.\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Make sure there are no errors with: .\" groff -z -wall -b -e -t libmpathpersist/mpath_persistent_reserve_in.3 .\" man --warnings -E UTF-8 -l -Tutf8 -Z libmpathpersist/mpath_persistent_reserve_in.3 > /dev/null .\" .\" Update the date below if you make any significant change. .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .TH MPATH_PERSISTENT_RESERVE_IN 3 2018-06-15 Linux . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH NAME .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . mpath_persistent_reserve_in \- send PRIN command to DM device . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH SYNOPSIS .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .B #include .P .BI "int mpath_persistent_reserve_in" "(int fd, int rq_servact, struct prin_resp *resp, int noisy, int verbose)" .P . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH DESCRIPTION .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . The function in the \fBmpath_persistent_reserve_in ()\fR sends PRIN command to the DM device and gets the response. .TP .B Parameters: .RS .TP 12 .I fd The file descriptor of a multipath device. Input argument. .TP .I rq_servact PRIN command service action. Input argument. .TP .I resp The response from PRIN service action. The caller should manage the memory allocation of this structure. .TP .I noisy Turn on debugging trace: Input argument. 0->Disable, 1->Enable. .TP .I verbose Set verbosity level. Input argument. value:[0-3]. 0->Errors, 1->Warnings, 2->Info, 3->Debug. .RE . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH RETURNS .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .TP 12 .B MPATH_PR_SUCCESS If PR command successful. .TP .B MPATH_PR_SYNTAX_ERROR If syntax error or invalid parameter. .TP .B MPATH_PR_SENSE_NOT_READY If command fails with [sk,asc,ascq: 0x2,*,*]. .TP .B MPATH_PR_SENSE_MEDIUM_ERROR If command fails with [sk,asc,ascq: 0x3,*,*]. .TP .B MPATH_PR_SENSE_HARDWARE_ERROR If command fails with [sk,asc,ascq: 0x4,*,*]. .TP .B MPATH_PR_SENSE_INVALID_OP If command fails with [sk,asc,ascq: 0x5,0x20,0x0]. .TP .B MPATH_PR_ILLEGAL_REQ If command fails with [sk,asc,ascq: 0x5,*,*]. .TP .B MPATH_PR_SENSE_UNIT_ATTENTION If command fails with [sk,asc,ascq: 0x6,*,*]. .TP .B MPATH_PR_SENSE_ABORTED_COMMAND If command fails with [sk,asc,ascq: 0xb,*,*]. .TP .B MPATH_PR_NO_SENSE If command fails with [sk,asc,ascq: 0x0,*,*]. .TP .B MPATH_PR_SENSE_MALFORMED If command fails with SCSI command malformed. .TP .B MPATH_PR_FILE_ERROR If command fails while accessing file (device node) problems(e.g. not found). .TP .B MPATH_PR_DMMP_ERROR If Device Mapper related error.(e.g Error in getting dm info). .TP .B MPATH_PR_OTHER If other error/warning has occurred(e.g transport or driver error). . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "SEE ALSO" .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . .BR mpathpersist (8). . . .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH AUTHORS .\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . \fImultipath-tools\fR was developed by Christophe Varoqui and others. .\" EOF