MANPATH(1) Vaerktojer til manualsider MANPATH(1) NAVN manpath - bestem sogesti for manualsider SYNOPSIS manpath [-qgdc?V] [-m system[,...]] [-C fil] BESKRIVELSE Hvis $MANPATH er angivet, sa vil manpath vise dets indhold og udstede en advarsel. Hvis ikke vil manpath bestemme en egnet hierarkisogesti for manualsiden og vise resultaterne. The colon-delimited path is determined using information gained from the man-db configuration file - (/etc/man_db.conf) and the user's environment. TILVALG -q, --quiet Vis ikke advarsler. -d, --debug Vis fejlsogningsinformation. -c, --catpath Produce a catpath as opposed to a manpath. Once the manpath is determined, each path element is converted to its relative catpath. -g, --global Produce a manpath consisting of all paths named as "global" within the man-db configuration file. -m system[,...], --systems=system[,...] If this system has access to other operating systems' manual hierarchies, this option can be used to include them in the output of manpath. To include NewOS's manual page hierarchies use the option -m NewOS. The system specified can be a combination of comma delimited operating system names. To include the native operating system's manual page hierarchies, the system name man must be included in the argument string. This option will override the $SYSTEM environment variable. -C fil, --config-file=fil Use this user configuration file rather than the default of ~/.manpath. -?, --help Vis en hjaelpebesked og afslut. --usage Vis en kort hjaelpebesked og afslut. -V, --version Vis versionsinformation. MILJO MANPATH If $MANPATH is set, manpath displays its value rather than determining it on the fly. See the SEARCH PATH section of manpath(5) for the default behaviour and details of how this environment variable is handled. SYSTEM Hvis $SYSTEM er angivet, vil det have den samme effekt, som hvis den var blevet angivet som argument for tilvalget -m. FILER /etc/man_db.conf konfigurationsfil for man-db. SE OGSA apropos(1), man(1), whatis(1) FORFATTER Wilf. ( Fabrizio Polacco ( Colin Watson ( FEJL 2.13.0 2024-08-29 MANPATH(1)