LS(1) Cac cau lnh LS(1) TEN ls - list directory contents TOM TT ls [TUY_CHN] [TP_TIN] MO T Lit ke thong tin v cac TP-TIN (thu mc hin thi theo mc dnh). Sp xp cac mc theo bng ch cai nu khong co -cftuvSUX cung khong --sort. Tuy chn dai yeu cu di s thi tuy chn ngn cung vy. -a, --all dng b qua mc bt du vi "." -A, --almost-all dng lit ke "." va ".." theo ngm dnh --author vi -l thi in ra tac gi ca mi tp tin -b, --escape in ra thoat chui kiu-C cho ky t khong th hin th --block-size=C vi -l, c t le c tho C khi in chung; vi d: --block-size=M; xem dnh dng C ben dui -B, --ignore-backups khong lit ke cac mc co duoi "~" mhu ngm dnh -c with -lt: sort by, and show, ctime (time of last change of file status information); with -l: show ctime and sort by name; otherwise: sort by ctime, newest first -C lit ke cac mc theo ct --color[=KHI] color the output WHEN; more info below -d, --directory lit ke bn than thu mc thay vi ni dung ca chung -D, --dired to kt xut thich hp vi ch d dired ca "Emacs" -f list all entries in directory order -F, --classify[=KHI] append indicator (one of */=>@|) to entries WHEN --file-type cung vy, nhung khong ni them "*" --format=T across -x (ngang qua), commas -m (du phy), horizontal -x (nm ngang), long -l (dai), single-column -1 (ct don), verbose -l (xut chi tit), vertical -C (thng dng) --full-time ging -l --time-style=full-iso -g ging -l, nhung khong lit ke ngui s hu --group-directories-first group directories before files; can be augmented with a --sort option, but any use of --sort=none (-U) disables grouping -G, --no-group danh sach dai, dng in cac ten nhom -h, --human-readable vi -l, va -s, in kich c dng 1K 234M 2G v.v.. --si ging tren, nhung dung h s mu 1000, khong phi 1024 -H, --dereference-command-line di theo lien kt mm lit ke tren dong lnh --dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir follow each command line symbolic link that points to a directory --hide=MU khong lit ke nhng mc tuong ng vi MU ca shell (b ghi de bi -a hoc -A) --hyperlink[=KHI] hyperlink file names WHEN --indicator-style=T ni them vao ten mc ch th vi dng T: none (khong co, mc dnh), slash (du gch cheo, -p), file-type (kiu tp tin, --file-type), classify (phan loi, -F) -i, --inode in ra s ch mc ca mi tp tin -I, --ignore=MU khong lit ke cac mc tuong ng vi MU ca h v -k, --kibibytes default to 1024-byte blocks for file system usage; used only with -s and per directory totals -l dung dng danh sach dai -L, --dereference khi hin th thong tin cho mt lien kt mm, hin th thong tin cho tp tin ma lien kt ch dn thay cho bn than lien kt -m lit ke lin nhau cac mc, cach nhau bi du phy -n, --numeric-uid-gid ging -l, nhung lit ke UID va GID dng s -N, --literal in ra ten tho ca cac mc khong trich dn -o ging -l, nhung khong lit ke thong tin v nhom -p, --indicator-style=slash ni them vao thu mc ch th "/" -q, --hide-control-chars in du "?" thay cho cac ky t khong d ha --show-control-chars hin th cac ky t khong phi d ha nhu chung co (mc dnh, tr khi chuong trinh la ls va du ra la thit b cui) -Q, --quote-name dt ten cac mc trong ngoc kep --quoting-style=T dung dng trich dn T cho ten cac mc: literal (van chuong), locale (min da phuong), shell (h v), shell-always (luon luon h v), c, escape (thoat), (de len cac bin moi trung QUOTING_STYLE) -r, --reverse do nguc th t khi sp xp -R, --recursive lit ke d quy cac thu mc con -s, --size in kich c da cp phat ca mi tp tin, theo khi -S sp xp theo kich c tp tin --sort=T sort by WORD instead of name: none (-U), size (-S), time (-t), version (-v), extension (-X), width --time=T select which timestamp used to display or sort; access time (-u): atime, access, use; metadata change time (-c): ctime, status; modified time (default): mtime, modification; birth time: birth, creation; with -l, WORD determines which time to show; with --sort=time, sort by WORD (newest first) --time-style=TIME_STYLE dnh dng ngay/thang vi -l; xem TIME_STYLE phia dui -t sort by time, newest first; see --time -T, --tabsize=CT gi dnh chiu dai tab la CT thay cho 8 -u vi -lt: sp xp theo, va hin th thi gian truy cp; vi -l: hin th thi gian truy cp va sp xp theo ten; nu khong: sp xp theo thi gian truy cp, mi truc -U khong sp xp; lit ke cac mc theo th t ca thu mc -v sp xp cac s th t (phien bn) mt cach t nhien ben trong van bn -w, --width=CT coi chiu rng man hinh la CT. 0 la khong gii hn -x lit ke cac mc theo dong thay vi theo ct -X sp xp phn m rng cac mc theo bng ch cai -Z, --context in bt k ng cnh bo mt nao ca mi tp tin --zero kt thuc dong bng NUL thay vi ki t dong mi -1 lit ke mt tp tin tren mi dong. --help hin th tr giup nay ri thoat --version dua ra thong tin phien bn ri thoat The SIZE argument is an integer and optional unit (example: 10K is 10*1024). Units are K,M,G,T,P,E,Z,Y,R,Q (powers of 1024) or KB,MB,... (powers of 1000). Binary prefixes can be used, too: KiB=K, MiB=M, and so on. The TIME_STYLE argument can be full-iso, long-iso, iso, locale, or +FORMAT. FORMAT is interpreted like in date(1). If FORMAT is FORMAT1FORMAT2, then FORMAT1 applies to non-recent files and FORMAT2 to recent files. TIME_STYLE prefixed with 'posix-' takes effect only outside the POSIX locale. Also the TIME_STYLE environment variable sets the default style to use. The WHEN argument defaults to 'always' and can also be 'auto' or 'never'. Using color to distinguish file types is disabled both by default and with --color=never. With --color=auto, ls emits color codes only when standard output is connected to a terminal. The LS_COLORS environment variable can change the settings. Use the dircolors(1) command to set it. Trng thai thoat: 0 nu n, 1 nu gp li nh (v.d. khong th truy cp dn thu mc con), 2 nu gp li nghiem trng (v.d. khong th truy cp dn di s dong lnh) TAC GI Vit bi Richard M. Stallman va David MacKenzie. THONG BAO LI Tr giup trc tuyn GNU coreutils: Report any translation bugs to BN QUYN Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Giy phep GPL pb3+ : Giy phep Cong cng GNU phien bn 3 hay sau . Day la phn mm t do: bn co quyn sa di va phat hanh li no. KHONG CO BO HANH GI C, vi diu khin duc phap lut cho phep. XEM THEM dircolors(1) Tai liu dy d co ti: hoc sn co ni b thong qua: info '(coreutils) ls invocation' DCH Bn dch ting Vit ca trang hung dn nay do thc hin. Bn dch nay la Tai liu Min phi; dc Giy phep Cong cng GNU Phien bn 3 hoc mi hon d bit cac diu khon bn quyn. Chung toi cho rng KHONG CO TRACH NHIM PHAP LY. Nu bn tim thy mt s sai sot trong bn dch ca trang hung dn nay, vui long gi thu dn TODO <>. GNU coreutils 9.4 Thang 1 nam 2024 LS(1)