pslatex(1) General Commands Manual pslatex(1) NAME pslatex - utility to typeset LaTeX files using PostScript fonts SYNOPSIS pslatex [LATEXARGS] LATEXFILE[.tex] DESCRIPTION pslatex allows you to typeset a LaTeX source file using basic Adobe Type 1 PostScript fonts (Times, Helvetica, and Courier) without editing the file to load the necessary packages. It takes any arguments that latex(1) can take. OPTIONS None. FILES Many. See the readme file for pslatex.sty. SEE ALSO latex(1), TEXMF/latex/pslatex/00readme.txt BUGS Email bug reports to (public mailing list). AUTHOR pslatex was written by David Carlisle. This manual page was written by C.M. Connelly for the Debian GNU/Linux system. It is now maintained as part of TeX Live. TeX Live 8 March 2022 pslatex(1)