HLEDGER-WEB(1)               hledger User Manuals               HLEDGER-WEB(1)

       hledger-web - robust, friendly plain text accounting (Web version)

       hledger-web    [--serve|--serve-api] [OPTS] [ARGS]
       hledger web -- [--serve|--serve-api] [OPTS] [ARGS]

       This manual is for hledger's web interface, version 1.32.1.  See also
       the hledger manual for common concepts and file formats.

       hledger is a robust, user-friendly, cross-platform set of programs for
       tracking money, time, or any other commodity, using double-entry
       accounting and a simple, editable file format.  hledger is inspired by
       and largely compatible with ledger(1), and largely interconvertible
       with beancount(1).

       hledger-web is a simple web application for browsing and adding
       transactions.  It provides a more user-friendly UI than the hledger CLI
       or hledger-ui TUI, showing more at once (accounts, the current account
       register, balance charts) and allowing history-aware data entry,
       interactive searching, and bookmarking.

       hledger-web also lets you share a journal with multiple users, or even
       the public web.  There is no access control, so if you need that you
       should put it behind a suitable web proxy.  As a small protection
       against data loss when running an unprotected instance, it writes a
       numbered backup of the main journal file (only) on every edit.

       Like hledger, it reads from (and appends to) a journal file specified
       by the LEDGER_FILE environment variable (defaulting to
       $HOME/.hledger.journal); or you can specify files with -f options.  It
       can also read timeclock files, timedot files, or any CSV/SSV/TSV file
       with a date field.  (See hledger(1) -> Input for details.)

       hledger-web can be run in three modes:

       o Transient mode (the default): your default web browser will be opened
         to show the app if possible, and the app exits automatically after
         two minutes of inactivity (no requests received and no open browser
         windows viewing it).

       o With --serve: the app runs without stopping, and without opening a

       o With --serve-api: only the JSON API is served.

       In all cases hledger-web runs as a foreground process, logging requests
       to stdout.

       Command-line options and arguments may be used to set an initial filter
       on the data.  These filter options are not shown in the web UI, but it
       will be applied in addition to any search query entered there.

       hledger-web provides the following options:

              serve and log requests, don't browse or auto-exit after timeout

              like --serve, but serve only the JSON web API, without the
              server-side web UI

              listen on this IP address (default:

              listen on this TCP port (default: 5000)

              use a unix domain socket file to listen for requests instead of
              a TCP socket.  Implies --serve.  It can only be used if the
              operating system can provide this type of socket.

              set the base url (default: http://IPADDR:PORT).  Note: affects
              url generation but not route parsing.  Can be useful if running
              behind a reverse web proxy that does path rewriting.

              set the static files url (default: BASEURL/static).  hledger-web
              normally serves static files itself, but if you wanted to serve
              them from another server for efficiency, you would set the url
              with this.

              set the user's access level for changing data (default: add).
              It also accepts sandstorm for use on that platform (reads
              permissions from the X-Sandstorm-Permissions request header).

       --test run hledger-web's tests and exit.  hspec test runner args may
              follow a --, eg: hledger-web --test -- --help

       By default the server listens on IP address, accessible only
       to local requests.  You can use --host to change this, eg --host to listen on all configured addresses.

       Similarly, use --port to set a TCP port other than 5000, eg if you are
       running multiple hledger-web instances.

       Both of these options are ignored when --socket is used.  In this case,
       it creates an AF_UNIX socket file at the supplied path and uses that
       for communication.  This is an alternative way of running multiple
       hledger-web instances behind a reverse proxy that handles
       authentication for different users.  The path can be derived in a
       predictable way, eg by using the username within the path.  As an
       example, nginx as reverse proxy can use the variable $remote_user to
       derive a path from the username used in a HTTP basic authentication.
       The following proxy_pass directive allows access to all hledger-web
       instances that created a socket in /tmp/hledger/:

                proxy_pass http://unix:/tmp/hledger/${remote_user}.socket;

       You can use --base-url to change the protocol, hostname, port and path
       that appear in hyperlinks, useful eg for integrating hledger-web within
       a larger website.  The default is http://HOST:PORT/ using the server's
       configured host address and TCP port (or http://HOST if PORT is 80).

