nvme-disconnect - Disconnect one or more Fabrics controller(s).

nvme disconnect [--nqn=<subnqn> | -n <subnqn>]
                        [--device=<device> | -d <device>]
                        [--output-format=<fmt> | -o <fmt>] [--verbose | -v]

Disconnects and removes one or more existing NVMe over Fabrics controllers. If the --nqn option is specified all controllers connecting to the Subsystem identified by subnqn will be removed. If the --device option is specified the controller specified by the --device option will be removed.

-n <subnqn>, --nqn <subnqn>

Indicates that all controllers for the NVMe subsystems specified should be removed.

-d <device>, --device <device>

Indicates that the controller with the specified name should be removed.

-o <fmt>, --output-format=<fmt>

Set the reporting format to normal, json or binary. Only one output format can be used at a time.

-v, --verbose

Increase the information detail in the output.

•Disconnect all controllers for a subsystem named nqn.2014-08.com.example:nvme:nvm-subsystem-sn-d78432:
# nvme disconnect --nqn=nqn.2014-08.com.example:nvme:nvm-subsystem-sn-d78432
•Disconnect the controller nvme4
# nvme disconnect --device=nvme4


Part of the nvme-user suite

02/16/2024 NVMe