netavark.1(1) General Commands Manual netavark.1(1) % netavark(1) NAME netavark - Configure a given network namespace for use by a container SYNOPSIS netavark [options] command network namespace path DESCRIPTION Netavark configures a network namespace according to a configuration read from STDIN. The configuration is JSON formatted. GLOBAL OPTIONS --file, -f Instead of reading from STDIN, read the configuration to be applied from the given file. -f - may also be used to flag reading from STDIN. COMMANDS netavark setup The setup command configures the given network namespace with the given configuration, creating any interfaces and firewall rules necessary. netavark teardown The teardown command is the inverse of the setup command, undoing any configuration applied. Some interfaces may not be deleted (bridge interfaces, for example, will not be removed). CONFIGURATION FORMAT The configuration accepted is the same for both setup and teardown. It is JSON formatted. Format is but we will also send a Networks array including all the network definitions ( TODO: Transcribe configuration into here in a nice tabular format EXAMPLE netavark setup /run/user/1000/podman/netns/d11d1f9c499d netavark -f /run/podman/828b0508ae64.conf teardown /run/podman/netns/828b0508ae64 SEE ALSO podman(1) HISTORY September 2021, Originally compiled by Matt Heon[1] [1] netavark.1(1)