PO4A.1P(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation PO4A.1P(1) po4a - PO- po4a [] _ po4a (PO for anything, PO ) , gettext. po4a , . po4a(7). po4a , . PO-, , - ( PO-). PO- . , po4a -. , , , po4a PO- <<>> ("fuzzy"), , . <<>> ("addendum") -- , , , . - ------+--------->-------->--------+ ( ) | | V ( po4a) >--+--> | | | PO- ->-> PO- ->-+ | ^ | | | V | +----------<---------<-------+ ^ ( ) | | -->------------------------------------------+ po4a open-source . master- . PO-. po4a, PO- . , 80% . . , , . 80% --keep. , 100%, , . , , <<>>, . , , , . PO-, -. , , weblate, . , foo, man- man/foo.1 ( -, , , po4a ). - man/foo.de.1, . , , . , . , , , . ; , . , po4a , - . ! -! , , , ! po4a : po4a , . po4a-gettextize. po4a-gettextize(1), , , de.po , , po4a. po4a-gettextize --format man --master foo.1 --localized foo.de.1 --po de.po po4a. , : [po_directory] man/po4a/ [type: man] man/foo.1 $lang:man/translated/foo.$lang.1 , PO- ( ) man/po4a/, , -, man/foo.1. , . , . man/foo.1 man/translated/foo.de.1. , po4a- -- POT-, . .pot , po_directory, (, man/po4a/foo.pot); po4a . : man/ | foo.1 <- man-, | po4a/ | | de.po <- PO-, | | foo.pot <- POT- ( ) | translated/ <- , po4a.cfg <- , , po4a: , POT-, PO- , . : po4a --verbose po4a.cfg . po4a . man/foo.1, . , , , , , , , . PO- , , , . , , foo.pot ja.po . , man/po4a/po/. , po4a, man/translated/foo.ja.1 ( , ). -k, --keep , , (, ) ( : 80). , , , 80%. -w, --width Column at which we should wrap the resulting file if the format supports it (default: 76). -h, --help . -M, --master-charset . , - . -L, --localized-charset . , . -A, --addendum-charset . , . -V, --version . -v, --verbose . -q, --quiet . -d, --debug . -o, --option , . . . , '-o tablecells' AsciiDoc, text '-o tabs=split'. -f, --force POT PO-, po4a , . ( --force ) : POT- , , - ( --no-update). POT- po4a , . , (regenerated) -, PO-, . , (. --keep), .po4a-stamp (. --stamp). - , --force, . PO- POT- msgmerge -U. --stamp po4a -, , . , .po4a-stamp. : .po4a-stamp . - , --rm-translations . --no-translations , POT PO-. --no-update POT PO-, . --keep-translations , --keep. po4a , , - -. : po4a : , . , , , . --rm-translations ( --no-translations). --no-backups 0.41 . --rm-backups 0.41 . --translate-only - . , , . , PO POT-. . --variable = po4a. $() . . --srcdir _ , po4a. destdir srcdir, po4a ( ): destdir, srcdir. destdir, , -- . --destdir _ , po4a (. --srcdir ). , POT- --porefs PO-. : never -- , noline -- (, 1), counter -- full -- ( : full). --wrap-po no|newlines| ( : 76) , PO-. : ( git), ( ). , gettext PO- 77- ( ). , po4a . , po4a PO- , . newlines, po4a msgid msgstr . no, po4a PO-. gettext, po4a. : , msgid msgstr, .. , . --master-language . , - . --msgid-bugs-address email@address msgid. , POT- Report- Msgid-Bugs-To. --copyright-holder POT . : <> --package-name POT-. : <>. --package-version POT-. : <>. , PO- --msgmerge-opt msgmerge(1). : $lang . --no-previous --previous msgmerge. , gettext 0.16. --previous --previous , msgmerge. gettext 0.16 ; . po4a , . : o PO- , ; o , , , (configuration aliases), -; o -, , . , , . <<#>> . ( "\"), . ; "t/cfg" . POT PO- -- POT PO- : [po4a_paths] man/po/project.pot ru:man/po/ru.po fr:man/po/fr.po POT-, PO-. , /: [po4a_langs] fr ru [po4a_paths] man/po/project.pot $lang:man/po/$lang.po $lang , , , / . , . [po_directory] man/po/ PO-, XX.po, "XX" -- ISO 639-1. POT-, ".pot". , (po4a , ). , : "po_directory", "po4a_paths". ("po_directory") , - /, . ("po4a_paths") -- , , , po4a . PO-? po4a PO- , . . Weblate (.. msgid), , . PO- -, $master PO- "[po4a_paths]". [po4a_paths] doc/$master/$master.pot $lang:doc/$master/$lang.po po4a POT PO-, . , 3 5 , 3 POT- 15 PO-. , "po4a_paths", $master . , POT- "pot=", . , POT-. 