NANORC(5) File Formats Manual NANORC(5) nanorc - GNU nano nanorc nano, . , --rcfile, nano : /etc/nanorc ( ), , ~/.nanorc, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nano/nanorc, ~/.config/nano/nanorc, , . --rcfile, nano . set unset, nano . , ' -- . nano . . nanorc nano, nanorc. , , , . , unset nanorc nanorc. , , . , , . . : set afterends , Ctrl+ Ctrl+Delete , . set allow_insecure_backup , . , , . set atblanks ' , ( ), . set autoindent , / , ( , ). set backup , (~) . set backupdir , , -- set backup, --backup -B. . set boldtext , , , , . titlecolor, statuscolor, keycolor, functioncolor, numbercolor, and selectedcolor. set bookstyle , - , , ( ). set brackets "" , . -. (. set punct), . . <<"')>]}>>. set breaklonglines , . set casesensitive , . set constantshow . , (quickblank). set cutfromcursor , . set emptyline , . set errorcolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . bold,white,red. . set titlecolor, . set fill . , , , , . -8. set functioncolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . . set titlecolor, . set guidestripe , . ( set stripecolor.) set historylog , , . set indicator << >> . , . set jumpyscrolling , . set keycolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . . set titlecolor, . set linenumbers . (- ' .) set locking vim . set magic , , libmagic . ( libmagic . , .) set matchbrackets "" , . . . . <<(<[{)>]}>>. set minibar , , , . <<>> , , . , ( Unicode: U+xxxx), , set stateflags, , ( ). , , . - [i/n], . , , set constantshow. M-C. , set stateflags. set minicolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . ( , .) . set titlecolor, . set mouse , . , , ( ) - . X Window System , gpm. Shift. set multibuffer ^R . set noconvert DOS/Mac. set nohelp . set nonewlines , . ( , POSIX.) set nowrap , . , unset breaklonglines. set numbercolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . . set titlecolor, . set operatingdir nano . , , . , . set positionlog . ' 200 . set preserve XON XOFF (^Q ^S). set promptcolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . ( , .) . set titlecolor, . set punct "" , . -. , (. brackets). . <>. set quickblank , 1 , 20. , (constantshow) . minibar zero, quickblank 0,8 1,5 . set quotestr "_" . "^([ \t]*([!#%:;>|}]|//))+". (, \t .) . set rawsequences , ncurses . ( , , , terminfo, , . , , ssh ' BSD.) nano. set rebinddelete Delete Backspace , Backspace, Delete . , Backspace Delete, Delete Backspace. set regexp , . nano (ERE). set saveonexit (^X); . set scrollercolor _,_ << >>. ( , libvte , 0.55, .) . set titlecolor, . set selectedcolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . . set titlecolor, . set showcursor ( ) . , . set smarthome Home . Home , , ( ). , . set softwrap , , . ( ' , , set atblanks.) set speller " [ ...]" , , hunspell(1) spell(1). set spotlightcolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . black,lightyellow. . set titlecolor, . set stateflags : I, , M, , L, ( ), R, , S, ' . , (*). set statuscolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . . set titlecolor, . set stripecolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . . set titlecolor, . set tabsize () . . 8. set tabstospaces . , . set titlecolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ . : red, green, blue, magenta, yellow, cyan, white black. - light, . grey gray lightblack. , 256 , ( ) : pink, purple, mauve, lagoon, mint, lime, peach, orange, latte, rosy, beet, plum, sea, sky, slate, teal, sage, brown, ocher, sand, tawny, brick, crimson normal -- normal . #. , , . nano , . <<_>>, <<,_>>, bold / italic ( ) / , . set trimblanks , . set unix Unix. nano, , . ( , set noconvert.) set whitespace "" , . . UTF-8 <<>>.>>, -- <<>.