rtcPointQuery(3) Embree Ray Tracing Kernels 4 rtcPointQuery(3) NAME rtcPointQuery - traverses the BVH with a point query object SYNOPSIS #include <embree4/rtcore.h> struct RTC_ALIGN(16) RTCPointQuery { // location of the query float x; float y; float z; // radius and time of the query float radius; float time; }; void rtcPointQuery( RTCScene scene, struct RTCPointQuery* query, struct RTCPointQueryContext* context, struct RTCPointQueryFunction* queryFunc, void* userPtr ); DESCRIPTION The rtcPointQuery function traverses the BVH using a RTCPointQuery object (query argument) and calls a user defined callback function (e.g queryFunc argument) for each primitive of the scene (scene argument) that intersects the query domain. The user has to initialize the query location (x, y and z member) and query radius in the range [0,<?><infinity>]. If the scene contains motion blur geometries, also the query time (time member) must be initialized to a value in the range [0,<?>1]. Further, a RTCPointQueryContext (context argument) must be created and initialized. It contains ID and transformation information of the instancing hierarchy if (multilevel-)instancing is used. See [rtcInitPointQueryContext] for further information. For every primitive that intersects the query domain, the callback function (queryFunc argument) is called, in which distance computations to the primitive can be implemented. The user will be provided with the primID and geomID of the according primitive, however, the geometry information (e.g. triangle index and vertex data) has to be determined manually. The userPtr argument can be used to input geometry data of the scene or output results of the point query (e.g. closest point currently found on surface geometry (see tutorial [ClosestPoint])). The parameter queryFunc is optional and can be NULL, in which case the callback function is not invoked. However, a callback function can still get attached to a specific RTCGeometry object using [rtcSetGeometryPointQueryFunction]. If a callback function is attached to a geometry and (a potentially different) callback function is passed as an argument to rtcPointQuery, both functions are called for the primitives of the according geometries. The query radius can be decreased inside the callback function, which allows to efficiently cull parts of the scene during BVH traversal. Increasing the query radius and modifying time or location of the query will result in undefined behaviour. The callback function will be called for all primitives in a leaf node of the BVH even if the primitive is outside the query domain, since Embree does not gather geometry information of primitives internally. Point queries can be used with (multilevel)-instancing. However, care has to be taken when the instance transformation contains anisotropic scaling or sheering. In these cases distance computations have to be performed in world space to ensure correctness and the ellipsoidal query domain (in instance space) will be approximated with its axis aligned bounding box internally. Therefore, the callback function might be invoked even for primitives in inner BVH nodes that do not intersect the query domain. See [rtcSetGeometryPointQueryFunction] for details. The point query structure must be aligned to 16 bytes. SUPPORTED PRIMITIVES Currently, all primitive types are supported by the point query API except of points (see [RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_POINT]), curves (see [RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_CURVE]) and sudivision surfaces (see [RTC_GEOMETRY_SUBDIVISION]). EXIT STATUS For performance reasons this function does not do any error checks, thus will not set any error flags on failure. SEE ALSO [rtcSetGeometryPointQueryFunction], [rtcInitPointQueryContext] rtcPointQuery(3)