.\" This file is distributed under the same license as the ibus .\" package. .\" Copyright (C) Takao Fujiwara , 2013-2017. .\" Copyright (c) Peng Huang , 2013. .\" .TH "IBUS" 1 "Jul 2022" "1.5.31" "User Commands" .SH NAME .B ibus \- command line utility for ibus .SH "SYNOPSIS" .B ibus \fICOMMAND\fR [\fIOPTION\fR]... .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for Linux OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily. .PP .B ibus is a command line utility which can restart or exit ibus-daemon, get or set the current ibus engine or list the ibus engines. .PP Homepage: https://github.com/ibus/ibus/wiki .SH "COMMAND" .TP \fBhelp\fR Show the commands list. .TP \fBengine\fR [\fBENGINE_NAME\fR] Show the curent ibus engine when .B ENGINE_NAME is not given. Set .B ENGINE_NAME to the current ibus engine. .TP \fBexit\fR Exit ibus-daemon. .TP \fBlist-engine\fR Show ibus engines list. .TP \fBrestart\fR [\fB\-\-type=TYPE|\-\-verbose|\-\-help\fR] Restart ibus-daemon. This command tries to restart ibus-daemon via systemd firstly and directly secondary by default. If .B \-\-type=systemd is given, It tries to restart via systemd only. If .B \-\-type=direct is given, It tries to restart with an IBus API only. GNOME desktop runs ibus-daemon via systemd and other desktops run ibus-daemon directly. .TP \fBstart\fR [\fB\-\-type=TYPE|\-\-verbose|\-\-help\fR] Start ibus-daemon. This command tries to start ibus-daemon via systemd firstly and directly secondary by default. If .B \-\-type=systemd is given, It tries to start as a background process via systemd only. If .B \-\-type=direct is given, It tries to start directly only as a foreground process and other option arguments of ibus command are sent to ibus-daemon. E.g. ibus start .B \-\-type=direct .B \-\-xim & GNOME desktop runs ibus-daemon via systemd and other desktops run ibus-daemon directly. .TP \fBversion\fR Show the ibus version. .TP \fBread\-cache\fR [\fB\-\-system|\-\-file=FILE|\-\-help\fR] Show the content of the user registry cache if .B \-\-system is not given. Show the content of the system registry cache if .B \-\-system is given. Show the content of the custom registry cache .B FILE if .B \-\-file=FILE is given. .TP \fBwrite\-cache\fR [\fB\-\-system|\-\-file=FILE|\-\-help\fR] Save the user registry cache if .B \-\-system is not given. Save the system registry cache if .B \-\-system is given. Save the custom registry cache .B FILE if .B \-\-file=FILE is given. By default, it reads the component XML files from the standard component directory (\fI/usr/share/ibus/component\fP), you can set \fIIBUS_COMPONENT_PATH\fP environment variable for custom component directories, separated by ':'. .TP \fBaddress\fR Show the D-Bus address of ibus-daemon. .TP \fBread\-config\fR Print the setting values in a gsettings configuration file. .TP \fBreset\-config\fR Reset the user setting values to the default ones in a gsettings configuration file. .TP \fBwatch\fR Under construction. .TP \fBemoji\fR [\fB\-\-font=FONT|\-\-lang=LANG|\-\-help|\-\-partial\-match\fR] Launch IBus Emojier ( .B ibus\-emoji (1) ) and save the selected emoji to your clipboard. Can choose an emoji font with .B \-\-font option. Can choose a language of emoji annotations with .B \-\-lang option. If LANG="en", IBus Emojier loads /usr/share/ibus/dicts/emoji-en.dict . .B \-\-partial\-match option enables to match annotations with a partial string. These settings are available with .B ibus\-setup (1) utility. .TP \fBim-module\fR [\fB\-\-type=TYPE|\-\-help\fR] Show an internal im-module value in a virtual GTK application. If IBus is installed and configured properly, the output is "ibus". This sub-command is useful for some users who build IBus from the source codes and check the configurations. Currently the sub-command supports GTK applications only and the default is GTK3. If you wish to check a GTK4 application, you can specify .B \-\-type=gtk4 option and you can choose one of "gtk2", "gtk3" and "gtk4". .SH BUGS If you find a bug, please report it at https://github.com/ibus/ibus/issues .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ibus-emoji (7)