MACCHINA(1) General Commands Manual MACCHINA(1) NAME macchina - A system information frontend, with an (unhealthy) emphasis on performance. SYNOPSIS macchina [FLAGS] FLAGS -d, --doctor Checks the system for failures. -e, --export-config Prints a template configuration file to stdout. -c, --config=FILE Specify a custom path to a configuration file. This is helpful in cases where macchina fails to parse the configuration file from the default path, i.e. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/macchina/macchina.toml. -l, --list-themes Lists all available themes. Themes are TOML files which must be placed in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/macchina/themes. Whatever this flag returns to the console can be used with the --theme flag. -t, --theme=THEME Specify the name of the theme to use, i.e. its basename and without the ".toml" extension. You should verify whether macchina was able to find your theme with --list-themes. -i, --interface=IF_NAME Specify the network interface for the LocalIP readout, e.g. "wlan0", "eth0". -s, --current-shell Toggles between the current shell, i.e. the parent of the terminal emulator, or the default one. -C, --logical-cores Toggles between logical and physical cores for the Processor readout. -K, --long-kernel Lengthens kernel output. -S, --long-shell Lengthens shell output. -U, --long-uptime Lengthens uptime output. -m, --memory-percentage Show memory usage in percentage -D, --disks Specify the disks for which the usage percentage will be shown -p, --disk-space-percentage Show disk space usage in percentage -h, --help Prints help information. -v, --version Prints version information. -o, --show Display only the specified readouts. Please note that the order these are listed in will be the order that they are displayed in. Possible values are (case-sensitive): o Host o Machine o Kernel o Distribution o OperatingSystem o DesktopEnvironment o WindowManager o Packages o Shell o Terminal o LocalIP o Backlight o Resolution o Uptime o Processor o ProcessorLoad o Memory o Battery o GPU o DiskSpace --ascii-artists Lists the original artists of the ASCII art used by macchina. SEE ALSO macchina(7) AUTHORS Written and maintained by the Macchina-CLI team: o Taha Aziz Ben Ali o Uttarayan Mondal o Marvin Haschker RESOURCES This project is hosted at 2024-09-29 MACCHINA(1)