.\" Generated by scdoc 1.11.3 .\" Complete documentation for this program is not available as a GNU info page .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .nh .ad l .\" Begin generated content: .TH "newapkbuild" "1" "2024-10-16" .PP .SH NAME .PP \fBnewapkbuild\fR - generate a new APKBUILD .PP .PP .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBnewapkbuild\fR \fIoptions\fR.\&.\&.\& [\fIpkgname\fR[-\fIpkgver\fR] | \fIsource_url\fR] .PP .PP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fBnewapkbuild\fR generates a new APKBUILD for use with abuild(1).\& \fIpkgname\fR specifies the package name, if not already specified with \fB-n\fR.\& If followed by a dash (-) and a valid version string \fIpkgver\fR, additionally specify the package'\&s version.\& .PP \fBnewapkbuild\fR will try to automatically detect the build system by inspecting the source directory if \fIsource_url\fR is specified, and write out typical build instructions for that build system.\& If you do not specify the source URL, or want to override auto-detection, you may specify the build system with the appropriate option.\& If no \fIsource_url\fR and no option are specified, the generated APKBUILD file will not contain any build instructions.\& .PP .PP .SH OPTIONS .PP \fB-a\fR .RS 4 Specifies that the package uses autotools.\& .PP .RE \fB-C\fR .RS 4 Specifies that the package uses CMake.\& CMake will be added to the makedepends.\& .PP .RE \fB-c\fR .RS 4 Causes \fBnewapkbuild\fR to additionally copy an init.\&d script, conf.\&d file, and sample pre- and post- install scripts to the APKBUILD directory.\& This allows you to have a quick start for daemon packages.\& See the FILES section for details.\& .PP .RE \fB-d\fR \fIDESC\fR .RS 4 Specifies the description (pkgdesc=) for the new package.\& .PP .RE \fB-e\fR .RS 4 Specifies that the package uses a Python PEP517 build system.\& Python'\&s gpep517, setuptools and wheel will be added to the makedepends.\& .PP .RE \fB-f\fR .RS 4 Forces \fBnewapkbuild\fR to overwrite an existing APKBUILD, if one already exists in the package directory.\& .PP .RE \fB-h\fR .RS 4 Displays usage information.\& .PP .RE \fB-l\fR \fILICENSE\fR .RS 4 Specifies the license under which the new package is distributed.\& This should match an SPDX Identifier.\& .PP .RE \fB-m\fR .RS 4 Specifies that the package uses Meson.\& Meson will be added to the makedepends.\& .PP .RE \fB-n\fR \fINAME\fR .RS 4 Specifies the name of the new package.\& A new directory called \fINAME\fR will be created in the current directory, with the APKBUILD file.\& .PP .RE \fB-p\fR .RS 4 Specifies that the package uses a Perl Makefile.\&PL file.\& The CPAN template will be used and Perl will be added to the depends.\& .PP .RE \fB-r\fR .RS 4 Specifies that the package uses Cargo.\& Cargo will be added to the makedepends.\& .PP .RE \fB-s\fR .RS 4 Create an automatic SourceForge URL for the package based on its name and version.\& This is only valid if \fIpkgname-pkgver\fR is specified on the command line.\& .PP .RE \fB-u\fR \fIURL\fR .RS 4 Specifies the Web page (url=) for the new package.\& This should \fInot\fR be the source package URL; it should be the project'\&s main Web page.\& .PP .RE \fB-y\fR .RS 4 Specifies that the package uses a Python setup.\&py build system.\& Python'\&s setuptools will be added to the makedepends and Python to the depends.\& .PP .PP .RE .SH FILES .PP All files generated will be places in a \fIpkgname\fR directory inside the current working directory, with \fIpkgname\fR being created if it does not exist.\& .PP APKBUILD .RS 4 \fBnewapkbuild\fR will create an APKBUILD with the details gathered from the invocation of \fBnewapkbuild\fR, and introspection of the downloaded package source if \fIsource_url\fR is provided.\& For more information about APKBUILD and its format, see APKBUILD(5).\& .PP .RE \fIpkgname\fR.\&initd .RS 4 If \fB-c\fR is given, \fBnewapkbuild\fR will create \fIpkgname\fR.\&initd with example data to assist in the creation of an init.\&d script for a daemon.\& .PP .RE \fIpkgname\fR.\&confd .RS 4 If \fB-c\fR is given, \fBnewapkbuild\fR will create \fIpkgname\fR.\&confd to assist in the creation of a conf.\&d file for a daemon, used by init.\&d scripts.\& conf.\&d files are used to configure init.\&d scripts; for more information, see openrc(8) and rc_config(3).\& .PP .RE \fIpkgname\fR.\&pre-install .RS 4 If \fB-c\fR is given, \fBnewapkbuild\fR will create \fIpkgname\fR.\&pre-install, the contents of which will be run by apk(8) before the package is installed.\& .PP .RE \fIpkgname\fR.\&post-install .RS 4 If \fB-c\fR is given, \fBnewapkbuild\fR will create \fIpkgname\fR.\&post-install, the contents of which will be run by apk(8) after the package is successfully installed.\& For more information about apk install hooks, consult the apk(8) manual.\& .PP .PP .RE .SH EXAMPLES .PP .nf .RS 4 newapkbuild \\ -n sharutils \\ -d "Utilities for manipulating shell archives" \\ -l "GPL-3\&.0+" \\ -u "https://www\&.gnu\&.org/software/sharutils/" \\ -a \\ "https://ftp\&.gnu\&.org/gnu/sharutils/sharutils-4\&.15\&.2\&.tar\&.xz" .fi .RE .PP .PP .SH SEE ALSO .PP SPDX license reference (on the Web at ), abuild(1), apk(8), APKBUILD(5).\& .PP .PP .SH AUTHORS .PP \fBnewapkbuild\fR: Natanael Copa <\fIncopa@alpinelinux.\&org\fR> .PP Documentation: .br A.\& Wilcox <\fIwilfox@adelielinux.\&org\fR>