       With --file-url you can set a different base url for static files, eg
       for better caching or cookie-less serving on high performance websites.

       hledger-web also supports many of hledger's general options (and the
       hledger manual's command line tips also apply here):

   General help options
       -h --help
              show general or COMMAND help

       --man  show general or COMMAND user manual with man

       --info show general or COMMAND user manual with info

              show general or ADDONCMD version

              show debug output (levels 1-9, default: 1)

   General input options
       -f FILE --file=FILE
              use a different input file.  For stdin, use - (default:
              $LEDGER_FILE or $HOME/.hledger.journal)

              Conversion rules file to use when reading CSV (default:

              Field separator to expect when reading CSV (default: ',')

              rename accounts named OLD to NEW

       --anon anonymize accounts and payees

       --pivot FIELDNAME
              use some other field or tag for the account name

       -I --ignore-assertions
              disable balance assertion checks (note: does not disable balance

       -s --strict
              do extra error checking (check that all posted accounts are

   General reporting options
       -b --begin=DATE
              include postings/txns on or after this date (will be adjusted to
              preceding subperiod start when using a report interval)

       -e --end=DATE
              include postings/txns before this date (will be adjusted to
              following subperiod end when using a report interval)

       -D --daily
              multiperiod/multicolumn report by day

       -W --weekly
              multiperiod/multicolumn report by week

       -M --monthly
              multiperiod/multicolumn report by month

       -Q --quarterly
              multiperiod/multicolumn report by quarter

       -Y --yearly
              multiperiod/multicolumn report by year

       -p --period=PERIODEXP
              set start date, end date, and/or reporting interval all at once
              using period expressions syntax

              match the secondary date instead (see command help for other

              override today's date (affects relative smart dates, for

       -U --unmarked
              include only unmarked postings/txns (can combine with -P or -C)

       -P --pending
              include only pending postings/txns

       -C --cleared
              include only cleared postings/txns

       -R --real
              include only non-virtual postings

       -NUM --depth=NUM
              hide/aggregate accounts or postings more than NUM levels deep

       -E --empty
              show items with zero amount, normally hidden (and vice-versa in

       -B --cost
              convert amounts to their cost/selling amount at transaction time

       -V --market
              convert amounts to their market value in default valuation

       -X --exchange=COMM
              convert amounts to their market value in commodity COMM

              convert amounts to cost or market value, more flexibly than

              infer conversion equity postings from costs

              infer costs from conversion equity postings

              use costs as additional market prices, as if they were P

              generate transactions from periodic rules, between the latest
              recorded txn and 6 months from today, or during the specified
              PERIOD (= is required).  Auto posting rules will be applied to
              these transactions as well.  Also, in hledger-ui make future-
              dated transactions visible.

       --auto generate extra postings by applying auto posting rules to all
              txns (not just forecast txns)

              add visible tags indicating transactions or postings which have
              been generated/modified

              Override the commodity style in the output for the specified
              commodity.  For example 'EUR1.000,00'.

       --color=WHEN (or --colour=WHEN)
              Should color-supporting commands use ANSI color codes in text
              output.  'auto' (default): whenever stdout seems to be a color-
              supporting terminal.  'always' or 'yes': always, useful eg when
              piping output into 'less -R'.  'never' or 'no': never.  A
              NO_COLOR environment variable overrides this.

              Show prettier output, e.g.  using unicode box-drawing
              characters.  Accepts 'yes' (the default) or 'no' ('y', 'n',
              'always', 'never' also work).  If you provide an argument you
              must use '=', e.g.  '--pretty=yes'.

       When a reporting option appears more than once in the command line, the
       last one takes precedence.

       Some reporting options can also be written as query arguments.

       By default, hledger-web allows anyone who can reach it to view the
       journal and to add new transactions, but not to change existing data.

       You can restrict who can reach it by

       o setting the IP address it listens on (see --host above).  By default
         it listens on, accessible to all users on the local

       o putting it behind an authenticating proxy, using eg apache or nginx

       o custom firewall rules

       You can restrict what the users who reach it can do, by

       o using the --capabilities=CAP[,CAP..] flag when you start it, enabling
         one or more of the following capabilities.  The default value is

         o view - allows viewing the journal file and all included files

         o add - allows adding new transactions to the main journal file

         o manage - allows editing, uploading or downloading the main or
           included files

       o using the --capabilities-header=HTTPHEADER flag to specify a HTTP
         header from which it will read capabilities to enable.  hledger-web
         on Sandstorm uses the X-Sandstorm-Permissions header to integrate
         with Sandstorm's permissions.  This is disabled by default.

       If you enable the manage capability mentioned above, you'll see a new
       "spanner" button to the right of the search form.  Clicking this will
       let you edit, upload, or download the journal file or any files it

       Note, unlike any other hledger command, in this mode you (or any
       visitor) can alter or wipe the data files.

       Normally whenever a file is changed in this way, hledger-web saves a
       numbered backup (assuming file permissions allow it, the disk is not
       full, etc.)  hledger-web is not aware of version control systems,
       currently; if you use one, you'll have to arrange to commit the changes
       yourself (eg with a cron job or a file watcher like entr).

       Changes which would leave the journal file(s) unparseable or non-valid
       (eg with failing balance assertions) are prevented.  (Probably.  This
       needs re-testing.)

       hledger-web detects changes made to the files by other means (eg if you
       edit it directly, outside of hledger-web), and it will show the new
       data when you reload the page or navigate to a new page.  If a change
       makes a file unparseable, hledger-web will display an error message
       until the file has been fixed.

