mysql_real_query(3) MariaDB Connector/C mysql_real_query(3) Name mysql_real_query - execute a statement (binary safe) Synopsis #include int mysql_real_query(MYSQL * mysql, const char * query, unsigned long length); Description mysql_real_query() is the binary safe function for performing a statement on the database server. Parameter o mysql - a mysql handle, which was previously allocated by mysql_init(3) and connected by mysql_real_connect(3). o query - a string containing the statement to be performed. o length - length of the string. Notes o Contrary to the mysql_query(3) function, mysql_real_query is binary safe. o To determine if mysql_real_query returns a result set use the mysql_num_fields(3) function. Return value Returns zero on success, otherwise non zero. See also o mysql_query(3) o mysql_num_fields(3) o mysql_use_result(3) o mysql_store_result(3) Version 3.3.1 mysql_real_query(3)