.TH "FBB::Process" "3bobcat" "2005\-2024" "libbobcat\-dev_6\&.06\&.02" "Running Child Processes" .PP .SH "NAME" FBB::Process \- Runs external programs .PP .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fB#include \fP .br Linking option: \fI\-lbobcat\fP .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" The \fBFBB::Process\fP class offers an extensive interface to calling external programs and/or scripts from a \fBC++\fP program (so\-called \fIchild\-processes\fP)\&. The class offers an easy to use, stream\-based interface to the standard input, standard output and standard error streams of child processes\&. .PP Objects of the \fIclass Process\fP use standard process\-executing functions, like members of the \fBexecl\fP(2) family or \fBsh\fP(1) to execute child processes\&. Thus, child processes can be executable programs or \fIshell\-scripts\fP\&. .PP The standard input, output and error streams of child processes may be accessed through their \fIProcess\fP parent objects\&. Input expected by child processes may be inserted by \fIProcess\fP objects, and output generated by child processes may be extracted from \fIProcess\fP objects\&. .PP When using (output) redirection with the \fIUSE_SHELL\fP path specification (see below for the path and IOMode specifications), the \fIIGNORE_COUT IOMode\fP (and possibly \fIIGNORE_CERR\fP) should normally be specified\&. .PP \fIProcess\fP objects may repeatedly be used to execute the same or different child processes\&. Before the next child process is started, the \fIProcess\fP object first terminates its currently active child process\&. Alternatively, a currently active child process is automatically ended if the \fIProcess\fP object goes out of scope, if its \fIstop\fP or \fIeoi\fP (end\-of\-information) member is called, or if the \fIeoi\fP manipulator is inserted into the \fIProcess\fP object\&. .PP Programs called as child processes may be specified when constructing a \fIProcess\fP object or by using \fIProcess\(cq\&s setCommand\fP member\&. \fIProcess\fP constructors (or \fIProcess set\fP\-members) never start child processes\&. Child processes are started through \fIstart\fP members or the assignment operator\&. .PP Child processes may receive information at their standard input streams through information inserted into \fIProcess\fP objects\&. In these cases the \fIProcess\fP objects must inform their child processes that they have received all input\&. For this the \fIclose\fP or \fIeoi\fP member or the \fIeoi\fP manipulator can be used\&. After calling the \fIclose\fP member, the \fIwaitForChild\fP member should be called as well\&. This is not necessary if either the \fIeoi\fP member or the \fIeoi\fP manipulator is used\&. .PP If \fIwaitForChild\fP is not called (but information sent to the child which could not be fully processed by the child process in case the child process terminated as a result of the \fIProcess\fP object going out of scope), then the operating system issues a \fIBroken pipe\fP message, indicating that information in a pipe was lost\&. .PP Arguments passed to child processes may be surrounded by double or single quotes\&. Arguments surrounded by double quotes have their double quotes removed, while interpreting any escape\-sequences that may have been used within\&. Arguments surrounded by single quotes have their single quotes removed, while accepting their content as\-is\&. In addition unquoted escape\-sequences may be specified: those escape sequences are evaluated and replaced by their intended characters (e\&.g\&., \fI\e100\fP is converted to \fI@\fP)\&. .PP A full command specification may be surrounded by backtics (\fI`\fP\-characters)\&. These backtick characters are removed by the \fIProcess\fP object when the command is started\&. .PP Child processes may be allowed a limited amount of time (in seconds) to complete\&. By default no time limit is imposed upon child processes\&. .PP By default the standard input, output and error streams of child processes are accessed through their \fIProcess\fP parent processes: information inserted into the \fIProcess\fP object is forwarded to the child process\(cq\&s standard input stream, information sent by the child process to its standard output stream can be extracted from its parent \fIProcess\fP object, and information sent by the child process to its standard error stream may be obtained through \fIProcess\(cq\&s childErrStream\fP member\&. .PP If the parent and child processes have agreed on some communication process, then information