaranteed (the smallest J such that ERR_BNDS_NORM(J,1) = 0\&.0)\&. By default (PARAMS(3) = 1\&.0) the Jth right-hand side is the first with either a normwise or componentwise error bound that is not guaranteed (the smallest J such that either ERR_BNDS_NORM(J,1) = 0\&.0 or ERR_BNDS_COMP(J,1) = 0\&.0)\&. See the definition of ERR_BNDS_NORM(:,1) and ERR_BNDS_COMP(:,1)\&. To get information about all of the right-hand sides check ERR_BNDS_NORM or ERR_BNDS_COMP\&. .fi .PP .RE .PP \fBAuthor\fP .RS 4 Univ\&. of Tennessee .PP Univ\&. of California Berkeley .PP Univ\&. of Colorado Denver .PP NAG Ltd\&. .RE .PP .PP Definition at line \fB538\fP of file \fBsgesvxx\&.f\fP\&. .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code\&.