LY-SERVER(1) python-ly LY-SERVER(1) NAME ly-server - Manipulate LilyPond source files via HTTP Usage: ly-server [options] An HTTP server for manipulating LilyPond input code SERVER OPTIONS -v, --version show version number and exit -h, --help show this help text and exit -p,--port PORT port server listens to (default 5432) -t,--timeout TIME If set, server shuts down automatically after -t seconds of inactivity NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! COMMAND OPTIONS -e,--encoding ENC (input) encoding (default UTF-8) --output-encoding ENC output encoding (default to input encoding) -l,--language NAME default pitch name language (default to "nederlands") -d set a variable (see below) Command options define defaults for the execution of commands triggered by HTTP requests. These options can be overridden by the individual HTTP request. HTTP REQUESTS GET Requests Some GET requests will be implemented later to retrieve values or change some server settings based on the URL path. POST Requests The server accepts POST requests without (currently) making use of the URL path. As the request body it expects a single JSON string with the following elements: commands (mandatory) An array with one or more commands to be executed subsequently. Each entry contains: command (mandatory): A name for the command. It has to be one out of the list of available commands below. args (optional): If a command requires arguments (e.g. the transpose command) they are given as a single string value. variables (optional): A dictionary of variable assignments. Keys have to be from the list below, and proper value types are checked. If one or more variables are given they will be set before the command is executed. A variable may be modified again before the execution of the next command but it is not reset automatically. Giving a variable with a value of '' unsets the variable. options (optional) A dictionary of option assignments. Keys have to be from the above list of Command Options, taking the long name without the leading hyphens, e.g. { "encoding": "UTF-16" }. If an option is given here it overrides the default option given on the command line, but only for the current command. data (mandatory) A single string containing the LilyPond input document. The server will try to construct a series of commands from the request, and if anything is wrong with it send a "Bad Request" message with HTTP response code 400. Response Object If the commands execute successfully the response body will contain a serialized JSON object with the following elements: info An array of entries with the result of "info" commands (see below). Each entry has a command and an info field. doc An object with two fields: content A string with the content of the document with all "edit" commands applied consecutively. (If no edit commands have been specified this contains the original input. commands An array with the names of the commands that have been applied. exports An array with entries for each applied "export" command. Each entry has the following fields: doc A string with the content of the converted/exported document command The name of the applied command Commands There are three types of commands whose results are handled independently: o "info" commands retrieve metadata from the input document o "edit" commands modify the document, subsequent edit commands cascade the modifications o "export" commands that convert the input to another format. Subsequent commands are not affected by the result of export commands. Informative commands that return information and do not change the file: mode print the mode (guessing if not given) of the document version print the LilyPond version, if set in the document language print the pitch name language, if set in the document Commands that modify the input: indent re-indent the file reformat reformat the file translate translate the pitch names to the language transpose transpose the file like LilyPond would do, pitches are given in the 'nederlands' language abs2rel convert absolute music to relative rel2abs convert relative music to absolute Commands that convert the input to another format: musicxml convert to MusicXML (in development, far from complete) highlight export the document as syntax colored HTML Variables The following variables can be set to influence the behaviour of commands. If there is a default value, it is written between brackets: mode mode of the input to read (default automatic) can be one of: lilypond, scheme, latex, html, docbook, texinfo. encoding [UTF-8] encoding to read (also set by -e argument) default-language [nederlands] the pitch names language to use by default, when not specified otherwise in the document output-encoding encoding to write (defaults to encoding, also set by the --output-encoding argument) indent-tabs [false] whether to use tabs for indent indent-width [2] how many spaces for each indent level (if not using tabs) full-html [True] if set to True a full document with syntax-highlighted HTML will be exported, otherwise only the bare content wrapped in an element configured by the wrapper- variables. stylesheet filename to reference as an external stylesheet for syntax-highlighted HTML. This filename is literally used in the tag. inline-style [false] whether to use inline style attributes for syntax-highlighted HTML. By default a css stylesheet is embedded. number-lines [false] whether to add line numbers when creating syntax-highlighted HTML. wrapper-tag [pre] which tag syntax highlighted HTML will be wrapped in. Possible values: div, pre, id and code wrapper-attribute [class] attribute used for the wrapper tag. Possible values: id and class. document-id [lilypond] name applied to the wrapper-attribute. If the three last options use their default settings the highlighted HTML elements are wrapped in an element

          linenumbers-id [linenumbers]
                 if linenumbers are exported this is the name used for the

       Here is the basic invocation, listening on port 5432:


       Specifying port and a timeout:

          ly-server -p 4000 -t 5000

   Sample Requests
       The simplest request, just applying one edit command. In this case the
       result will be in result['doc']['content']:

              'commands': [
                      'command': 'indent'
              'data' : "\relative c' { c ( d e f ) }"

       Another simple request, this time applying an "info" command. The
       result will be in result['info'], containing lilypond in the info field
       and mode in the command field:

              'commands': [
                      'command': 'mode'
              'data' : "\relative c' { c ( d e f ) }"

       And a more complex example. This will first transpose the document and
       then convert the transposed version independently to highlighted HTML
       and MusicXML.  Additionally it will retrieve the mode. This time the
       result will be in all three places: the transposed document in
       doc.content, the mode in, and HTML and MusicXML in
       exports[0].doc and exports[1].doc.:

              'commands': [
                      'command': 'transpose',
                      'args': 'c d'
                      'command': 'highlight',
                      'variables': { 'full-html': 'false' }
                  { 'command': 'musicxml' },
                  { 'command': 'mode' },
              'options': {
                  'language': "deutsch"
              'data': "\relative c' { c4 ( d e ) }"

       Wilbert Berendsen

       2024, Wilbert Berendsen

0.9.8                            July 16, 2024                    LY-SERVER(1)