may alternatingly be sent to and received from the child process through the \fIProcess\(cq\&s ostream\fP and \fIistream\fP facilities\&. Alternatively, unspecified amounts of information written by child processes may be processed by separate threads (cf\&. this manual page\(cq\&s \fBEXAMPLES\fP section)\&. .PP \fIProcess\fP objects use \fIPipe\fP objects (cf\&. \fBpipe\fP(3bobcat)) for communication with its child processes\&. To ensure that these pipes are properly closed the members \fIwaitForChild, stop\fP or the \fIeoi\fP manipulator should be used\&. Once a \fIProcess\fP object ceases to exist pipes to its child process are also closed\&. .PP .SH "NAMESPACE" \fBFBB\fP .br All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man\-page, are defined in the namespace \fBFBB\fP\&. .PP .SH "INHERITS FROM" \fBFBB::Fork\fP(3bobcat) (private), .br \fBFBB:IOStream\fP(3bobcat), and by implication: \fBFBB::Eoi\fP, .br \fBFBB:ProcessEnums\fP .PP The \fIstruct ProcessEnums\fP defines enumerations and support functions which are used by several classes\&. Its enumerations are documented below; there is no separate \fBProcessEnums\fP man\-page\&. .PP .SH "ENUMERATIONS" .PP \fBenum ProcessType\fP: .br .PP The \fBenum ProcessType\fP defines how a child process is started or located\&. Its values are specified at constructor\-time or through the \fIsetProcessType\fP member\&. This enumeration defines the following symbolic constants: .IP o \fBNO_PATH\fP: .br The program specified as child process is started as specified, without searching the elements of the \fIPATH\fP environment variable\&. .IP o \fBUSE_PATH\fP: .br The elements of the \fIPATH\fP environment variable are used when locating the program specified as child process\&. .IP o \fBUSE_SHELL\fP: .br The program specified as child process is called using \fI/bin/sh \-c\fP\&. When (output) redirection is used with the specified command the \fIIGNORE_COUT IOMode\fP (and possibly also the \fIIGNORE_CERR IOMode\fP) should be specified\&. .PP \fBenum IOMode\fP: .br .PP Values of the \fIenum IOMode\fP are used to define which of the child process\(cq\&s standard streams can be accessed through the \fIProcess\fP object\&. Its symbolic constants may be combined using the \fIbit_or\fP operator\&. By default \fICIN | COUT | CERR\fP is used (see below)\&. .PP The following symbolic constants are available: .IP o \fBALL\fP: .br Shortcut for \fBCIN | COUT | CERR\fP\&. .IP o \fBCIN\fP: .br Information inserted into the \fIProcess\fP object is forwarded to its child process\&. If this is not required then \fICIN\fP should not be specified\&. .IP o \fBCERR\fP: .br Information written by the child process to its standard error stream is accessible through \fIProcess\(cq\&s childErrStream\fP member\&. If this is not required then \fICERR\fP should not be specified\&. .IP o \fBCOUT\fP: .br Information written by the child process to its standard output stream may be directly be extracted from the \fIProcess\fP object, or from its \fIchildOutStream\fP member\&. If this is not required then \fICOUT\fP should not be specified\&. .IP o \fBDIRECT\fP: .br When starting a child process (see below at the member \fIstart\fP) the current process (i\&.e\&., the program defining the \fIProcess\fP object) is replaced by the child process, inheriting the current process\(cq\&s standard input and output streams\&. If this mode is specified in combination with any other \fIIOMode\fP (except for \fINONE\fP, see below) an \fIstd::invalid_argument\fP exception is thrown\&. .IP o \fBIGNORE_CERR\fP: .br Information written by the child process to its standard error stream is sent to \fI/dev/null\fP\&. An \fIstd::invalid_argument\fP exception is thrown if this mode is specified in combination with \fBDIRECT, CERR\fP and/or \fBMERGE_COUT_CERR\fP\&. .IP o \fBIGNORE_COUT\fP: .br Information written by the child process to its standard output stream is sent to \fI/dev/null\fP\&. An \fIstd::invalid_argument\fP exception is thrown if this mode is specified in combination with \fBCOUT, DIRECT\fP and/or \fBMERGE_COUT_CERR\fP\&. .IP o \fBIGNORE_COUT_CERR\fP: .br Shortcut for \fIIGNORE_CERR | IGNORE_COUT\fP\&. .IP o \fBMERGE_COUT_CERR\fP: .br Information extracted from the \fIProcess\fP object is written by the child process to its standard output and standard error streams\&. An \fIstd::invalid_argument\fP exception is thrown if this mode is specified in combination with \fBCOUT, CERR, DIRECT, IGNORE_COUT\fP or \fIIGNORE_CERR\fP\&. .IP o \fBNONE\fP: .br The \fIProcess\fP object does not extract information from or insert information into the standard streams of its child process\&. The child process reads the same standard input stream and writes the same standard output streams as its parent \fIProcess\fP object\&. When this mode is specified in combination with other \fIIOMode\fP values it is silently ignored\&. .PP \fBenum ChildOutput\fP: .br The \fIChildOutput\fP enumeration defines values returned by the \fIavailable\fP member (see below) indicating to which standard stream the child process has written information\&. This enumeration defines the following values: .IP o \fBNOTHING_AVAILABLE\fP: .br The child process did not (yet) write any information to its standard streams; .IP o \fBCHILD_COUT\fP: .br The child process wrote information to its standard output stream which is waiting for extraction\&. .IP o \fBCHILD_CERR\fP: .br The child process wrote information to its standard error stream which is waiting for extraction\&. The latter two values may be combined using the \fIbit_or\fP operator\&. The \fIbit_and\fP operator,returning a \fIbool\fP value can be used to test whether information on a specific output stream is available\&. .PP .SH "PROCESS PARAMETERS" .PP Four process parameters may be specified: the sizes of the stream buffers which are used when communicating with child processes; to specify which of the standard streams of child processes can be accessed from the \fIProcess\fP object combinations of \fIIOMode\fP values are used; to specify how child programs are found a \fIProcessType\fP value is used; to specify the maximum time (in seconds) the child program is allowed to run a \fIsize_t\fP values is used\&. .PP By default, the stream buffers hold 200 bytes; all the child\(cq\&s standard streams (standard input, output and error) are accessible from the \fIParent\fP process; the \fIPATH\fP environment variable is \fInot\fP used to locate the child program; and the child processes will be allowed an unlimited amount of time to run\&. .PP After constructing a \fIProcess\fP object all default parameters may be modified\&. These parameters may either be altered for a single process or a \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s general defaults may be modified\&. The \fIset*\fP members (see below) may be used to change the default process parameters\&. When parameters are specified otherwise, they will only be active for the next process\&. .PP .SH "CONSTRUCTORS" .PP The command provided to the following constructors may be the (initial part of the) specification of an external program to run\&. When the program is eventually started it may start and end with a \fIback\-tick\fP (\fI`\fP)\&. The back\-ticks will be removed just before the specified program is executed\&. .PP Child processes are \fInot\fP started automatically following \fIProcess\fP object constructions\&. A \fIstart\fP member or the assignment operator (see below) is used to start the specified child process\&. .PP Constructors expecting an \fIIOMode\fP argument may be provided with multiple \fIIOMode\fP values by combining them using the bit\-or operator\&. .PP After constructing a \fIProcess\fP object its parameters can be changed using \fIset\fP\-member functions, function call operators or \fIstart\fP members\&. .PP .IP o \fBProcess(std::string const &cmd = \(dq\&\(dq\&)\fP: .br This constructor is used to specify the (initial part of a) command to execute from a \fIProcess\fP object\&. Default values are used for the process parameters (see section \fBPROCESS PARAMETERS\fP)\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess(IOMode mode, std::string const &cmd = \(dq\&\(dq\&)\fP: .br This constructor requires the specification of the object\(cq\&s \fBIOMode\fP, and it can be used to specify the (initial part of a) command to execute from a \fIProcess\fP object\&. Default values are used for the remaining process parameters (see section \fBPROCESS PARAMETERS\fP)\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess(IOMode mode, ProcessType type, std::string const &cmd = \(dq\&\(dq\&)\fP: .br This constructor requires the specification of the object\(cq\&s \fBIOMode\fP and \fIProcessType\fP, and it can be used to specify the (initial part of a) command to execute from a \fIProcess\fP object\&. Default values are used for the remaining process parameters (see section \fBPROCESS PARAMETERS\fP)\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess(IOMode mode, ProcessType type, size_t timeLimit, std::string const &cmd = \(dq\&\(dq\&)\fP: .br This constructor requires the specification of the object\(cq\&s \fBIOMode\fP, \fIProcessType\fP, and child process time limit\&. The (initial part of a) command to execute from a \fIProcess\fP object may optionally be specified\&. The default process parameter is used for the sizes of the internally used stream buffers (see section \fBPROCESS PARAMETERS\fP)\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess(IOMode mode, ProcessType type, size_t timeLimit, size_t bufferSize, std::string const &cmd = \(dq\&\(dq\&)\fP: .br This constructor requires the specification of the object\(cq\&s \fBIOMode\fP, \fIProcessType\fP, child process time limit, and size of the internally used stream buffers\&. The (initial part of a) command to execute from a \fIProcess\fP object may optionally be specified\&. Note that this constructor\(cq\&s \fImode\fP parameter does not accept a \fIsize_t\fP argument\&. .PP Copy and move constructors (and assignment operators) are not available\&. .PP .SH "OVERLOADED OPERATORS" .PP .IP o \fBProcess &operator<<(Type value)\fP: .br This operator inserts \fIvalue\fP into the child\(cq\&s standard input stream\&. I\&.e\&., the child process reads \fIvalue\fP from its standard input\&. A value of any type that can be inserted into an \fIostream\fP can be inserted into a \fIProcess\fP object\&. Nothing happens if the member is used when the child process has terminated\&. Manipulators like \fIstd::endl\fP are also supported\&. The behavior of this operator is undefined unless \fIIOMode CIN\fP was specified\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess &operator>>(Type value)\fP: .br This operator extracts \fIvalue\fP from the child\(cq\&s standard output stream and optionally (if \fIIOMode MERGE_COUT_CERR\fP was specified) from the child\(cq\&s error stream\&. I\&.e\&., \fIvalue\fP may be extracted from \fIProcess\fP objects\&. A value of any type that can be extracted from an \fIistream\fP can be extracted from a \fIProcess\fP object\&. Nothing happens if the member is used when the child process has terminated\&. The behavior of this operator is undefined unless \fIIOMode COUT\fP or \fIMERGE_COUT_CERR\fP was specified\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess &operator+=(std::string const &)\fP: .br This operator adds the provided \fIstd::string\fP object to the currenly defined command specification of a \fIProcess\fP object\&. The member \fIoperator+=\fP does not add a separating blank space between the currently stored command specification and the text to append\&. It merely adds its right\-hand side string to the command stored so far\&. It does not affect a currently running child process\&. .IP .IP o \fBint operator=(std::string const &cmd)\fP: .br The \fIoperator=\fP member defines \fIcmd\fP as the stored command in a \fIProcess\fP object\&. .IP Before starting the child process a possibly active child process is first stopped by calling \fIstop\fP\&. It returns \fIstop\fP\(cq\&s return value\&. Immediately after calling \fIstop\fP the new command (\fIcmd\fP) is started\&. If stopping and restarting another command should be separate actions then use \fIstop\fP, followed by \fIsetCommand\fP, followed by calling an appropriate overloaded version of the member \fIstart\fP (\fIstart()\fP uses the object\(cq\&s current \fIIOMode, ProcessType,\fP and time limit)\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess &operator()(IOMode mode)\fP: .br This operator changes the the \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s \fIIOMode\fP parameter\&. A reference to the \fIProcess\fP object is returned, allowing constructions like .nf process(Process::COUT) = \(dq\&/bin/cat\(dq\&; .fi to start a new child process with the specified \fIIOMode\fP\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess &operator()(IOMode mode, ProcessType type)\fP: .br This operator changes the \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s \fIIOMode\fP and \fIProcessType\fP process parameters\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess &operator()(IOMode mode, ProcessType type, size_t timeLimit)\fP: .br This operator changes the \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s mentioned process parameters\&. The currently specified default size of the stream buffers is kept as\-is\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess &operator()(IOMode mode, ProcessType type, size_t timeLimit, size_t bufferSize)\fP: .br This operator changes all of the \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s process parameters\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcess &operator|(Process &lhs, Process &rhs)\fP: .br This operator implements process \fIpiping\fP: information sent b \fIlhs\fP to its standard output becomes the \fIrhs\fP\(cq\&s standard input\&. The operator returns \fIrhs\fP\&. .IP This operator mimics the piping\-operator supported by most command\-shell programs and should not be confused with the binary\-or operator\&. The operator starts the \fIlhs\fP\(cq\&s child process, but the \fIrhs\fP\(cq\&s child process (and thus pipe processing) must explicitly be started\&. .IP Since \fIoperator|\fP is left\-associative and \fIrhs\fP is returned piping can be \fIchained\fP, allowing constructions like \fIp1 | p2 | p3\fP, where \fIp1, p2\fP and \fIp3\fP are \fIProcess\fP objects\&. .IP The following idiom can be used to start the execution of a chain of processes: \fI(p1 | p2 | p3)\&.start()\fP\&. Alternatively, the following two\-step procedure can be used: .nf p1 | p2 | p3; p3\&.start(); .fi .IP If \fIp1\fP specifies \fIProcess::CIN\fP then this \fIIOMode\fP is forwared to the final process of the chain of processes\&. It is not necessary to specify \fIProcess::CIN\fP for \fIp3\fP\&. In fact, most \fIIOMode\fP flags of processes passed to \fIoperator|\fP are ignored or modified\&. Acceptable \fIIOModes\fP are \fIProcess::IGNORE_CERR\fP and \fIProcess::CERR\fP (accepted for all processes), \fIProcess::CIN\fP (accepted for the first process of the chain), and \fIProcess::COUT\fP (for the last process of the chain)\&. .IP \fBNote:\fP when connecting a series of processes using \fIoperator|\fP all input and output (except for the standard error streams) is handled through the last process: if \fIProcess::CIN\fP is specified for the first process then this mode is transferred to the last process, so information inserted into the last process enters the pipe through the first process\(cq\&s standard input\&. .IP The next example illustrates how input can be inserted into the first process from a main process and sent to the standard output stream by the final process: .nf using namespace std; using namespace FBB; Process p1(Process::CIN, \(dq\&/bin/cat\(dq\&); Process p2(\(dq\&/bin/cat\(dq\&); Process p3(Process::NONE, \(dq\&/bin/cat\(dq\&); p1 | p2 | p3; p3\&.start(); p3 << cin\&.rdbuf() << eoi; .fi When joining multiple commands using the piping operator (\fI\(cq\&|\(cq\&\fP), the process type \fIUSE_SHELL\fP is not required, even though process\-piping is commonly used as a shell\-feature\&. \fIProcess\(cq\&s operator|\fP handles I/O piping itself, and thus can avoid the additional shell process\&. .PP .SH "MEMBERS" .PP .IP o \fBbool active()\fP: .br This member returns \fItrue\fP if the child process is currently running and \fIfalse\fP if not\&. .IP .IP o \fBsize_t available()\fP: .br This member returns immediately\&. Its return value indicates whether any information can be obtained from the child process as value(s) from the \fIenum ChildOutput\fP\&. \fINOTHING_AVAILABLE\fP is returned if no information is ready for extraction\&. \fICHILD_COUT\fP is returned if information from the child process\(cq\&s standard output stream is available; \fICHILD_CERR\fP is returned if information from the child process\(cq\&s standard error stream is available; \fICHILD_COUT | CHILD_CERR\fP is returned if information from both the standard output and standard error streams is available\&. The \fIbit_and\fP operator, returning a \fIbool\fP value, can be used to determine which stream has any pending information\&. E\&.g\&., .nf if (process\&.available() & Process::CHILD_COUT) cout << \(dq\&Process has child standard output available\(dq\&; .fi .IP .IP o \fBsize_t bufSize() const\fP: .br This member returns the default size of the stream buffers that are used for communication with child processes\&. If called while a child process is actually running, then the value returned by this member may differ from the value that was actually used when starting the child process, as the default value may be altered by a function call operator just before starting the child process\&. .IP .IP o \fBstd::istream &childErrStream()\fP: .br If \fIProcess::CERR\fP was specified then this member interfaces to the child\(cq\&s standard error stream\&. By extracting the information from \fIchildErrStream\fP the parent process retrieves the information sent by its child process to its standard error stream\&. .IP .IP o \fBstd::istream &childOutStream()\fP: .br If \fIProcess::COUT\fP or \fIProcess::MERGE_COUT_CERR\fP was specified then this member interfaces to the child\(cq\&s standard output stream\&. By extracting the information from \fIchildOutStream\fP the parent process retrieves the information sent by its child process to its standard output stream\&. Alternatively, this information may directly be extracted from the \fIProcess\fP object itself, but this member does not require the use of a \fIstatic_cast\fP to disambiguate the intended stream buffer in statements like .nf cout << process\&.childOutStream()\&.rdbbuf() .fi .IP .IP o \fBvoid close()\fP: .br This member closes the child\(cq\&s input stream\&. In situations where the child continuously reads information from its standard input stream this member can be used to inform the child process that input has terminated\&. This member should only be used when \fIIOMode CIN\fP was specified for the currently running child process; otherwise its behavior is undefined\&. Alternatively, the \fIeoi\fP member or manipulator may be used\&. .IP .IP o \fBint eoi()\fP: .br This member closes the child\(cq\&s input stream, and then calls \fIwaitForChild\fP to wait for the child process to end\&. In situations where the child continuously reads information from its standard input stream this member can be used to inform the child process that input has terminated\&. This member should only be used when \fIIOMode CIN\fP was specified for the currently running child process; otherwise its behavior is undefined\&. Alternatively, the \fIclose\fP member or \fIeoi\fP manipulator may be used\&. The exit\-status of the called child process is returned\&. .IP .IP o \fBint exitStatus() const\fP: .br After calling \fIeoi\fP or inserting the \fIeoi\fP manipulator into the \fIProcess\fP object this member returns the child process\(cq\&s exit status\&. In other cases the value returned by \fIexitStatus\fP is not defined, and \fIwaitForChild\fP should be used\&. .IP .IP o \fBIOMode ioMode() const\fP: .br This member returns the default \fIIOMode\fP\&. If called while a child process is actually running, then the value returned by this member may differ from the value that was actually used when starting the child process, as the default value may be altered by a function call operator just before starting the child process\&. .IP .IP o \fBProcessType processType() const\fP: .br This member returns the default \fIProcessType\fP of child proceses\&. If called while a child process is actually running, then the value returned by this member may differ from the value that was actually used when starting the child process, as the default value may be altered by a function call operator just before starting the child process\&. .IP .IP o \fBsize_t timeLimit() const\fP: .br This member returns the default time limit (in seconds) of child processes\&. A return value of zero indicates that no time limit is enforced\&. If called while a child process is actually running, then the value returned by this member may differ from the value that was actually used when starting the child process, as the default value may be altered by a function call operator just before starting the child process\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid setBufSize(size_t bufSize)\fP: .br This member changes the default stream buffer size that is used for communication with child processes\&. A zero byte buffer size is silently changed into one\&. The new default value will be used when starting the next child process\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid setCommand(std::string const &cmd)\fP: .br The \fIsetCommand\fP member (re)defines the (initial part of a) child process command specification\&. .IP This member does not actually start the child process, and \fIoperator+=\fP may be used to append additional text to the command specification\&. Also, this member may be used when a child process is currently active: its use does not affect a currently running child process\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid setIOMode(iomode mode)\fP: .br This member changes the default \fIIOMode\fP\&. The new default value will be used when starting the next child process\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid setProcessType(ProcessType type)\fP: .br This member changes the default \fIProcessType\fP\&. The new default value will be used when starting the next child process\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid setTimeLimit(size_t