.TH pd 1 "1996 Mar 20" GNU .SH NAME pd \- Pure Data .SH DESCRIPTION Pd is a graphical programming environment for real-time audio synthesis and related applications. It sports a rich set of real-time control and I/O features. .PP To get a list of allowable arguments to pd, type .IP .B pd -help .PP and for more documentation either start pd and get help, or consult .PP .B http://msp.ucsd.edu/Pd_documentation/index.htm .PP or seek a copy on your own machine, perhaps in .PP .B file:/usr/local/lib/pd/doc/1.manual/index.htm .PP or .PP .B file:/usr/lib/pd/doc/1.manual/index.htm .SH SEE ALSO pdsend(1), pdreceive(1)