.TH REGSVR32 1 "November 2010" "Wine 10.3" "Wine Programs" .SH NAME regsvr32 \- Wine DLL Registration Server .SH SYNOPSIS .B regsvr32 .RB [ /u "] [" /s "] [" /n "] [" /i "[\fB:\fIcmdline\fR]] " \fIdllname .SH DESCRIPTION .B regsvr32 is the Wine dll registration server, designed to be compatible with its Microsoft Windows counterpart. By default, it will register the given dll. .SH COMMANDS .IP \fB/u Unregister the specified dll. .IP \fB/s Run regsvr32 silently (will not show any GUI dialogs). .IP \fB/i Call DllInstall passing it an optional \fIcmdline\fR. When used with \fB/u\fR calls DllUninstall. .IP \fB/n Do not call DllRegisterServer; this option must be used with \fB/i\fR. .SH BUGS Bugs can be reported on the .UR https://bugs.winehq.org .B Wine bug tracker .UE . .SH AVAILABILITY .B regsvr32 is part of the Wine distribution, which is available through WineHQ, the .UR https://www.winehq.org/ .B Wine development headquarters .UE . .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR wine (1), .br .UR https://www.winehq.org/help .B Wine documentation and support .UE .