mansect(1) General Commands Manual mansect(1) NAME mansect - print the source code of sections of manual pages SYNOPSIS mansect section [file ...] DESCRIPTION The mansect command prints the source code of the section of the given manual-page files. If no files are specified, the standard input is used. section is a PCRE2 regular expression. The TH line is unconditionally printed. The output of this program is suitable for piping to the groff(1) pipeline. EXAMPLES $ man -w strtol strtoul | xargs mansect 'NAME|SEE ALSO'; .lf 1 /usr/local/man/man3/strtol.3 .TH strtol 3 2024-07-23 "Linux man-pages 6.9.1" .SH NAME strtol, strtoll, strtoq - convert a string to a long integer .SH SEE ALSO .BR atof (3), .BR atoi (3), .BR atol (3), .BR strtod (3), .BR strtoimax (3), .BR strtoul (3) .lf 1 /usr/local/man/man3/strtoul.3 .TH strtoul 3 2024-07-23 "Linux man-pages 6.9.1" .SH NAME strtoul, strtoull, strtouq - convert a string to an unsigned long integer .SH SEE ALSO .BR a64l (3), .BR atof (3), .BR atoi (3), .BR atol (3), .BR strtod (3), .BR strtol (3), .BR strtoumax (3) SEE ALSO lexgrog(1), groff(1), pcre2grep(1), mandb(8) Linux man-pages 6.10 2024-11-25 mansect(1)