pthread_once(3) Library Functions Manual pthread_once(3)

pthread_once - Exécution unique

#include <pthread.h>

pthread_once_t once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;

int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *once_control, void (*init_routine) (void));

The purpose of pthread_once is to ensure that a piece of initialization code is executed at most once. The once_control argument points to a static or extern variable statically initialized to PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT.

The first time pthread_once is called with a given once_control argument, it calls init_routine with no argument and changes the value of the once_control variable to record that initialization has been performed. Subsequent calls to pthread_once with the same once_control argument do nothing.

pthread_once() renvoie toujours 0.


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31 octobre 2023 Pages du manuel de Linux 6.06