MSGUNTYPOT.1P(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation MSGUNTYPOT.1P(1) msguntypot - PO POT msguntypot -o old_pot -n new_pot pofiles ... POT PO msgstr POT [english] - POT PO make -C po/ update-po # for message program translations debconf-updatepo # for debconf translations po4a po4a.conf # for po4a based documentation translations POT PO - POT cp myfile.pot myfile.pot.orig - PO mkdir po_fridge; cp *.po po_fridge - $EDITOR the_file_in_which_there_is_a_typo - POT PO PO - cp po_fridge/*.po . - PO POT msguntypot -o myfile.pot.orig -n myfile.pot *.po - rm -rf myfile.pot.orig po_fridge POT PO msgstr PO gettext po4a po4a Perl po4a po4a(7) Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian,org) taotieren 2005 by SPI, inc. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GPL v2.0 or later (see the COPYING file). perl v5.38.2 2024-06-26 MSGUNTYPOT.1P(1)