PO4A-GETTEXTIZE.1P(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation po4a-gettextize -- ( ) PO po4a-gettextize -f -m . -l XX. -p XX.po (XX.po , ) po4a (<> < >>) gettext. po4a . , po4a(7), . po4a-gettextize , po4a. po4a . . << po4a>> . ( ), ( po4a). , , , , gettext , msgmerge ' PO. . , ASCII, PO UTF-8. ( ASCII), PO . -f, --format , . --help-format, . -m, --master , . , gettext . -M, --master-charset , , . -l, --localized , . , , . -L, --localized-charset , . -p, --po , . , (stdout). -o, --option , . . , <<-o tablecells>> AsciiDoc, <<-o tabs=split>>. -h, --help . --help-format , po4a. -k --keep-temps POT , '. , gettext. -V, --version . -v, --verbose . -d, --debug . --msgid-bugs-address @. msgid ( ). , POT Report- Msgid-Bugs-To. --copyright-holder POTr. <> --package-name POT. <>. --package-version POT. <>. po4a po4a-gettextize msgstr PO. , : N- N- . , , . gettext , , . , . . po4a . gettext. , , 4- ( <<>>) 4- ( <<>>). , ' . po4a-gettextize . , , . , . If you are lucky enough to have a perfect match in the file structures out of the box, building a correct PO file is a matter of seconds. Otherwise, you will soon understand why this process has such an ugly name :) Even so, gettextization often remains faster than translating everything again. I gettextized the French translation of the whole Perl documentation in one day despite the many synchronization issues. Given the amount of text (2MB of original text), restarting the translation without first salvaging the old translations would have required several months of work. In addition, this grunt work is the price to pay to get the comfort of po4a. Once converted, the synchronization between master documents and translations will always be fully automatic. gettext , , . gettext , . po4a-gettextize , . , , . , PO, , gettextization.failed.po . , : o , . po4a (. po4a(7)). o , . , , PO, . : PO, . o , . , PO . o , , - , . , . . , , po4a ;) , , , po4a, . o , . . POD man , , -- . , . , . XML. , POD ', , , =item . o , . , . gettextization.failed.po , , . o ' . ' PO . gettext, msgid . , , po4a . , . , po4a-gettextize , po4a-gettextize , . PO, , msgid msgstr . , . , . , -- msgid msgstr. , , , . , , , ( ) . , . , , po4a-gettextize , . PO , , po4a. po4a po4a po4a.conf po4a (po4a-updatepo po4a-translate ). , << >> po4a(1), . po4a PO, , gettext. , msgid gettext POT, . gettext . , Perl ( PO 5,5 ) 48 (, ), . PO . PO po4a-gettextization, . , , , , , . , po4a , . weblate , po4a. po4a(1), po4a-normalize(1), po4a-translate(1), po4a-updatepo(1), po4a(7). Denis Barbier Nicolas Francois Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org) (C) SPI, inc., 2002-2023. ; / GPL 2.0 (. COPYING). perl v5.38.2 2024-06-26 PO4A-GETTEXTIZE.1P(1)