() () ID3V2(1) User Command ID3V2(1) N?NA?AM?ME?E id3v2 - Adds/Modifies/Removes/Views id3v2 tags, converts/lists id3v1 tags S?SY?YN?NO?OP?PS?SI?IS?S i?id?d3?3v?v2?2 [ _?O_?P_?T_?I_?O_?N ] [ _?F_?I_?L_?E ] O?OP?PT?TI?IO?ON?NS?S -?-h?h,?, -?--?-h?he?el?lp?p Display help and exit -?-f?f,?, -?--?-l?li?is?st?t-?-f?fr?ra?am?me?es?s Display all possible frames for id3v2 -?-L?L,?, -?--?-l?li?is?st?t-?-g?ge?en?nr?re?es?s Lists all id3v1 genres -?-v?v,?, -?--?-v?ve?er?rs?si?io?on?n Display version information and exit -?-l?l,?, -?--?-l?li?is?st?t Lists the tag(s) on the file(s) -?-R?R,?, -?--?-l?li?is?st?t-?-r?rf?fc?c8?82?22?2 Lists using an rfc822-style format for output -?-d?d,?, -?--?-d?de?el?le?et?te?e-?-v?v2?2 Deletes id3v2 tags -?-s?s,?, -?--?-d?de?el?le?et?te?e-?-v?v1?1 Deletes id3v1 tags -?-D?D,?, -?--?-d?de?el?le?et?te?e-?-a?al?ll?l Deletes both id3v1 and id3v2 tags -?-C?C,?, -?--?-c?co?on?nv?ve?er?rt?t Converts id3v1 tag to id3v2 -?-a?a,?, -?--?-a?ar?rt?ti?is?st?t A?AR?RT?TI?IS?ST?T Set the artist information -?-A?A,?, -?--?-a?al?lb?bu?um?m A?AL?LB?BU?UM?M Set the album title information -?-t?t,?, -?--?-s?so?on?ng?g S?SO?ON?NG?G Set the song title information -?-c?c,?, -?--?-c?co?om?mm?me?en?nt?t D?DE?ES?SC?CR?RI?IP?PT?TI?IO?ON?N:?:C?CO?OM?MM?ME?EN?NT?T Set the comment information -?-g?g,?, -?--?-g?ge?en?nr?re?e n?nu?um?m Set the genre number -?-y?y,?, -?--?-y?ye?ea?ar?r n?nu?um?m Set the year -?-T?T,?, -?--?-t?tr?ra?ac?ck?k n?nu?um?m/?/n?nu?um?m Set the track number/(optional) total tracks S?SE?EE?E A?AL?LS?SO?O id3tag(1), id3info(1), id3convert(1) A?AU?UT?TH?HO?OR?R i?id?d3?3v?v2?2 is by myers with major portions used from id3lib examples. Manual page written for Debian GNU/Linux by Robert Woodcock . May 2000 ID3V2(1) ()