.\" Automatically generated man page, do not edit .TH QB_LIST_SPLICE 3 2023-07-21 "LIBQB" "libqb Programmer's Manual" .SH NAME qb_list_splice \- Join two lists. .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .sp \fBstatic void qb_list_splice\fP( \fBstruct qb_list_head *\fP\fIlist\fP,\fR /* the new list to add. */ \fBstruct qb_list_head *\fP\fIhead\fP\fR /* the place to add it in the first list.*/ ); .fi .SH PARAMS \fBlist \fP\fIthe new list to add. \fP .PP \fBhead \fP\fIthe place to add it in the first list.\fP .PP .SH DESCRIPTION .SH STRUCTURES .nf \fB struct qb_list_head { \fR \fB \fBstruct \fP\fInext\fP; \fB \fBstruct \fP\fIprev\fP; }; \fP .fi .PP .RE .SH NOTE .PP The "list" is reinitialised .SH SEE ALSO .PP .nh .ad l \fIqb_list_empty\fR(3), \fIqb_list_add_tail\fR(3), \fIqb_list_add\fR(3), \fIqb_list_splice_tail\fR(3), \fIqb_list_length\fR(3), \fIqb_list_replace\fR(3), \fIqb_list_init\fR(3), \fIqb_list_is_last\fR(3), \fIqb_list_del\fR(3) .ad .hy .SH "COPYRIGHT" .PP Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Red Hat, Inc.