JRUNSCRIPT(1) JDK Commands JRUNSCRIPT(1) NAME jrunscript - run a command-line script shell that supports interactive and batch modes SYNOPSIS Note: This tool is experimental and unsupported. jrunscript [options] [arguments] options This represents the jrunscript command-line options that can be used. See Options for the jrunscript Command. arguments Arguments, when used, follow immediately after options or the command name. See Arguments. DESCRIPTION The jrunscript command is a language-independent command-line script shell. The jrunscript command supports both an interactive (read-eval- print) mode and a batch (-f option) mode of script execution. By default, JavaScript is the language used, but the -l option can be used to specify a different language. By using Java to scripting language communication, the jrunscript command supports an exploratory programming style. If JavaScript is used, then before it evaluates a user defined script, the jrunscript command initializes certain built-in functions and objects, which are documented in the API Specification for jrunscript JavaScript built-in functions. OPTIONS FOR THE JRUNSCRIPT COMMAND -cp path or -classpath path Indicates where any class files are that the script needs to access. -Dname=value Sets a Java system property. -Jflag Passes flag directly to the Java Virtual Machine where the jrunscript command is running. -l language Uses the specified scripting language. By default, JavaScript is used. To use other scripting languages, you must specify the corresponding script engine's JAR file with the -cp or -classpath option. -e script Evaluates the specified script. This option can be used to run one-line scripts that are specified completely on the command line. -encoding encoding Specifies the character encoding used to read script files. -f script-file Evaluates the specified script file (batch mode). -f - Enters interactive mode to read and evaluate a script from standard input. -help or -? Displays a help message and exits. -q Lists all script engines available and exits. ARGUMENTS If arguments are present and if no -e or -f option is used, then the first argument is the script file and the rest of the arguments, if any, are passed as script arguments. If arguments and the -e or the -f option are used, then all arguments are passed as script arguments. If arguments -e and -f are missing, then the interactive mode is used. EXAMPLE OF EXECUTING INLINE SCRIPTS jrunscript -e "print('hello world')" jrunscript -e "cat('http://www.example.com')" EXAMPLE OF USING SPECIFIED LANGUAGE AND EVALUATE THE SCRIPT FILE jrunscript -l js -f test.js EXAMPLE OF INTERACTIVE MODE jrunscript js> print('Hello World\n'); Hello World js> 34 + 55 89.0 js> t = new java.lang.Thread(function() { print('Hello World\n'); }) Thread[Thread-0,5,main] js> t.start() js> Hello World js> RUN SCRIPT FILE WITH SCRIPT ARGUMENTS In this example, the test.js file is the script file. The arg1, arg2, and arg3 arguments are passed to the script. The script can access these arguments with an arguments array. jrunscript test.js arg1 arg2 arg3 JDK 22-ea 2024 JRUNSCRIPT(1)