>>. set wordbounds , . set wordchars "" , ( ) . , wordbounds. set zap ( , ) Backspace Delete. set zero ( , ) . , , 1,5 - . M-Z . M-X . set suspendable. . ^T^Z. ( , nano ^Z, bind ^Z suspend main nanorc.) (. color ). , . , , , nano. nano POSIX. , ., ?, *, +, ^, $ . , ., - , ? , ', * , , + , , ^ , $ -- , \< , \> -- , \s . , . GNU grep: man grep. nanorc (""). , . , . , , ([]). : syntax ["__" ...] . color , syntax. nano , __. , -Y --syntax . default : __, , . none ; , - . header "_" ... __ , _ ( ) , . magic "_" ... __ header, ( ) magic , . ( , libmagic. , .) formatter [ ...] . linter [ ...] . comment "" . (|), , , <> CSS. , . , ; , Python <<#>>. , ; , "" JSON. <<#>>. tabgives "" , . , Python, . tabstospaces. color [bold,][italic,]_,_ "_" ... , _, . . : red, green, blue, magenta, yellow, cyan, white, and black. - light, . grey gray lightblack. , 256 , ( ) : pink, purple, mauve, lagoon, mint, lime, peach, orange, latte, rosy, beet, plum, sea, sky, slate, teal, sage, brown, ocher, sand, tawny, brick, crimson normal -- normal . #. , , . nano , . bold / italic ( ) / , . , . , , . icolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ "_" ... , , . color [bold,][italic,]_,_ start="__" end="__" , __, __, . . , __, __. . icolor [bold,][italic,]_,_ start="__" end="__" , , . include "_" _. , _ , syntax icolor. extendsyntax ... . color, icolor, header, magic, formatter, linter, comment tabgives -- , , ( , , ). ' ' : bind ( , , all). bind "" , ( , , all). / , . , . , {{}. unbind ' ( , , all). , bind "{}" bind , , nano ( , ), nano , , , . , ( - ) . , . : ^X X ASCII (@, ], \, ^, _) "Space". : ^C. M-X X - ASCII, [, "Space". : M-8. Sh-M-X X -- . : Sh-M-U. , Meta+ , Shift+Meta+. ' Shift+Meta, . FN N 1 24. : F10. ( F13 F24 F1 F12 Shift.) Ins Del. ' ^M (Enter) ^I (Tab). ' ^[ (Esc) , Meta . ' - , ' (, Home, End, PageUp PageDown) . ' ^H ( --raw), Backspace. ' : help . cancel . exit ( ). writeout . savefile . insert ( ) , multibuffer. whereis -- , . wherewas -- , . findprevious . findnext . replace . cut ( ). copy ( ) . paste . zap ( ). ( ' .) chopwordleft . ( ' . ^H , ' ^H .) chopwordright . ( ' .) cutrestoffile . mark , , . location : , . wordcount , ( ). execute , . ( , M-F). speller , hunspell(1), GNU spell(1), , --speller set speller. formatter ( ). ( , , .) linter ( ). <<_:_:_: >>, , << >> . , ^C . justify ( ). , , , , , . . fulljustify ( ). indent ( ) . unindent ( ) . comment . , . complete ( ) , . left ( ). right ( ). up ( ). down ( ). scrollup ( ), , . ( ' >. Linux > , . : .) scrolldown ( ), , ( ' >.) center . prevword . nextword . home . end . beginpara . endpara . prevblock . ( .) nextblock . pageup . pagedown . firstline . lastline . gotoline ( , ). ' ( ). findbracket ( ), ( ) , . . set matchbrackets. anchor ' ', . (' , .) prevanchor ' . nextanchor ' . prevbuf , . nextbuf , . verbatim Unicode, . . enter . delete . backspace . recordmacro -- . , . runmacro . undo ( , ). redo ( ). refresh . suspend ( fg). casesens . regexp . backwards . older () . newer () . flipreplace . flipgoto . flipexecute . flippipe ( ). flipnewbuffer . flipconvert DOS/Mac. . dosformat DOS (CR/LF). macformat Mac. append , . prepend , . backup . discardbuffer . ( , , ', --saveonexit.) browser ( ), . gotodir , - . firstfile . lastfile . nohelp ' . ( : , . .) zero . constantshow , . softwrap . linenumbers . whitespacedisplay . nosyntax . smarthome <<>> Home. autoindent , , , . cutfromcursor : , . breaklonglines . ( , <>, .) tabstospaces . mouse . : main , . help . search ( ). replace <<, >>. replacewith << >>, ' <<, >>. yesno <>, <<///>>. gotoline << ( )>>. writeout << >>. insert << >>. browser << >> , , . whereisfile << >> . gotodir << >> . execute ( ) . spell , . linter , . all , . bind , , ; unbind , . /etc/nanorc . ~/.nanorc, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nano/nanorc ~/.config/nano/nanorc . /usr/share/nano/* ( extra/). . nano(1) ' . Yuri Chornoivan ; , GNU General Public License Version 3 . . , , : . 2023 7.2 NANORC(5)