'\" t .\" ** The above line should force tbl to be a preprocessor ** .\" Man page for man .\" .\" Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, Graeme W. Wilford. (Wilf.) .\" Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Colin Watson. .\" .\" You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public .\" License as specified in the file docs/COPYING.GPLv2 that comes with the .\" man-db distribution. .\" .\" Sat Oct 29 13:09:31 GMT 1994 Wilf. (G.Wilford@ee.surrey.ac.uk) .\" .pc "" .\"******************************************************************* .\" .\" This file was generated with po4a. Translate the source file. .\" .\"******************************************************************* .TH MAN 1 2024-08-29 2.13.0 "Værktøjer til manualsider" .SH NAVN man \- an interface to the system reference manuals .SH SYNOPSIS .\" The general command line .\" The apropos command line \fBman\fP [\|\fIman options\fP\|] [\|[\|\fIsection\fP\|] \fIpage\fP\ \|.\|.\|.\|]\ \&.\|.\|.\& .br .\" The --global-apropos command line \fBman\fP \fB\-k\fP [\|\fIapropos options\fP\|] \fIregexp\fP \&.\|.\|.\& .br .\" The whatis command line \fBman\fP \fB\-K\fP [\|\fIman options\fP\|] [\|\fIsection\fP\|] \fIterm\fP\ .\|.\|.\& .br .\" The --local command line \fBman\fP \fB\-k\fP [\|\fIapropos\fP \fItilvalg\fP\|] \fIregexp\fP \&.\|.\|.\& .br .\" The --where/--where-cat command line \fBman\fP \fB\-l\fP [\|\fIman options\fP\|] \fIfile\fP \&.\|.\|.\& .br \fBman\fP \fB\-w\fP\||\|\fB\-W\fP [\|\fIman options\fP\|] \fIpage\fP \&.\|.\|.\& .SH BESKRIVELSE \fBman\fP is the system's manual pager. Each \fIpage\fP argument given to \fBman\fP is normally the name of a program, utility or function. The \fImanual page\fP associated with each of these arguments is then found and displayed. A \fIsection\fP, if provided, will direct \fBman\fP to look only in that \fIsection\fP of the manual. The default action is to search in all of the available \fIsections\fP following a pre\-defined order (see \fBDEFAULTS\fP), and to show only the first \fIpage\fP found, even if \fIpage\fP exists in several \fIsections\fP. Tabellen nedenfor viser \fIsection\fP\-antallet af manualen efterfulgt af typen af sider de indeholder. .TS tab (@); l lx. 1@T{ Kørbare programmer eller skalkommandoer T} 2@T{ Systemkald (funktioner stillet til rådighed af kernen) T} 3@T{ Bibliotekskald (funktioner i programbiblioteker) T} 4@T{ Specielle filer (normalt fundet i \fI/dev\/\fP) T} 5@T{ File formats and conventions, e.g.\& \fI/etc/passwd\fP T} 6@T{ Spil T} 7@T{ Miscellaneous (including macro packages and conventions), e.g.\& \fBman\fP(7), \fBgroff\fP(7), \fBman\-pages\fP(7) T} 8@T{ Kommandoer til systemadministration (normalt kun for root) T} 9@T{ Kernerutiner [\|Ikkestandard\|] T} .TE En manualside består af flere afsnit. Conventional section names include \fBNAME\fP, \fBSYNOPSIS\fP, \fBCONFIGURATION\fP, \fBDESCRIPTION\fP, \fBOPTIONS\fP, \fBEXIT\ STATUS\fP, \fBRETURN\ VALUE\fP, \fBERRORS\fP, \fBENVIRONMENT\fP, \fBFILES\fP, \fBVERSIONS\fP, \fBSTANDARDS\fP, \fBNOTES\fP, \fBBUGS\fP, \fBEXAMPLE\fP, \fBAUTHORS\fP, and \fBSEE\ ALSO\fP. De følgende konventioner gælder for afsnittet \fBSYNOPSIS\fP og kan bruges som en vejledning i andre afsnit. .TS tab (@); l lx. \fBfed tekst\fP@T{ skriv præcis som vist. T} \fIkursiv\fP@T{ erstat med passende argument. T} [\|\fB\-abc\fP\|]@T{ et eller alle argumenter inden i [ ] er valgfrie. T} \fB\-a\|\fP|\|\fB\-b\fP@T{ tilvalg afgrænset af | kan ikke bruges sammen. T} \fIargument\fP .\|.\|.@T{ \fIargument\fP kan gentages. T} [\|\fIudtryk\fP\|] .\|.\|.@T{ hele \fIudtrykket\fP\ indenfor [ ] kan gentages. T} .TE Præcis optegning kan afhænge af uddataenheden. For eksempel vil man normalt ikke kunne optegne kursiv når man befinder sig i en manual, og man vil normalt bruge understregning eller farvelagt tekst i stedet for. The command or function illustration is a pattern that should match all possible invocations. In some cases it is advisable to illustrate several exclusive invocations as is shown in the \fBSYNOPSIS\fP section of this manual page. .SH EKSEMPLER .TP \w'man\ 'u \fBman\fP\fI\ ls\fP Vis manualsiden for \fIpunkt\fP (program) \fIls\fP. .TP \fBman\fP \fIman\fP.