JGMENU-APPS(1) JGMENU-APPS(1) NAME jgmenu-apps - generate jgmenu flavoured CSV menu data SYNOPSIS jgmenu_run apps [--help] [--no-append] [--no-prepend] [--append-file ] [--prepend-file ] DESCRIPTION jgmenu_run apps generates jgmenu flavoured CSV menu data for system applications using built-in schema data or a specified schema file to map categories to directories, rather than system .directory files. A schema is searched for in the following locations and order: o $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/jgmenu/schema o $HOME/.config/jgmenu/schema o $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/jgmenu/schema o /etc/xdg/jgmenu/schema The root menu is appended and/or prepended by the contents of the files $HOME/.config/jgmenu/{append,prepend}.csv if they exist. Applications which do not belong in any of the categories in the schema file, are placed in `Other' (which is the one with no Categories= field) Example schema file: Name=Accessories Name[sv]=Tillbehor Icon=applications-accessories Categories=Accessibility;Core;Utility; Name=Development Name[sv]=Utveckling Icon=applications-development Categories=Development; Name=Education Name[sv]=Utbildning Icon=applications-science Categories=Education; Name=Games Name[sv]=Spel Icon=applications-games Categories=Game; Name=Graphics Name[sv]=Grafik Icon=applications-graphics Categories=Graphics; Name=Multimedia Name[sv]=Multimedia Icon=applications-multimedia Categories=Audio;Video;AudioVideo; Name=Internet Name[sv]=Internet Icon=applications-internet Categories=Network; Name=Office Name[sv]=Kontorsprogram Icon=applications-office Categories=Office; Name=Other Name[sv]=Ovrigt Icon=applications-other Name=Settings Name[sv]=Installningar Icon=preferences-desktop Categories=Settings;Screensaver; Name=System Name[sv]=System Icon=applications-system Categories=Emulator;System; OPTIONS --help Show help message and exit --no-prepend Do not output ~/.config/jgmenu/prepend.csv before root menu --no-append Do not output ~/.config/jgmenu/append.csv after root menu --append-file Specify menu file to append to the root menu. Use $HOME/.config/jgmenu/append.csv by default. --prepend-file Specify menu file to prepend to the root menu. Use $HOME/.config/jgmenu/prepend.csv by default. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES JGMENU_SINGLE_WINDOW If set, ^checkout() items will be replaced by ^root() JGMENU_NO_DIRS If set, applications will be listed without a directory structure JGMENU_NO_PEND Do not read append.csv or prepend.csv JGMENU_NAME_FORMAT See csv_name_format in jgmenu(1) JGMENU_NO_DUPLICATES See csv_no_duplicates in jgmenu(1) JGMENU_I18N See csv_i18n in jgmenu(1) and jgmenu-i18n(1) AUTHORS Johan Malm. 14 January, 2024 JGMENU-APPS(1)