MKVEXTRACT(1) Komendy uzytkownika MKVEXTRACT(1) NAZWA mkvextract - wyodrebnia sciezki z plikow Matroska(TM) do innych plikow SZABLON LINII KOMEND mkvextract {source-filename} {mode1} [options] [extraction-spec1] [mode2] [options] [extraction-spec2] [...] OPIS This program extracts specific parts from a Matroska(TM) file to other useful formats. The first argument is the name of the source file which must be a Matroska(TM) file. All other arguments either switch to a certain extraction mode, change options for the currently active mode or specify what to extract into which file. Multiple modes can be used in the same invocation of mkvextract allowing the extraction of multiple things in a single pass. Most options can only be used in certain modes with a few options applying to all modes. Currently supported is the extraction of tracks, tags, attachments, chapters, CUE sheets, timestamps and cues. Opcje podstawowe Nastepujace opcje sa dostepne we wszystkich trybach i zostaly opisane tylko raz w tej sekcji. -f, --parse-fully Sets the parse mode to 'full'. The default mode does not parse the whole file but uses the meta seek elements for locating the required elements of a source file. In 99% of all cases this is enough. But for files that do not contain meta seek elements or which are damaged the user might have to use this mode. A full scan of a file can take a couple of minutes while a fast scan only takes seconds. --command-line-charset zestaw-znakow Sets the character set to convert strings given on the command line from. It defaults to the character set given by system's current locale. --output-charset zestaw-znakow Sets the character set to which strings are converted that are to be output. It defaults to the character set given by system's current locale. -r, --redirect-output nazwa-pliku Zapisuje wszystkie powiadomienia do pliku nazwa-pliku zamiast do konsoli. Podczas gdy moze byc to robione latwo z przekierowaniem wyjscia, sa przypadki, gdy ta opcja wlasnie jest potrzebna: gdy terminal ponownie interpretuje plik wyjsciowy przed zapisaniem do pliku. Uznawany bedzie zestaw znakow ustawiony z opcja --output-charset. --flush-on-close Tells the program to flush all data cached in memory to storage when closing files opened for writing. This can be used to prevent data loss on power outages or to circumvent certain problems in the operating system or drivers. The downside is that multiplexing will take longer as mkvmerge will wait until all data has been written to the storage before exiting. See issues #2469 and #2480 on the MKVToolNix bug tracker for in-depth discussions on the pros and cons. --ui-language kod Forces the translations for the language code to be used (e.g. 'de_DE' for the German translations). Entering 'list' as the code will cause the program to output a list of available translations. --abort-on-warnings Nakazuje programowi przerwanie po wyemitowaniu pierwszego ostrzezenia. Kodem wyjscia programu bedzie 1. --debug temat Wlacz debugowanie dla konkretnej funkcji. Ta opcja jest uzyteczna tylko dla deweloperow. --engage funkcja Wlacz funkcje eksperymentalne. Liste dostepnych funkcji mozna uzyskac za pomoca komendy mkvextract --engage list. Te funkcje nie sa przeznaczone do uzytku w normalnych sytuacjach. --gui-mode Turns on GUI mode. In this mode specially-formatted lines may be output that can tell a controlling GUI what's happening. These messages follow the format '#GUI#message'. The message may be followed by key/value pairs as in '#GUI#message#key1=value1#key2=value2...'