timeLimit)\fP: .br This member changes the default execution time limit (in seconds)\&. No time limit will be imposed upon child processes if \fItimeLimit 0\fP is specified\&. The new default value will be used when starting the next child process\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid start()\fP: .br The currently specified command is started using the \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s process parameters\&. .IP Having specified a command to start, the first white\-space delimited element of the specified command is used as the name of the program to start\&. If the program should be called through \fBsh\fP(1), the \fIUSE_SHELL ProcessType\fP or a \fIsystem\fP member should be used\&. .IP If a child process does not terminate by itself, then it is terminated when it has run for its alloted time; when the \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s \fIstart\fP or \fIstop\fP members are called; when the object\(cq\&s assignment operator is used; or when the object goes out of scope\&. .IP Alternatively, the member \fIwaitForChild\fP (see below) may have to be called to end a running process\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid start(IOMode mode)\fP: .br The currently specified command is started using the specified \fIIOMode\fP, but otherwise using the currently configured \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s process parameters\&. The specified \fIIOMode\fP is only used for the child process that is started by this member\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid start(IOMode mode, ProcessType type)\fP: .br The currently specified command is started using the specified \fIIOMode\fP and \fIProcessType\fP, but otherwise using the currently configured \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s process parameters\&. The specified process parameter values are only used for the child process that is started by this member\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid start(size_t mode, Program program, size_t timeLimit)\fP: .br The currently specified command is started using the specified \fIIOMode\fP, \fIProcessType\fP, and time limit (silently converting the \fIsize_t mode\fP to an \fIIOMode\fP value), and using the currently configured \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s stream buffer size parameter\&. The specified process parameter values are only used for the child process that is started by this member\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid start(IOMode mode, Program program, size_t timeLimit, size_t bufferSize)\fP: .br The currently specified command is started using the specified process parameters\&. The specified parameter values are only used for the child process that is started by this member\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid showMode(char const *lab) const\fP: .br This member displays the label \fIlab\fP, followed by the current process ID, followed by the child process\(cq\&s process ID, followed by a textual representation of the currently active \fIIOMode\fP\&. .IP .IP o \fBstd::string const &str() const\fP: .br This member returns the content of the current child process command specification\&. It shows the command as it will be (or has been) executed by \fIstart\fP, \fIsystem\fP or the assignment operator\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid system()\fP: .br This member executes the currently stored command as a command to \fBsh\fP(1)\&. When using \fIsystem\fP redirections can be included in the command itself (this renders the redirected streams implied by the current \fBIOMode\fP) useless\&. The currently set process parameters are used when \fBsh\fP(1) is executed\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid system(IOMode mode)\fP: .br This member executes the currently stored command as a command to \fBsh\fP(1) (cf\&. \fIsystem\fP above) using the specified \fIIOMode\fP rather than the current default \fIIOMode\fP setting\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid system(IOMode mode, size_t timeLimit)\fP: .br This member executes the currently stored command as a command to \fBsh\fP(1) (cf\&. \fIsystem\fP above) using the specified \fIIOMode\fP and time limit\&. .IP .IP o \fBvoid system(IOMode mode, size_t timeLimit, size_t bufSize)\fP: .br This member executes the currently stored command as a command to \fBsh\fP(1) (cf\&. \fIsystem\fP above) using the specified \fIIOMode\fP, time limit, and stream buffer size values\&. .IP .IP o \fBint stop()\fP: .br This member terminates a currently active child process\&. The child process is twice sent a \fISIG_TERM\fP signal, followed by a \fISIG_KILL\fP signal\&. This member returns the exit\-value of the child process that was stopped\&. Its operation and return value are undefined if called without a running child process\&. .IP Following \fIstop\fP a new command may be called using \fIstart, system\fP or the assignment operator (see earlier)\&. Those members first calls \fIstop\fP\&. When the intention is to start another child process, then there\(cq\&s no need to call \fIstop\fP explicitly\&. Also, \fIstop\fP is called when the \fIProcess\fP object goes out of scope\&. .IP .IP o \fBint waitForChild()\fP: .br This member calls the identically named member from the class \fIFBB::Fork\fP, waiting for a child process to end\&. It is called to prevent premature termination of a child process before calling \fIstop\fP\&. It is not always necessary to call \fIwaitForChild\fP\&. E\&.g\&., when a process writes to its standard output stream and all output has been read then the child process can be stopped without calling \fIwaitForChild\fP\&. .PP .SH "MANIPULATOR" .IP o \fBFBB::eoi\fP: .br This manipulator may be inserted into a \fIProcess\fP object for which \fIIOMode CIN\fP was specified\&. It closes the child\(cq\&s input stream, and then calls \fIwaitForChild\fP to wait for the child process to end\&. In situations where the child continuously reads information from its standard input stream this member can be used to inform the child process that input has terminated\&. Alternatively, \fIProcess\fP object\(cq\&s \fIclose\fP or \fIeoi\fP members may be used\&. .PP .SH "EXAMPLES" .PP The first example shows how a program only producing output can be called\&. Its child process simply is \fI/bin/ls\fP: .nf int main() { Process process(Process::COUT, \(dq\&/bin/ls \-Fla\(dq\&); process\&.start(); cout << process\&.childOutStream()\&.rdbuf(); } .fi .PP The next example shows how a child program can be given a limited amount of execution time: lines entered at the keyboard are echoed to the standard output stream for at most 5 seconds: .nf int main() { Process process(Process::CIN | Process::COUT, \(dq\&/bin/cat\(dq\&); process\&.setTimeLimit(5); process\&.start(); while (true) { cout << \(dq\&? \(dq\&; string line; if (not getline(cin, line)) return 0; process << line << endl; // to /bin/cat line\&.clear(); if (not getline(process, line)) // from /bin/cat break; cout << \(dq\&Received: \(dq\& << line << endl; } cout << \(dq\&/bin/cat time limit of 5 seconds reached: child process ended\en\(dq\&; } .fi .PP The final example shows how multi threading can be used to access the child program\(cq\&s standard output and standard error streams through the \fIProcess\fP object: .nf void collect(ostream *outStream, streambuf *rdbuf) { *outStream << rdbuf << flush; } int main() { string cmd(getcwd(0, 0)); cmd += \(dq\&/cincoutcerr\(dq\&; Process all(Process::ALL, cmd); all\&.start(); thread outThread(collect, &cout, all\&.childOutStream()\&.rdbuf()); thread errThread(collect, &cerr, all\&.childErrStream()\&.rdbuf()); all << cin\&.rdbuf() << eoi; outThread\&.join(); errThread\&.join(); } .fi .PP Additional examples are found in the distribution\(cq\&s \fIbobcat/process/driver\fP directory\&. .PP .SH "FILES" \fIbobcat/process\fP \- defines the class interface .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBbobcat\fP(7), \fBexecle\fP(3), \fBexec\fP(3bobcat), \fBcoutextractor\fP(3bobcat), \fBcerrextractor\fP(3bobcat), \fBfork\fP(3bobcat), \fBcininserter\fP(3bobcat), \fBproc\fP(3bobcat), \fBsh\fP(1), \fBstdextractor\fP(3bobcat)\&. .PP .SH "BUGS" None reported .PP .SH "BOBCAT PROJECT FILES" .PP .IP o \fIhttps://fbb\-git\&.gitlab\&.io/bobcat/\fP: gitlab project page; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.06\&.02\-x\&.dsc\fP: detached signature; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.06\&.02\-x\&.tar\&.gz\fP: source archive; .IP o \fIbobcat_6\&.06\&.02\-x_i386\&.changes\fP: change log; .IP o \fIlibbobcat1_6\&.06\&.02\-x_*\&.deb\fP: debian package containing the libraries; .IP o \fIlibbobcat1\-dev_6\&.06\&.02\-x_*\&.deb\fP: debian package containing the libraries, headers and manual pages; .PP .SH "BOBCAT" Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken\(cq\&s Own Base Classes And Templates\(cq\&\&. .PP .SH "COPYRIGHT" This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" Frank B\&. Brokken (\fBf\&.b\&.brokken@rug\&.nl\fP)\&. .PP