\fI7\fP Display the manual page for macro package \fIman\fP from section \fI7\fP. (This is an alternative spelling of "\fBman\fP \fI7 man\fP".) .TP \fBman '\fP\fIman\fP(\fI7\fP)' Display the manual page for macro package \fIman\fP from section \fI7\fP. (This is another alternative spelling of "\fBman\fP \fI7 man\fP". It may be more convenient when copying and pasting cross\-references to manual pages. Note that the parentheses must normally be quoted to protect them from the shell.) .TP \fBman\ \-a\fP\fI\ intro\fP Vis, i rækkefølge, alle de tilgængelige \fIintro\fP\-manualsider indeholdt i denne manual. Det er muligt at afbryde mellem successive visninger eller udelade nogle af dem. .TP \fBman \-t \fP\fIbash \fP|\fI lpr \-Pps\fP Format the manual page for \fIbash\fP into the default \fBtroff\fP or \fBgroff\fP format and pipe it to the printer named \fIps\fP. The default output for \fBgroff\fP is usually PostScript. \fBman \-\-help\fP should advise as to which processor is bound to the \fB\-t\fP option. .TP \fBman \-l \-T\fP\fIdvi ./foo.1x.gz\fP\fB > \fP\fI./foo.1x.dvi\fP This command will decompress and format the nroff source manual page \&\fI./foo.1x.gz\fP into a \fBdevice independent (dvi)\fP file. The redirection is necessary as the \fB\-T\fP flag causes output to be directed to \fBstdout\fP with no pager. The output could be viewed with a program such as \fBxdvi\fP or further processed into PostScript using a program such as \fBdvips\fP. .TP \fBman\ \-k\fP\fI\ printf\fP Søg i de korte beskrivelser og navnene på manualsiderne for nøgleordet \fIprintf\fP som regulært udtryk. Udskriv resultaterne. Svarer til \fBapropos\fP\fI\ printf\fP\fB.\fP .TP \fBman\ \-f\fP\fI\ smail\fP Slå manualsiderne refereret af \fIsmail\fP op og vis den korte beskrivelse for det fundne resultat. Svarer til \fBwhatis\fP\fI\ smail\fP\fB.\fP .SH OVERBLIK Mange tilvalg er tilgængelige for \fBman\fP for at give så meget fleksibilitet som muligt for slutbrugeren. Ændringer kan ske for søgestien, afsnitrækkefølge, uddataprocessor og anden opførsel og operationer detaljeret nedenfor. If set, various environment variables are interrogated to determine the operation of \fBman\fP. It is possible to set the "catch\-all" variable $\fBMANOPT\fP to any string in command line format, with the exception that any spaces used as part of an option's argument must be escaped (preceded by a backslash). \fBman\fP will parse $\fBMANOPT\fP prior to parsing its own command line. Those options requiring an argument will be overridden by the same options found on the command line. To reset all of the options set in $\fBMANOPT\fP, \fB\-D\fP can be specified as the initial command line option. This will allow man to "forget" about the options specified in $\fBMANOPT\fP, although they must still have been valid. Manual pages are normally stored in \fBnroff\fP(1) format under a directory such as \fI/usr/share/man\fP. In some installations, there may also be preformatted \fIcat pages\fP to improve performance. See \fBmanpath\fP(5) for details of where these files are stored. This package supports manual pages in multiple languages, controlled by your \fIlocale\fP. If your system did not set this up for you automatically, then you may need to set $\fBLC_MESSAGES\fP, $\fBLANG\fP, or another system\-dependent environment variable to indicate your preferred locale, usually specified in the \fBPOSIX\fP format: <\fIlanguage\fP>[\|\fB_\fP<\fIterritory\fP>\|[\|\fB.\fP<\fItegnsæt\fP>\|[\|\fB,\fP<\fIversion\fP>\|]\|]\|] Hvis den ønskede side er tilgængelig i dit \fIsprog\fP, vil den blive vist i stedet for standardsiden (normalt amerikansk\-engelsk). If you find that the translations supplied with this package are not available in your native language and you would like to supply them, please contact the maintainer who will be coordinating such activity. Individual manual pages are normally written and maintained by the maintainers of the program, function, or other topic that they document, and are not included with this package. If you find that a manual page is missing or inadequate, please report that to the maintainers of the package in question. For information om andre funktioner og udvidelser tilgængelige med denne manualtekstviser, så læs venligst dokumenterne leveret med denne pakke. .SH STANDARDER The order of sections to search may be overridden by the environment variable $\fBMANSECT\fP or by the \fBSECTION\fP directive in \fI/etc/man_db.conf\fP. By default it is as follows: .RS .if !'po4a'hide' 1 1p n l 8 3 3p 0 0p 2 3type 5 4 9 6 7 .RE The formatted manual page is displayed using a \fIpager\fP. This can be specified in a number of ways, or else will fall back to a default (see option \fB\-P\fP for details). Filtrene tydes vis et antal metoder. Først tydes kommandolinjetilvalget \fB\-p\fP eller miljøvariablen $\fBMANROFFSEQ\fP. Hvis \fB\-p\fP ikke blev brugt og miljøvariablen ikke var angivet, så fortolkes opstartslinjen for nroff\-filen for en forbrænderstrenge. For at indeholde en gyldig forbrænderstreng, så skal den første linje ligne \&\fB'\e"\fP <\fBstring\fP> Hvor \fBstreng\fP kan være enhver kombination af bogstaver beskrevet af tilvalget \fB\-p\fP nedenfor. Hvis ingen af de ovenstående metoder giver filterinformation, så bruges et standardsæt. .