LV2BENCH(1) General Commands Manual LV2BENCH(1) NAME lv2bench - benchmark all installed and supported LV2 plugins SYNOPSIS lv2bench [-fhV] [-b block_size] [-n frames] [--full] [--help] [--version] DESCRIPTION lv2bench is a simple utility for running basic benchmarks of installed LV2 plugins. The options are as follows: -V, --version Display version information and exit. -b block_size Block size, in audio frames. -f, --full Emit full plottable output with values for every block. -h, --help Print the command line options. -n frames Total number of audio frames to process. EXIT STATUS lv2bench exits with a status of 0, or non-zero if an error occurred. SEE ALSO lv2apply(1) lv2info(1) lv2ls(1) AUTHORS lv2bench is a part of lilv, by David Robillard . Lilv 0.24.26 November 29, 2022 Lilv 0.24.26