KBIBTEX(1) KBibTeX User's Manual KBIBTEX(1) NAME kbibtex - a BibTeX editor by KDE written by Thomas Fischer and released under the GPL version 2 or later. SYNOPSIS kbibtex [URL] DESCRIPTION KBibTeX is a BibTeX editor by KDE written by Thomas Fischer and released under the GPL version 2 or later. KBibTeX can be started as a standalone program or embedded as a KPart into virtually every KDE program (e.g. Konqueror). ARGUMENTS URL An address or several addresses of the bibliography documents to be opened. SEE ALSO More detailed user documentation is available from help:/kbibtex (either enter this URL into Konqueror, or run khelpcenter help:/kbibtex). kf5options(7) qt5options(7) There is also further information available at the KBibTeX official website[1]. AUTHORS KBibTeX was written by Thomas Fischer . AUTHOR Thomas Fischer KBibTeX man page. NOTES 1. KBibTeX official website https://userbase.kde.org/KBibTeX KBibTeX 2016-06-29 KBIBTEX(1)