ol(1) General Commands Manual ol(1) NAME ol - an Owl Lisp compiler and interpreter SYNOPSIS ol [options] [path] ... DESCRIPTION Owl Lisp is a purely functional variant of R7RS Scheme. Ol can be used to evaluate programs interactively and compile them to native binaries via C. OPTIONS This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of essential command line flats options is included below. The complete list is shown on the help page. -h, --help Show summary of options. -v, --version Show version of program. -e, --eval string Evaluate the string, print it's value, and exit with 0 unless errors occurred. -t, --test string Evaluate the string and exit with 1 if the value is #false, 0 if it's true, or 126 if there is an error. -o, --output output-file Compile the given file to fasl or C code, and save the result to the given output file. -r, --run path Load the file silently, and call the last value with the remaining command line arguments. -x, --output-format format Choose what ol should compile the given input to. Valid options are currently c and fasl. This is normally deduced from the file suffix given in -o, and is thus not usually needed. -O0, -O1, -O2 Write plain bytecode, compile some common functions to C or everything possible. These only make sense when compiling to C. -l, --load path Resume execution of program state saved with suspend. EXAMPLES Make a simple binary $ echo '(lambda (args) (for-each print args))' > test.l $ ol -o test.c test.l $ gcc -o test test.c $ ./test foo bar Compile in a pipe $ echo '(lambda (args) (print (cons "I got " args)))' | ol -x c -o - | gcc -x c -o test - && ./test 11 22 33 Loading vs running files $ echo '(print "Hello, world!")' > test.l $ ol test.l Hello, world! $ echo '(lambda (args) (print "Hello, world!"))' > test.l $ ol --run test.l arg1 arg2 arg3 Hello, world! SEE ALSO ovm(1), gcc(1), scheme48(1) AUTHOR Owl Lisp and this manual page were written by Aki Helin . January 12, 2021 ol(1)