. Neither the messages nor the keys are ever translated and always output in English. -v, --verbose Be verbose and show all the important Matroska(TM) elements as they're read. -h, --help Pokaz informacje o sposobie uzycia opcji i wyjdz. -V, --version Pokaz informacje o wersji i wyjdz. @options-file.json Reads additional command line arguments from the file options-file. For a full explanation on the supported formats for such files see the section called "Option files" in the mkvmerge(1) man page. Tryb wyodrebniania sciezek Syntax: mkvextract source-filename tracks [options] TID1:dest-filename1 [TID2:dest-filename2 ...] The following command line options are available for each track in the 'tracks' extraction mode. They have to appear in front of the track specification (see below) they should be applied to. -c zestaw-znakow Sets the character set to convert the next text subtitle track to. Only valid if the next track ID targets a text subtitle track. It defaults to UTF-8. --blockadd poziom Keep only the BlockAdditions up to this level. The default is to keep all levels. This option only affects certain kinds of codecs like WAVPACK4. --cuesheet Causes mkvextract(1) to extract a CUE sheet from the chapter information and tag data for the following track into a file whose name is the track's output name with '.cue' appended to it. --raw Extracts the raw data into a file without any container data around it. Unlike the --fullraw flag this flag does not cause the contents of the CodecPrivate element to be written to the file. This mode works with all CodecIDs, even the ones that mkvextract(1) doesn't support otherwise, but the resulting files might not be usable. --fullraw Extracts the raw data into a file without any container data around it. The contents of the CodecPrivate element will be written to the file first if the track contains such a header element. This mode works with all CodecIDs, even the ones that mkvextract(1) doesn't support otherwise, but the resulting files might not be usable. TID:nazwa Causes extraction of the track with the ID TID into the file outname if such a track exists in the source file. This option can be given multiple times. The track IDs are the same as the ones output by mkvmerge(1)'s --identify option. Each output name should be used only once. The exception are RealAudio and RealVideo tracks. If you use the same name for different tracks then those tracks will be saved in the same file. Example: $ mkvextract input.mkv tracks 0:video.h264 2:output-two-vobsub-tracks.idx 3:output-two-vobsub-tracks.idx Tryb wyodrebniania zalacznikow Syntax: mkvextract source-filename attachments [options] AID1:outname1 [AID2:outname2 ...] AID:nazwa Causes extraction of the attachment with the ID AID into the file outname if such an attachment exists in the source file. If the outname is left empty then the name of the attachment inside the source Matroska(TM) file is used instead. This option can be given multiple times. The attachment IDs are the same as the ones output by mkvmerge(1)'s --identify option. Tryb wyodrebniania rozdzialow Syntax: mkvextract source-filename chapters [options] output-filename.xml -s, --simple Exports the chapter information in the simple format used in the OGM tools (CHAPTER01=..., CHAPTER01NAME=...). In this mode some information has to be discarded. Default is to output the chapters in XML format. --simple-language jezyk If the simple format is enabled then mkvextract(1) will only output a single entry for each chapter atom encountered even if a chapter atom contains more than one chapter name. By default mkvextract(1) will use the first chapter name found for each atom regardless of its language. Using this option allows the user to determine which chapter names are output if atoms contain more than one chapter name. The language parameter must be an ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-2 code. The chapters are written to specified output file. By default the XML format understood by mkvmerge(1) is used. If no chapters are found in the file, the output file is not created. Tags extraction mode Syntax: mkvextract source-filename tags [options] output-filename.xml The tags are written to specified output file in the XML format understood by mkvmerge(1). If no tags are found in the file, the output file is not created. Tryb wyodrebniania arkuszy cue Syntax: mkvextract source-filename cuesheet [options] output-filename.cue The cue sheet is written to specified output file. If no chapters or tags are found in the file, the output file is not created. Tryb wyodrebniania kodow czasowych Syntax: mkvextract source-filename timestamps_v2 [options] TID1:dest-filename1 [TID2:dest-filename2 ...] TID:nazwa Causes extraction of the timestamps for the track with the ID TID into the file outname if such a track exists in the source file. This option can be given multiple times. The track IDs are the same as the ones output by mkvmerge(1)'s --identify option. Przyklad: $ mkvextract input.mkv timestamps_v2 1:ts-track1.txt 2:ts-track2.txt Tryb wyodrebniania indeksow cue Syntax: mkvextract source-filename cues [options] TID1:dest-filename1 [TID2:dest-filename2 ...] TID:docelowa-nazwapliku Causes extraction of the cues for the track with the ID TID into the file outname if such a track exists in the source file. This option can be given multiple times. The track IDs are the same as the ones output by mkvmerge(1)'s --identify option and not the numbers contained in the CueTrack element. The format output is a simple text format: one line per CuePoint element with key=value pairs. If an optional element is not present in a CuePoint (e.g. CueDuration) then a dash will be output as the value. Przyklad: timestamp=00:00:13.305000000 duration=- cluster_position=757741 relative_position=11 The possible keys are: timestamp The cue point's timestamp with nanosecond precision. The format is HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn. This element is always set. duration The cue point's duration with nanosecond precision. The format is HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn. cluster_position The absolute position in bytes inside the Matroska(TM) file where the cluster containing the referenced element starts. Uwaga Inside the Matroska(TM) file the CueClusterPosition is relative to the segment's data start offset. The value output by mkvextract(1)'s cue extraction mode, however, contains that offset already and is an absolute offset from the beginning of the file. relative_position The relative position in bytes inside the cluster where the BlockGroup or SimpleBlock element the cue point refers to starts. Uwaga Inside the Matroska(TM) file the CueRelativePosition is relative to the cluster's data start offset. The value output by mkvextract(1)'s cue extraction mode, however, is relative to the cluster's ID. The absolute position inside the file can be calculated by adding cluster_position and relative_position. Przyklad: $ mkvextract input.mkv cues 1:cues-track1.txt 2:cues-track2.txt PRZYKLADY Extracting both chapters and tags in their respective XML formats at the same time: $ mkvextract movie.mkv chapters movie-chapters.xml tags movie-tags.xml Extracting a couple of tracks and their respective timestamps at the same time: $ mkvextract "Another Movie.mkv" tracks 0:video.h265 "1:main audio.aac" "2:director's comments.aac" timestamps_v2 "0:timestamps video.txt" "1:timestamps main audio.txt" "2:timestamps director's comments.txt" Extracting chapters in the Ogg/OGM format and re-encoding a text subtitle track to another character set: $ mkvextract "My Movie.mkv" chapters --simple "My Chapters.txt" tracks -c MS-ANSI "2:My" TEXT FILES AND CHARACTER SET CONVERSIONS Szczegolowe omowienie sposobu, w jaki wszystkie narzedzia w pakiecie MKVToolNix obsluguja konwersje zestawu znakow, kodowanie wejsciowe/wyjsciowe, kodowanie linii komend i kodowanie konsoli, mozna znalezc w sekcji o identycznej nazwie na mkvmerge(1) stronie podrecznika. WYJSCIOWE FORMATY PLIKOW The decision about the output format is based on the track type, not on the extension used for the output file name. The following track types are supported at the moment: A_AAC/MPEG2/*, A_AAC/MPEG4/*, A_AAC Wszystkie pliki AAC beda zapisywane do plikow AAC z naglowkami ADTS przed kazdym pakietem. Naglowki ADTS nie beda zawierac niewspieranego pola emfazy. A_AC3, A_EAC3 These will be extracted to raw AC-3 files. A_ALAC Sciezki ALAC sa zapisywane do plikow CAF. A_DTS These will be extracted to raw DTS files. A_FLAC Sciezki FLAC sa zapisywane do surowych plikow FLAC. A_MPEG/L2 Sciezki MPEG-1 Audio Layer II beda wyodrebniane do surowych plikow MP2. A_MPEG/L3 These will be extracted to raw MP3 files. A_OPUS Sciezki