mysql_get_ssl_cipher(3) MariaDB Connector/C mysql_get_ssl_cipher(3) Name mysql_get_ssl_cipher - returns the cipher suite in use Synopsis #include const char *mysql_get_ssl_cipher(MYSQL *mysql) Description Returns the name of the currently used cipher suite of the secure connection, or NULL for non TLS connections. Parameter o mysql - a connection identifier, which was previously allocated by mysql_init(3) and connected by mysql_real_connect(3). Notes o For using mysql_get_ssl_cipher() MariaDB Connector/C must be built with TLS/SSL support, otherwise the function will return NULL. o `mysql_get_ssl_cipher()' can be used to determine if the client server connection is secure. o Depending on the TLS library in use (OpenSSL, GnuTLS or Windows Schannel) the name of the cipher suites may differ. For example the cipher suite 0x002F (TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA) has different names: AES128-SHA for OpenSSL and Schannel and TLS_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1 for GnuTLS. Return value Returns a zero terminated string containing the cipher suite used for a secure connection, or NULL if connection doesn't use TLS/SSL. See also o mysql_ssl_set(3) Version 3.3.1 mysql_get_ssl_cipher(3)