2 POT-: l10n/po/foo.pot ( foo/gui.xml) l10n/po/bar.pot ( bar/gui.xml, bar/cli.xml). [po4a_langs] de fr ja [po4a_paths] l10n/po/$master.pot $lang:l10n/po/$master.$lang.po [type: xml] foo/gui.xml $lang:foo/gui.$lang.xml pot=foo [type: xml] bar/gui.xml $lang:bar/gui.$lang.xml pot=bar [type: xml] bar/cli.xml $lang:bar/cli.$lang.xml pot=bar po4a (fuzzy) PO-, PO-. PO- , po4a (fuzzy) PO-, . , <<>> PO-, PO- . , . - , , , , , , . , , . : [type: sgml] "doc/my stuff.sgml" "fr:doc/fr/mon truc.sgml" de:doc/de/mein\ kram.sgml [type: man] script fr:doc/fr/script.1 de:doc/de/script.1 [type: docbook] doc/script.xml fr:doc/fr/script.xml \ de:doc/de/script.xml , , , , . $lang: [type: sgml] doc/my_stuff.sgml $lang:doc/$lang/my_stuff.sgml [type: man] script.1 $lang:po/$lang/script.1 [type: docbook] doc/script.xml $lang:doc/$lang/script.xml : po4a, po4a, , . po4a , , , --keep 50% 80%. , Locale::Po4a::Xml(3pm). , , nostrip XML, . - , "opt:" "opt_XX:" "XX". , nostrip XML ( ), 0% ( ). [type:xml] toto.xml $lang:toto.$lang.xml opt:"-o nostrip" opt_fr:"--keep 0" , . , , (. ), . , po4a . : [type:xml] toto.xml $lang:toto.$lang.xml opt:"--keep 20" opt:"-o nostrip" opt_fr:"--keep 0" [type:xml] toto.xml $lang:toto.$lang.xml opt:"--keep 20 -o nostrip" opt_fr:"--keep 0" [type:xml] toto.xml $lang:toto.$lang.xml opt:--keep opt:20 opt:-o opt:nostrip opt_fr:--keep opt_fr:0 , , POT-. , nostrip , POT- . , , "--keep". (aliases) (alias) , . "--keep 0" "test", "man". [po4a_alias:test] man opt_it:"--keep 0" [type: test] man/page.1 $lang:man/$lang/page.1 , . . [po4a_alias:man] man opt_it:"--keep 0" [type: man] man/page.1 $lang:man/$lang/page.1 "[options]", , , . [options] --keep 20 --option nostrip , : [options] -k 20 -o nostrip , , . : o "[options]" , . o . , . o , - . , , . o , , . , , : [po_directory] man/po/ [options] --master-charset UTF-8 [po4a_alias:man] man opt:"-o \"mdoc=NAME,SEE ALSO\"" [type:man] t-05-config/test02_man.1 $lang:tmp/test02_man.$lang.1 \ opt:"-k 75" opt_it:"-L UTF-8" opt_fr:--verbose (addendum): , , , -, . . po4a(7). [type: pod] script fr:doc/fr/script.1 \ add_fr:doc/l10n/script.fr.add : [type: pod] script $lang:doc/$lang/script.1 \ add_$lang:doc/l10n/script.$lang.add , . , . , . ? __, , -- . @ __ -, , . . ! __ , . , , ( , ): [type: pod] script $lang:doc/$lang/script.1 add_$lang:?doc/l10n/script.$lang.add : [type: pod] script $lang:doc/$lang/script.1 add_$lang:@doc/l10n/script.$lang.add , . "pot_in" -, , POT- -. : [type:docbook] book.xml \ pot_in:book-filtered.xml \ $lang:book.$lang.xml book-filtered.xml ( po4a), book.xml. , , book.xml, book-filtered.xml PO-, , -, . , . , , , "--keep", . po4a-gettextize(1), po4a(7). (Denis Barbier) (Nicolas Francois) (Martin Quinson) (mquinson#debian.org) Copyright 2002-2023 by SPI, inc. ; / (GPL) GNU v2.0 (. COPYING). POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 43: Unterminated B<...> sequence perl v5.38.2 2024-06-26 PO4A.1P(1)