RANKMIRRORS(8) Pacman-contrib Manual RANKMIRRORS(8) NAME rankmirrors - rank pacman mirrors by their connection and opening speed. SYNOPSIS rankmirrors [options] DESCRIPTION rankmirrors will rank pacman mirrors by their connection and opening speed. Pacman mirror files are located in /etc/pacman.d/. It can also rank one mirror if the URL is provided. OPTIONS -n Number of servers to output, 0 for all. -m, --max-time Specify a ranking operation timeout, can be decimal number. -p, --parallel Run tests in parallel for all servers (may be inaccurate, depends on GNU parallel). -r, --repo Specify a repository name instead of guessing. t, --times Only output mirrors and their response times. -u, --url Test a specific URL. -v, --verbose Be verbose in output. -h, --help Display syntax and command-line options. -V, --version Display version information. BUGS Bugs? You must be kidding; there are no bugs in this software. But if we happen to be wrong, file an issue with as much detail as possible at https://gitlab.archlinux.org/pacman/pacman-contrib/-/issues/new. AUTHORS Current maintainers: o Johannes Lothberg o Daniel M. Capella For additional contributors, use git shortlog -s on the pacman-contrib.git repository. Pacman-contrib 1.10.6 2024-08-24 RANKMIRRORS(8)