.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "ROFI\-RBW" "1" "May 05, 2024" "Version 1.4.2" "Rofi Third\-party Add\-on Documentation" .SH NAME \f[B]rofi\-rbw\f[R] \- A rofi frontend for the alternative Bitwarden client rbw .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]rofi\-rbw\f[R] [\f[B]\-h\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-version\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-action\f[R] {\f[I]type\f[R],\f[I]copy\f[R],\f[I]print\f[R]}] [\f[B]\-\-target\f[R] {\f[I]username\f[R],\f[I]password\f[R],\f[I]totp\f[R],\f[I]OTHER\f[R]}] [\f[B]\-\-prompt\f[R] \f[I]PROMPT\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-selector\-args\f[R] \f[I]SELECTOR_ARGS\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-clipboarder\f[R] \f[I]CLIPBOARDER\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-typer\f[R] \f[I]TYPER\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-selector\f[R] \f[I]SELECTOR\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-clear\-after\f[R] \f[I]NUMBER\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-typing\-key\-delay\f[R] \f[I]NUMBER\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-help\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-no\-folder\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-keybindings\f[R] \f[I]KEYBINDINGS\f[R]] [\f[B]\-\-menu\-keybindings\f[R] \f[I]MENU_KEYBINDINGS\f[R]] .SH DESCRIPTION Type, copy or print your credentials from Bitwarden using rofi. .SH OPTIONS .TP \-h, \-\-help Prints brief usage information. .TP \-\-version show program\[cq]s version number and exit .TP \-\-action, \-a Possible values: type, copy, print .RS .PP Choose what to do with the selected characters: Directly type them with the \[lq]Typer\[rq], copy them to the clipboard using the \[lq]Clipboarder\[rq], or \[lq]print\[rq] them on stdout .RE .TP \-\-target, \-t Possible values: username, password, totp, notes, \f[I]CUSTOM FIELD NAME\f[R] .RS .PP Choose which component of the selected entry to type/copy/print. Can be passed multiple times to use multiple targets. .RE .TP \-\-prompt \f[I]PROMPT\f[R], \-r \f[I]PROMPT\f[R] Set the text for the prompt. .TP \-\-keybindings \f[I]KEYBINDINGS\f[R] Format: ::. .RS .PP Define your own keybindings. Multiple keybindings can be concatenated with \f[CR],\f[R]; multiple targets for one shortcut can be concatenated with \f[CR]:\f[R]. This feature is only available in supported \[dq]selectors\[dq]. .RE .TP \-\-menu\-keybindings \f[I]KEYBINDINGS\f[R] Format: :. .RS .PP Define your own keybindings for the target menu. Multiple keybindings can be concatenated with \f[CR],\f[R]. This feature is only available in supported \[dq]selectors\[dq]. .RE .TP \-\-clear\-after \f[I]SECONDS\f[R] Clear the password from the clipboard after \f[I]SECONDS\f[R] seconds. Set to \f[CR]0\f[R] to disable. .TP \-\-typing\-key\-delay \f[I]MILLISECONDS\f[R] Set a small delay between keypresses when typing. \f[CR]0\f[R] by default. .TP \-\-no\-cache Disable the automatic frecency cache. It contains sha1\-hashes of the selected entries and how often they were used. .TP \-\-no\-help Don\[cq]t show the help message about available keyboard shortcuts. .TP \-\-no\-folder Don\[cq]t show folders in the list of possible entries. .TP \-\-selector\-args \f[I]SELECTOR\-ARGS\f[R] A string of arguments to give to the selector. .TP \-\-selector \f[I]SELECTOR\f[R] Possible values: rofi, wofi .RS .PP Choose the selector application manually. Usually \f[CR]rofi\f[R], but for Wayland, you may want \f[CR]wofi\f[R]. .RE .TP \-\-clipboarder \f[I]CLIPBOARDER\f[R] Possible values: xsel, xclip, wl\-copy .RS .PP Choose the application to access the clipboard with manually. .RE .TP \-\-typer \f[I]TYPER\f[R] Possible values: xdotool, wtype, ydotool, dotool .RS .PP Choose the application to type with manually. .RE .SH DEFAULT KEYBINDINGS \f[I]enter\f[R] to use the default action .PP \f[I]alt+c\f[R] to copy the password .PP \f[I]alt+u\f[R] to copy the username .PP \f[I]alt+t\f[R] to copy the TOTP .PP \f[I]alt+m\f[R] to show a menu of the entry\[cq]s components .PP \f[I]alt+s\f[R] to sync the contents of the vault .PP \f[I]alt+1\f[R] to autotype username and password, separated with a \f[CR]tab\f[R] character .PP \f[I]alt+2\f[R] to type the username .PP \f[I]alt+3\f[R] to type the password .PP Please note that wofi does not support keybindings other than \f[I]enter\f[R]. .SH CONFIGURATION Args that start with \[lq]\-\-\[rq] (eg. \-\-version) can also be set in a config file. .PP Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c]. If an arg is specified in more than one place, then commandline values override values from the config file. .SH FILES .TP \f[I]\[ti]/.cache/rofi\-rbw.runcache\f[R] Saves the number pf times an entry has been used, so that they can be sorted first. Entries are hashed with sha1 so as not to leak any secrets. .SH WEBSITE https://github.com/fdw/rofi\-rbw .SH AUTHORS Fabian Winter.