\" ******************************************************************** A formatting pipeline is formed from the filters and the primary formatter (\fBnroff\fP or [\fBtg\fP]\fBroff\fP with \fB\-t\fP) and executed. Alternatively, if an executable program \fImandb_nfmt\fP (or \fImandb_tfmt\fP with \fB\-t\fP) exists in the man tree root, it is executed instead. It gets passed the manual source file, the preprocessor string, and optionally the device specified with \fB\-T\fP or \fB\-E\fP as arguments. .SH TILVALG Non\-argument options that are duplicated either on the command line, in $\fBMANOPT\fP, or both, are not harmful. For options that require an argument, each duplication will override the previous argument value. .SS "Generelle tilvalg" .TP \fB\-C\ \fP\fIfil\fP,\ \fB\-\-config\-file=\fP\fIfil\fP Use this user configuration file rather than the default of \fI\(ti/.manpath\fP. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-d ", " \-\-debug Vis fejlsøgningsinformation. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-D ", " \-\-default Dette tilvalg udstedes normalt som det første tilvalg og nulstiller \fBman's\fP opførsel til standarden. Dets brug er at nulstille disse tilvalg, som måske er angivet i $\fBMANOPT\fP. Ethvert tilvalg som følger \fB\-D\fP vil have deres normale effekt. .TP \fB\-\-warnings\fP[=\fIadvarsler\/\fP] Enable warnings from \fIgroff\fP. This may be used to perform sanity checks on the source text of manual pages. \fIwarnings\fP is a comma\-separated list of warning names; if it is not supplied, the default is "mac". To disable a \fIgroff\fP warning, prefix it with "!": for example, \fB\-\-warnings=mac,!break\fP enables warnings in the "mac" category and disables warnings in the "break" category. See the \(lqWarnings\(rq node in \fBinfo groff\fP for a list of available warning names. .SS "Hovedtilstande for operation" .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-f ", " \-\-whatis Approximately equivalent to \fBwhatis\fP. Display a short description from the manual page, if available. See \fBwhatis\fP(1) for details. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-k ", " \-\-apropos Approximately equivalent to \fBapropos\fP. Search the short manual page descriptions for keywords and display any matches. See \fBapropos\fP(1) for details. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-K ", " \-\-global\-apropos Search for text in all manual pages. This is a brute\-force search, and is likely to take some time; if you can, you should specify a section to reduce the number of pages that need to be searched. Search terms may be simple strings (the default), or regular expressions if the \fB\-\-regex\fP option is used. .IP Note that this searches the \fIsources\fP of the manual pages, not the rendered text, and so may include false positives due to things like comments in source files, or false negatives due to things like hyphens being written as "\e\-" in source files. Searching the rendered text would be much slower. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-l ", " \-\-local\-file .\" Compressed nroff source files with a supported compression .\" extension will be decompressed by man prior to being displaying via the .\" usual filters. Activate "local" mode. Format and display local manual files instead of searching through the system's manual collection. Each manual page argument will be interpreted as an nroff source file in the correct format. No cat file is produced. If '\-' is listed as one of the arguments, input will be taken from stdin. .IP If this option is not used, then \fBman\fP will also fall back to interpreting manual page arguments as local file names if the argument contains a "/" character, since that is a good indication that the argument refers to a path on the file system. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-w ", " \-\-where ", " \-\-path ", " \-\-location Don't actually display the manual page, but do print the location of the source nroff file that would be formatted. If the \fB\-a\fP option is also used, then print the locations of all source files that match the search criteria. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-W ", " \-\-where\-cat ", " \-\-location\-cat Don't actually display the manual page, but do print the location of the preformatted cat file that would be displayed. If the \fB\-a\fP option is also used, then print the locations of all preformatted cat files that match the search criteria. .IP If \fB\-w\fP and \fB\-W\fP are both used, then print both source file and cat file separated by a space. If all of \fB\-w\fP, \fB\-W\fP, and \fB\-a\fP are used, then do this for each possible match. