.TH "mtx-kpse" "1" "01-01-2024" "version 1.00" "ConTeXt KPSE checking utility" .SH NAME mtx-kpse - ConTeXt KPSE checking utility .SH SYNOPSIS .B mtxrun --script kpse [ .I OPTIONS ... .B ] [ .I FILENAMES .B ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B ConTeXt KPSE checking utility .SH OPTIONS: BASIC .TP .B --progname mandate, set the program name (e.g. pdftex) .TP .B --findfile report the fully qualified path of the given file .TP .B --findfiles report a list of all full names of the given file .TP .B --expandpath expand the given path variable .TP .B --expandvar expand a variable .TP .B --expandbraces expand a complex variable specification .TP .B --varvalue show the value of a variable .TP .B --readablefile report if a file is readable .TP .B --filetypes list all supported formats .SH OPTIONS: ADDITIONAL .TP .B --format format type .TP .B --path path variable .TP .B --split split result in lines .SH AUTHOR More information about ConTeXt and the tools that come with it can be found at: .B "maillist:" ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context .B "webpage:" http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net .B "wiki:" http://contextgarden.net