Opus(TM) sa zapisywane do plikow OggOpus(TM). A_PCM/INT/LIT, A_PCM/INT/BIG Raw PCM data will be written to a WAV file. Big-endian integer data will be converted to little-endian data in the process. A_REAL/* Sciezki RealAudio(TM) sa zapisywane do plikow RealMedia(TM). A_TRUEHD, A_MLP These will be extracted to raw TrueHD/MLP files. A_TTA1 Sciezki TrueAudio(TM) sa zapisywane do plikow TTA. Zauwaz, ze w wyniku ograniczonej precyzji formatu Matroska(TM), wyodrebniane naglowki plikow beda miec inne dwa pola: data_length (laczna liczba sampli w pliku) i CRC. A_VORBIS Dzwiek Vorbis bedzie zapisywany do pliku OggVorbis(TM). A_WAVPACK4 Sciezki WavPack(TM) sa zapisywane do plikow WV. S_HDMV/PGS Napisy PGS beda zapisywane do plikow SUP. S_HDMV/TEXTST TextST subtitles will be written as a special file format invented for mkvmerge(1) and mkvextract(1). S_KATE Sciezki Kate(TM) beda zapisywane do kontenera Ogg(TM). S_TEXT/SSA, S_TEXT/ASS, S_SSA, S_ASS Napisy tekstowe SSA i ASS beda zapisywane do plikow odpowiednio SSA/ASS. S_TEXT/UTF8, S_TEXT/ASCII Proste napisy tekstowe beda zapisywane do plikow SRT. S_VOBSUB Napisy VobSub(TM) beda zapisywane do plikow SUB razem z odpowiednimi plikami indeksu IDX. S_TEXT/USF Napisy tekstowe USF beda zapisywane do plikow USF. S_TEXT/WEBVTT WebVTT text subtitles will be written as WebVTT files. V_MPEG1, V_MPEG2 MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video tracks will be written as MPEG elementary streams. V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC Sciezki obrazu H.264 / AVC sa zapisywane do sciezek surowych (dane podstawowe) H.264, ktore moga byc pozniej przetwarzane np. przez MP4Box(TM) z pakietu GPAC(TM). V_MPEG4/ISO/HEVC Sciezki obrazu H.265 / HEVC sa zapisywane do sciezek surowych (dane podstawowe) H.265, ktore moga byc pozniej przetwarzane np. przez MP4Box(TM) z pakietu GPAC(TM). V_MS/VFW/FOURCC Sciezki obrazu ze stalym FPS majace taki CodecID sa zapisywane do plikow AVI. V_REAL/* Sciezki RealVideo(TM) sa zapisywane do plikow RealMedia(TM). V_THEORA Sciezki Theora(TM) beda zapisywane do kontenera Ogg(TM) V_VP8, V_VP9 Sciezki VP8 / VP9 sa zapisywane do plikow IVF. Tagi Tagi sa konwertowane do formatu XML. Jest to taki sam format, jaki mkvmerge(1) obsluguje w plikach wejsciowych. Zalaczniki Zalaczniki sa zapisywane do pliku wyjsciowego takie jakie sa. Zadna konwersja nie jest wykonywana. Rozdzialy Chapters are converted to a XML format. This format is the same that mkvmerge(1) supports for reading chapters. Alternatively a stripped-down version can be output in the simple OGM style format. Kody czasowe Timestamps are first sorted and then output as a timestamp v2 format compliant file ready to be fed to mkvmerge(1). The extraction to other formats (v1, v3 and v4) is not supported. KODY ZAKONCZENIA mkvextract(1) exits with one of three exit codes: o 0 -- Ten kod zakonczenia oznacza, ze wyodrebnianie zostalo zakonczone powodzeniem. o 1 -- In this case mkvextract(1) has output at least one warning, but extraction did continue. A warning is prefixed with the text 'Warning:'. Depending on the issues involved the resulting files might be ok or not. The user is urged to check both the warning and the resulting files. o 2 -- This exit code is used after an error occurred. mkvextract(1) aborts right after outputting the error message. Error messages range from wrong command line arguments over read/write errors to broken files. ZMIENNE SRODOWISKOWE mkvextract(1) uses the default variables that determine the system's locale (e.g. LANG and the LC_* family). Additional variables: MKVEXTRACT_DEBUG, MKVTOOLNIX_DEBUG i jego skrocona forma MTX_DEBUG The content is treated as if it had been passed via the --debug option. MKVEXTRACT_ENGAGE, MKVTOOLNIX_ENGAGE i jego skrocona forma MTX_ENGAGE The content is treated as if it had been passed via the --engage option. ZOBACZ TAKZE mkvmerge(1), mkvinfo(1), mkvpropedit(1), mkvtoolnix-gui(1) STRONA WWW The latest version can always be found at the MKVToolNix homepage[1]. AUTOR Moritz Bunkus Autor PRZYPISY 1. the MKVToolNix homepage MKVToolNix 83.0 2024-03-10 MKVEXTRACT(1)