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-c ", " \-\-catman Dette tilvalg er ikke for generel brug og bør kun bruges af programmet \fBcatman\fP. .TP \fB\-R\ \fP\fIkodning\fP,\ \fB\-\-recode\fP=\fIkodning\fP Instead of formatting the manual page in the usual way, output its source converted to the specified \fIencoding\fP. If you already know the encoding of the source file, you can also use \fBmanconv\fP(1) directly. However, this option allows you to convert several manual pages to a single encoding without having to explicitly state the encoding of each, provided that they were already installed in a structure similar to a manual page hierarchy. .IP Consider using \fBman-recode\fP(1) instead for converting multiple manual pages, since it has an interface designed for bulk conversion and so can be much faster. .SS "Finde manualsider" .TP \fB\-L\ \fP\fIsprog\fP,\ \fB\-\-locale=\fP\fIsprog\fP \fBman\fP vil normalt bestemme dit lokale sprog med et kald til C\-funktionen \fBsetlocale\fP(3), som undersøger diverse miljøvariabler, muligvis inklusive $\fBLC_MESSAGES\fP og $\fBLANG\fP. For midlertidigt at overskrive den afslørede værdi bruges dette tilvalg til at supplere en \fIsprog\fP\-streng direkte til \fBman\fP. Bemærk at det ikke vil træde i kraft før søgningen efter sider rent faktisk begynder. Resultatet såsom hjælpebeskeden vil altid blive vist i det oprindeligt bestemte sprog. .TP \fB\-m\fP \fIsystem\fP\|[\|,.\|.\|.\|]\|, \fB\-\-systems=\fP\fIsystem\fP\|[\|,.\|.\|.\|] If this system has access to other operating systems' manual pages, they can be accessed using this option. To search for a manual page from NewOS's manual page collection, use the option \fB\-m\fP \fBNewOS\fP. Det angivet \fIsystem\fP kan være en kombination af kommaadskilt operativsystemnavne. For at inkludere en søgning i manualsiderne for udgangspunktets operativsystem inkluderes systemnavnet \fBman\fP i argumentstrengen. Dette tilvalg vil overskrive miljøvariablen $\fBSYSTEM\fP. .TP \fB\-M\ \fP\fIsti\fP,\ \fB\-\-manpath=\fP\fIsti\fP Angiv en alternativ manualsti. Som standard bruger \fBman\fP \fBmanpath\fP\-afledt kode til at bestemme søgestien. Dette tilvalg overskriver miljøvariablen $\fBMANPATH\fP og medfører at tilvalget \fB\-m\fP ignoreres. A path specified as a manpath must be the root of a manual page hierarchy structured into sections as described in the man\-db manual (under "The manual page system"). To view manual pages outside such hierarchies, see the \fB\-l\fP option. .TP \fB\-S\fP \fIlist\/\fP, \fB\-s\fP \fIlist\/\fP, \fB\-\-sections=\fP\fIlist\/\fP The given \fIlist\fP is a colon\- or comma\-separated list of sections, used to determine which manual sections to search and in what order. This option overrides the $\fBMANSECT\fP environment variable. (The \fB\-s\fP spelling is for compatibility with System V.) .TP \fB\-e\ \fP\fIsub\-extension\fP,\ \fB\-\-extension=\fP\fIsub\-extension\fP Some systems incorporate large packages of manual pages, such as those that accompany the \fBTcl\fP package, into the main manual page hierarchy. To get around the problem of having two manual pages with the same name such as \fBexit\fP(3), the \fBTcl\fP pages were usually all assigned to section \fBl\fP. As this is unfortunate, it is now possible to put the pages in the correct section, and to assign a specific "extension" to them, in this case, \fBexit\fP(3tcl). Under normal operation, \fBman\fP will display \fBexit\fP(3) in preference to \fBexit\fP(3tcl). To negotiate this situation and to avoid having to know which section the page you require resides in, it is now possible to give \fBman\fP a \fIsub\-extension\fP string indicating which package the page must belong to. Using the above example, supplying the option \fB\-e\ tcl\fP to \fBman\fP will restrict the search to pages having an extension of \fB*tcl\fP. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-i ", " \-\-ignore\-case Ignore case when searching for manual pages. This is the default. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-I ", " \-\-match\-case Search for manual pages case\-sensitively. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B \-\-regex Show all pages with any part of either their names or their descriptions matching each \fIpage\fP argument as a regular expression, as with \fBapropos\fP(1). Since there is usually no reasonable way to pick a "best" page when searching for a regular expression, this option implies \fB\-a\fP. