minidlna.conf(5) File Formats Manual minidlna.conf(5)


minidlna is a light weight but very functional DLNA server. In most cases, the defaults do not need modifications. The global configuration file is /etc/minidlna.conf but local users without system root access can run minidlna with their own configuration file.

The following are user configurable options in /etc/minidlna.conf. minidlna runs by default as user nobody, so make sure system permissions are set correctly for read access to media and write access to cache and log dirs.

The name you want your media server seen as, EG: friendly_name=Home Media Server
Port for HTTP (descriptions, SOAP, media transfer) traffic etc, defaults to 8200.
There should be no need to change this.
Network interfaces to serve, comma delimited. Maximum is 8 interfaces. Defaults to all.
Set this to strictly adhere to DLNA standards. 
This will allow server-side downscaling of very large JPEG images,
which may hurt JPEG serving performance on (at least) Sony DLNA products.
Notify interval in seconds. The default is 895 seconds.
Specify the path to the MiniSSDPd socket, 
EG: minissdpdsocket=/var/run/minissdpd.sock
Serial number the daemon will report to clients in its XML description. 
Defaults to 12345678
Model number the daemon will report to clients in its XML description. 
Defaults to 1
Path to the directory containing the media files minidlna should share. 
Use this option multile times if you have more than one directory to share. 

You can also restrict an entry to a specific media type, you do this by using the following syntax:

   the letter 'A', 'V' or 'P', followed by a comma (',') followed by the path.
   The meaning of the first letter is as follows:
                      'A' for audio files
                      'V' for video files
                      'P' for image files
    For example, if you want to include only video files located
    in /opt/multimedia/videos directory, and only music
    in /opt/multimedia/music, then you would use
    Another example would be
    Or, if you did not care what type it finds, then you could use
    You can mix it up, find anything in music, but only Videos, in videos and movies
Default presentation url is http address on port 80
EG: presentation_url=http://www.mediaserver.lan/index.php
Where minidlna stores the data files, including Album cache files, by default this is /var/cache/minidlna
Path to the directory where the log file upnp-av.log should be stored, this defaults to /var/log
Set this to change the verbosity of the information that is logged each section can use a different level: off, fatal, error, warn, info, or debug
Set to 'yes' to enable inotify monitoring of the files under media_dir to automatically discover new files. Set to 'no' to disable inotify.
This should be a list of file names to check for when searching for album art and names should be delimited with a forward slash ("/").
Set this to yes to enable support for streaming .jpg and .mp3 files to a TiVo supporting HMO, default is no.
Set this to 'beacon' to use the legacy TiVo broadcast discovery method. Defaults to using Bonjour if Avahi support is available.
Use a different container as the root of the tree exposed to clients.
The possible values are:
             '.' to use the standard container (this is the default)
             'B' to use the "Browse Directory" container;
             'M' to use the "Music" container;
             'V' to use the "Video" container;
             'P' to use the "Pictures" container.
  If you specify 'B' and the client device is audio only, then
  "Music/Folders" will be used as root container and you wont see Videos.
Always force SortCriteria to this value, regardless of the SortCriteria passed by the client.
You may prepend the sort criteria with "!" to alter the titles of the objects so that they
will be alphanumerically sorted in the order you specify here, to work around clients that do
their own alphanumeric sorting.
Set to 'yes' to allow symlinks that point outside user-defined media_dirs. By default, wide symlinks are not followed.
Set to 'no' to disable subtitle support on unknown clients. By default, subtitles are enabled for unknown or generic clients.

This manpage corresponds to minidlna version 1.3.0

minidlna developed by Justin Maggard
man page written by Noel Butler <>




October 2012