PKGCTL-RELEASE(1) PKGCTL-RELEASE(1) NAME pkgctl-release - Release step to commit, tag and upload build artifacts SYNOPSIS pkgctl release [OPTIONS] [PATH...] DESCRIPTION Modified version controlled files will first be staged for commit, afterwards a Git tag matching the pkgver will be created and finally all build artifacts will be uploaded. By default the target pacman repository will be auto-detected by querying the repo it is currently released in. When initially adding a new package to the repositories, the target repo must be specified manually. OPTIONS -m, --message MSG Use the given as the commit message -r, --repo REPO Specify target repository for new packages not in any official repo. Using this option is disallowed if the package is already released, as it would circumvent the auto-detection safeguard. -s, --staging Build against the staging counterpart of the auto-detected repo -t, --testing Build against the testing counterpart of the auto-detected repo -u, --db-update Automatically update the pacman database after uploading -h, --help Show a help text SEE ALSO pkgctl-db-update(1) HOMEPAGE Please report bugs and feature requests in the issue tracker. Please do your best to provide a reproducible test case for bugs. 2024-06-18 PKGCTL-RELEASE(1)