SERIALVIEW(1) General Commands Manual SERIALVIEW(1) NAME serialview - Terminal emulator for uCsim SYNOPSIS serialview -i -o -L n -a -A -IOh DESCRIPTION serialview is a simple terminal emulator which can be used with uCsim. OPTIONS -i filename filename is the pipe to the controllers's serial input. Characters typed into the input panel will be written to this file. -o filename filename is the pipe to the controllers's serial output. Content of this file is prosented on the output panel. -I Use hexadecimal filter on input. Only hexadecimal characters are accepted in input panel. Two characters are combined into a hexadecimal code and value is written to the input pipe. -O Use hexadecimal filter on output. Content of output pipe is presented as a hexadecimal dump. -L option can be used to set how many bytes are printed in one line. -a pattern pattern is a string which is recognized in output stream and automatically answered by sending an answer string (see -A option). String can be formatted as a C string, non-asci characters can be escaped in C style. -A answer answer is a string which is sent when a pattern (see -a option) is detected in simulator's output. This answer string is written to the input pipe but not shown in the input panel. -L n Set line length of hexadecimal dump in output panel (default=8). -h Show summary of options. When no options are provided the input and output pipes are created in /tmp and named respectively in and out SEE ALSO sdcc(1), ucsim(1). AUTHOR Timothy Hurman SERIALVIEW(1)