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B \-\-wildcard Show all pages with any part of either their names or their descriptions matching each \fIpage\fP argument using shell\-style wildcards, as with \fBapropos\fP(1) \fB\-\-wildcard\fP. The \fIpage\fP argument must match the entire name or description, or match on word boundaries in the description. Since there is usually no reasonable way to pick a "best" page when searching for a wildcard, this option implies \fB\-a\fP. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B \-\-names\-only Hvis enten tilvalget \fB\-\-regex\fP eller \fB\-\-wildcard\fP bruges, match kun sidenavne, ikke sidebeskrivelser, som med \fBwhatis\fP(1). Ellers, ingen effekt. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-a ", " \-\-all Som standard vil \fBman\fP afslutte efter visning af den mest egnet manualside den finder. Brug af dette tilvalg tvinger \fBman\fP til at vise alle manualsiderne med navne som matcher søgekriteriet. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-u ", " \-\-update This option causes \fBman\fP to update its database caches of installed manual pages. This is only needed in rare situations, and it is normally better to run \fBmandb\fP(8) instead. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B \-\-no\-subpages By default, \fBman\fP will try to interpret pairs of manual page names given on the command line as equivalent to a single manual page name containing a hyphen or an underscore. This supports the common pattern of programs that implement a number of subcommands, allowing them to provide manual pages for each that can be accessed using similar syntax as would be used to invoke the subcommands themselves. For example: .nf .if !'po4a'hide' \& $ man \-aw git diff .if !'po4a'hide' \& /usr/share/man/man1/git\-diff.1.gz .fi For at deaktivere denne opførsel så brug tilvalget \fB\-\-no\-subpages\fP. .nf .if !'po4a'hide' \& $ man \-aw \-\-no\-subpages git diff .if !'po4a'hide' \& /usr/share/man/man1/git.1.gz .if !'po4a'hide' \& /usr/share/man/man3/Git.3pm.gz .if !'po4a'hide' \& /usr/share/man/man1/diff.1.gz .fi .SS "Kontrol af formateret resultat" .TP \fB\-P\ \fP\fItekstviser\fP,\ \fB\-\-pager=\fP\fItekstviser\fP Specify which output pager to use. By default, \fBman\fP uses \fBless\fP, falling back to \fBcat\fP if \fBless\fP is not found or is not executable. This option overrides the $\fBMANPAGER\fP environment variable, which in turn overrides the $\fBPAGER\fP environment variable. It is not used in conjunction with \fB\-f\fP or \fB\-k\fP. The value may be a simple command name or a command with arguments, and may use shell quoting (backslashes, single quotes, or double quotes). It may not use pipes to connect multiple commands; if you need that, use a wrapper script, which may take the file to display either as an argument or on standard input. .TP \fB\-r\ \fP\fIprompt\fP,\ \fB\-\-prompt=\fP\fIprompt\fP Hvis en nylig version af \fBless\fP bruges som tekstsøger, så vil \fBman\fP forsøge at angive den på sin prompt og vælge nogle fornuftige tilvalg. Standardprompten ser således ud \fB Manualside\fP\fI navn\fP\fB(\fP\fIsec\fP\fB) line\fP\fI x\fP .\"The default options are .\".BR \-six8 . .\"The actual default will depend on your chosen .\".BR locale . hvor \fInavn\fP benvæner manualsidenavnet, \fIsektion\fP benævner sektionen den blev fundet under og \fIx\fP det nuværende linjenummer. Dette opnås ved at bruge miljøvariablen $\fBLESS\fP. .\"You may need to do this if your .\"version of .\".B less .\"rejects the default options or if you prefer a different prompt. Supplying \fB\-r\fP with a string will override this default. The string may contain the text \fB$MAN_PN\fP which will be expanded to the name of the current manual page and its section name surrounded by "(" and ")". The string used to produce the default could be expressed as \fB\e\ Manual\e\ page\e\ \e$MAN_PN\e\ ?ltline\e\ %lt?L/%L.:\fP .br \fBbyte\e\ %bB?s/%s..?\e\ (END):?pB\e\ %pB\e\e%..\fP .br \fB(tryk h for hjælp eller q for afslut)\fP It is broken into three lines here for the sake of readability only. For its meaning see the \fBless\fP(1) manual page. The prompt string is first evaluated by the shell. All double quotes, back\-quotes and backslashes in the prompt must be escaped by a preceding backslash. The prompt string may end in an escaped $ which may be followed by further options for less. By default \fBman\fP sets the \fB\-ix8\fP options. The $\fBMANLESS\fP environment variable described below may be used to set a default prompt string if none is supplied on the command line. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-7 ", " \-\-ascii When viewing a pure \fIascii\fP(7) manual page on a 7 bit terminal or terminal emulator, some characters may not display correctly when using the \fIlatin1\fP(7) device description with \fBGNU\fP \fBnroff\fP. This option allows pure \fIascii\fP manual pages to be displayed in \fIascii\fP with the \fIlatin1\fP device. It will not translate any \fIlatin1\fP text. The following table shows the translations performed: some parts of it may only be displayed properly when using \fBGNU\fP \fBnroff\fP's \fIlatin1\fP(7) device. .ie c \[shc] \ . ds softhyphen \[shc] .el \ . ds softhyphen \(hy .TS tab (@); l c c c. Beskrivelse@Oktal@latin1@ascii _ continuation hyphen@255@\*[softhyphen]@- bullet (middle dot)@267@\(bu@o acute accent@264@\(aa@' multiplication sign@327@\(mu@x .TE If the \fIlatin1\fP column displays correctly, your terminal may be set up for \fIlatin1\fP characters and this option is not necessary. If the \fIlatin1\fP and \fIascii\fP columns are identical, you are reading this page using this option or \fBman\fP did not format this page using the \fIlatin1\fP device description. If the \fIlatin1\fP column is missing or corrupt, you may need to view manual pages with this option. This option is ignored when using options \fB\-t\fP, \fB\-H\fP, \fB\-T\fP, or \fB\-Z\fP and may be useless for \fBnroff\fP other than \fBGNU's\fP. .TP \fB\-E\ \fP\fIkodning\fP,\ \fB\-\-encoding\fP=\fIkodning\fP Generate output for a character encoding other than the default. For backward compatibility, \fIencoding\fP may be an \fBnroff\fP device such as \fBascii\fP, \fBlatin1\fP, or \fButf8\fP as well as a true character encoding such as \fBUTF\-8\fP. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-\-no\-hyphenation ", " \-\-nh Normally, \fBnroff\fP will automatically hyphenate text at line breaks even in words that do not contain hyphens, if it is necessary to do so to lay out words on a line without excessive spacing. This option disables automatic hyphenation, so words will only be hyphenated if they already contain hyphens. If you are writing a manual page and simply want to prevent \fBnroff\fP from hyphenating a word at an inappropriate point, do not use this option, but consult the \fBnroff\fP documentation instead; for instance, you can put "\e%" inside a word to indicate that it may be hyphenated at that point, or put "\e%" at the start of a word to prevent it from being hyphenated. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-\-no\-justification ", " \-\-nj Normally, \fBnroff\fP will automatically justify text to both margins. This option disables full justification, leaving justified only to the left margin, sometimes called "ragged\-right" text. If you are writing a manual page and simply want to prevent \fBnroff\fP from justifying certain paragraphs, do not use this option, but consult the \fBnroff\fP documentation instead; for instance, you can use the ".na", ".nf", ".fi", and ".ad" requests to temporarily disable adjusting and filling. .TP \fB\-p\ \fP\fIstreng\fP,\ \fB\-\-preprocessor=\fP\fIstreng\fP Specify the sequence of preprocessors to run before \fBnroff\fP or \fBtroff\fP/\fBgroff\fP. Not all installations will have a full set of preprocessors. Some of the preprocessors and the letters used to designate them are: \fBeqn\fP (\fBe\fP), \fBgrap\fP (\fBg\fP), \fBpic\fP (\fBp\fP), \fBtbl\fP (\fBt\fP), \fBvgrind\fP (\fBv\fP), \fBrefer\fP (\fBr\fP). This option overrides the $\fBMANROFFSEQ\fP environment variable. \fBzsoelim\fP is always run as the very first preprocessor. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-t ", " \-\-troff Brug \fIgroff \-mandoc\fP til at formatere manualsiden til standardud. Tilvalget er ikke krævet sammen med \fB\-H\fP, \fB\-T\fP eller \fB\-Z\fP. .TP \fB\-T\fP[\fIenhed\/\fP], \fB\-\-troff\-device\fP[=\fIenhed\/\fP] This option is used to change \fBgroff\fP (or possibly \fBtroff's\fP) output to be suitable for a device other than the default. It implies \fB\-t\fP. Examples (as of groff 1.23.0) include \fBdvi\fP, \fBlatin1\fP, \fBpdf\fP, \fBps\fP, \fButf8\fP, \fBX75\fP and \fBX100\fP. .TP \fB\-H\fP[\fIbrowser\/\fP], \fB\-\-html\fP[=\fIbrowser\/\fP] This option will cause \fBgroff\fP to produce HTML output, and will display that output in a web browser. The choice of browser is determined by the optional \fIbrowser\fP argument if one is provided, by the $\fBBROWSER\fP environment variable, or by a compile\-time default if that is unset (usually \fBlynx\fP). This option implies \fB\-t\fP, and will only work with \fBGNU\fP \fBtroff\fP. .TP \fB\-X\fP[\fIdpi\/\fP], \fB\-\-gxditview\fP[=\fIdpi\/\fP] This option displays the output of \fBgroff\fP in a graphical window using the \fBgxditview\fP program. The \fIdpi\fP (dots per inch) may be 75, 75\-12, 100, or 100\-12, defaulting to 75; the \-12 variants use a 12\-point base font. This option implies \fB\-T\fP with the X75, X75\-12, X100, or X100\-12 device respectively. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-Z ", " \-\-ditroff \fBgroff\fP vil køre \fBtroff\fP og så bruge en passende efterbrænder til at fremstille et resultat egnet for den valgte enhed. Hvis \fIgroff \-mandoc\fP er \fBgroff\fP, så vil dette tilvalg sendes til \fBgroff\fP og vil undertrykke brugen af en efterbrænder. \fB\-t\fP er underforstået. .SS "Få hjælp" .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-? ", " \-\-help Vis en hjælpebesked og afslut. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B \-\-usage Vis en kort hjælpebesked og afslut. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR \-V ", " \-\-version Vis versionsinformation. .SH AFSLUT\-STATUS .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B 0 Programkørsel endt uden fejl. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B 1 Brugs\-, syntaks\- eller konfigurationsfilfejl. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B 2 Operationel fejl. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B 3 En underproces returnerede en afslutningsstatus forskellig fra nul. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B 16 Mindst en af siderne/filerne/nøgleordene fandtes ikke eller blev ikke matchet. .SH MILJØ .\".TP \w'MANROFFSEQ\ \ 'u .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B MANPATH If $\fBMANPATH\fP is set, its value is used as the path to search for manual pages. See the \fBSEARCH PATH\fP section of \fBmanpath\fP(5) for the default behaviour and details of how this environment variable is handled. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B MANROFFOPT Every time \fBman\fP invokes the formatter (\fBnroff\fP, \fBtroff\fP, or \fBgroff\fP), it adds the contents of $\fBMANROFFOPT\fP to the formatter's command line. For example, \fBMANROFFOPT=\-P\-i\fP tells the formatter to use italic text (which is only supported by some terminals) rather than underlined text. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B MANROFFSEQ If $\fBMANROFFSEQ\fP is set, its value is used to determine the set of preprocessors to pass each manual page through. The default preprocessor list is system dependent. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B MANSECT If $\fBMANSECT\fP is set, its value is a colon\-delimited list of sections and it is used to determine which manual sections to search and in what order. The default is "1 1p n l 8 3 3p 0 0p 2 3type 5 4 9 6 7", unless overridden by the \fBSECTION\fP directive in \fI/etc/man_db.conf\fP. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR MANPAGER , " PAGER" If $\fBMANPAGER\fP or $\fBPAGER\fP is set ($\fBMANPAGER\fP is used in preference), its value is used as the name of the program used to display the manual page. By default, \fBless\fP is used, falling back to \fBcat\fP if \fBless\fP is not found or is not executable. The value may be a simple command name or a command with arguments, and may use shell quoting (backslashes, single quotes, or double quotes). It may not use pipes to connect multiple commands; if you need that, use a wrapper script, which may take the file to display either as an argument or on standard input. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B MANLESS If $\fBMANLESS\fP is set, its value will be used as the default prompt string for the \fBless\fP pager, as if it had been passed using the \fB\-r\fP option (so any occurrences of the text \fB$MAN_PN\fP will be expanded in the same way). For example, if you want to set the prompt string unconditionally to \(lqmy prompt string\(rq, set $\fBMANLESS\fP to \(oq\fB\-Psmy\ prompt\ string\fP\(cq. Using the \fB\-r\fP option overrides this environment variable. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B BROWSER If $\fBBROWSER\fP is set, its value is a colon\-delimited list of commands, each of which in turn is used to try to start a web browser for \fBman\fP \fB\-\-html\fP. In each command, \fI%s\fP is replaced by a filename containing the HTML output from \fBgroff\fP, \fI%%\fP is replaced by a single percent sign (%), and \fI%c\fP is replaced by a colon (:). .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B SYSTEM Hvis $\fBSYSTEM\fP er angivet, vil det have den samme effekt, som hvis den var blevet angivet som argument for tilvalget \fB\-m\fP. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B MANOPT If $\fBMANOPT\fP is set, it will be parsed prior to \fBman's\fP command line and is expected to be in a similar format. As all of the other \fBman\fP specific environment variables can be expressed as command line options, and are thus candidates for being included in $\fBMANOPT\fP it is expected that they will become obsolete. N.B. All spaces that should be interpreted as part of an option's argument must be escaped. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B MANWIDTH If $\fBMANWIDTH\fP is set, its value is used as the line length for which manual pages should be formatted. If it is not set, manual pages will be formatted with a line length appropriate to the current terminal (using the value of $\fBCOLUMNS\fP, and \fBioctl\fP(2) if available, or falling back to 80 characters if neither is available). Cat pages will only be saved when the default formatting can be used, that is when the terminal line length is between 66 and 80 characters. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING Normally, when output is not being directed to a terminal (such as to a file or a pipe), formatting characters are discarded to make it easier to read the result without special tools. However, if $\fBMAN_KEEP_FORMATTING\fP is set to any non\-empty value, these formatting characters are retained. This may be useful for wrappers around \fBman\fP that can interpret formatting characters. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B MAN_KEEP_STDERR Normally, when output is being directed to a terminal (usually to a pager), any error output from the command used to produce formatted versions of manual pages is discarded to avoid interfering with the pager's display. Programs such as \fBgroff\fP often produce relatively minor error messages about typographical problems such as poor alignment, which are unsightly and generally confusing when displayed along with the manual page. However, some users want to see them anyway, so, if $\fBMAN_KEEP_STDERR\fP is set to any non\-empty value, error output will be displayed as usual. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B MAN_DISABLE_SECCOMP On Linux, \fBman\fP normally confines subprocesses that handle untrusted data using a \fBseccomp\fP(2) sandbox. This makes it safer to run complex parsing code over arbitrary manual pages. If this goes wrong for some reason unrelated to the content of the page being displayed, you can set $\fBMAN_DISABLE_SECCOMP\fP to any non\-empty value to disable the sandbox. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .B PIPELINE_DEBUG If the $\fBPIPELINE_DEBUG\fP environment variable is set to "1", then \fBman\fP will print debugging messages to standard error describing each subprocess it runs. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .BR LANG , " LC_MESSAGES" Afhængig af system og implementering, vil enten en af eller begge $\fBLANG\fP og $\fBLC_MESSAGES\fP blive spurgt for den aktuelle beskeds sprog. \fBman\fP vil vise dets beskeder i det sprog (hvis tilgængeligt). Se \fBsetlocale\fP(3) for mere udførlige detaljer. .SH FILER .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .I /etc/man_db.conf konfigurationsfil for man\-db. .TP .if !'po4a'hide' .I /usr/share/man Et globalt manualsidehierarki. .SH STANDARDS POSIX.1\-2001, POSIX.1\-2008, POSIX.1\-2017. .SH "SE OGSÅ" .if !'po4a'hide' .BR apropos (1), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR groff (1), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR less (1), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR manpath (1), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR nroff (1), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR troff (1), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR whatis (1), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR zsoelim (1), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR manpath (5), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR man (7), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR catman (8), .if !'po4a'hide' .BR mandb (8) .PP Documentation for some packages may be available in other formats, such as \fBinfo\fP(1) or HTML. .SH HISTORIK 1990, 1991 \(en oprindelig skrevet af John W.\& Eaton (jwe@che.utexas.edu). 23. dec 1992: Rik Faith (faith@cs.unc.edu) anvendte fejlrettelser af Willem Kasdorp (wkasdo@nikhefk.nikef.nl). 30th April 1994 \(en 23rd February 2000: Wilf.\& (G.Wilford@ee.surrey.ac.uk) has been developing and maintaining this package with the help of a few dedicated people. 30. oktober 1996 \(en 30. marts 2001: Fabrizio Polacco vedligeholdte og forberedte denne pakke for Debianprojektet med hjælp fra hele fællesskabet. 31. marts 2001 \(en til i dag: Colin Watson udvikler og vedligeholder nu man\-db. .SH FEJL .if !'po4a'hide' https://gitlab.com/man-db/man-db/-/issues .br .if !'po4a'hide' https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=man-db