       (Note: if you are viewing files mounted from another machine, make sure
       that both machine clocks are roughly in step.)

       In addition to the web UI, hledger-web also serves a JSON API that can
       be used to get data or add new transactions.  If you want the JSON API
       only, you can use the --serve-api flag.  Eg:

              $ hledger-web -f examples/sample.journal --serve-api

       You can get JSON data from these routes:


       Eg, all account names in the journal (similar to the accounts command).
       (hledger-web's JSON does not include newlines, here we use python to
       prettify it):

              $ curl -s | python -m json.tool

       Or all transactions:

              $ curl -s | python -m json.tool
                      "tcode": "",
                      "tcomment": "",
                      "tdate": "2008-01-01",
                      "tdate2": null,
                      "tdescription": "income",
                      "tindex": 1,
                      "tpostings": [
                              "paccount": "assets:bank:checking",
                              "pamount": [
                                      "acommodity": "$",
                                      "aismultiplier": false,
                                      "aprice": null,

       Most of the JSON corresponds to hledger's data types; for details of
       what the fields mean, see the Hledger.Data.Json haddock docs and click
       on the various data types, eg Transaction.  And for a higher level
       understanding, see the journal docs.

       In some cases there is outer JSON corresponding to a "Report" type.  To
       understand that, go to the Hledger.Web.Handler.MiscR haddock and look
       at the source for the appropriate handler to see what it returns.  Eg
       for /accounttransactions it's getAccounttransactionsR, returning a
       "accountTransactionsReport ...".  Looking up the haddock for that we
       can see that /accounttransactions returns an AccountTransactionsReport,
       which consists of a report title and a list of
       AccountTransactionsReportItem (etc).

       You can add a new transaction to the journal with a PUT request to
       /add, if hledger-web was started with the add capability (enabled by
       default).  The payload must be the full, exact JSON representation of a
       hledger transaction (partial data won't do).  You can get sample JSON
       from hledger-web's /transactions or /accounttransactions, or you can
       export it with hledger-lib, eg like so:

              .../hledger$ stack ghci hledger-lib
              >>> writeJsonFile "txn.json" (head $ jtxns samplejournal)
              >>> :q

       Here's how it looks as of hledger-1.17 (remember, this JSON corresponds
       to hledger's Transaction and related data types):

                  "tcomment": "",
                  "tpostings": [
                          "pbalanceassertion": null,
                          "pstatus": "Unmarked",
                          "pamount": [
                                  "aprice": null,
                                  "acommodity": "$",
                                  "aquantity": {
                                      "floatingPoint": 1,
                                      "decimalPlaces": 10,
                                      "decimalMantissa": 10000000000
                                  "aismultiplier": false,
                                  "astyle": {
                                      "ascommodityside": "L",
                                      "asdigitgroups": null,
                                      "ascommodityspaced": false,
                                      "asprecision": 2,
                                      "asdecimalpoint": "."
                          "ptransaction_": "1",
                          "paccount": "assets:bank:checking",
                          "pdate": null,
                          "ptype": "RegularPosting",
                          "pcomment": "",
                          "pdate2": null,
                          "ptags": [],
                          "poriginal": null
                          "pbalanceassertion": null,
                          "pstatus": "Unmarked",
                          "pamount": [
                                  "aprice": null,
                                  "acommodity": "$",
                                  "aquantity": {
                                      "floatingPoint": -1,
                                      "decimalPlaces": 10,
                                      "decimalMantissa": -10000000000
                                  "aismultiplier": false,
                                  "astyle": {
                                      "ascommodityside": "L",
                                      "asdigitgroups": null,
                                      "ascommodityspaced": false,
                                      "asprecision": 2,
                                      "asdecimalpoint": "."
                          "ptransaction_": "1",
                          "paccount": "income:salary",
                          "pdate": null,
                          "ptype": "RegularPosting",
                          "pcomment": "",
                          "pdate2": null,
                          "ptags": [],
                          "poriginal": null
                  "ttags": [],
                  "tsourcepos": {
                      "tag": "JournalSourcePos",
                      "contents": [
                  "tdate": "2008-01-01",
                  "tcode": "",
                  "tindex": 1,
                  "tprecedingcomment": "",
                  "tdate2": null,
                  "tdescription": "income",
                  "tstatus": "Unmarked"

       And here's how to test adding it with curl.  This should add a new
       entry to your journal:

              $ curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary @txn.json

   Debug output
       You can add --debug[=N] to the command line to log debug output.  N
       ranges from 1 (least output, the default) to 9 (maximum output).
       Typically you would start with 1 and increase until you are seeing
       enough.  Debug output goes to stderr, interleaved with the requests
       logged on stdout.  To capture debug output in a log file instead, you
       can usually redirect stderr, eg:
       hledger-web --debug=3 2>hledger-web.log.

       LEDGER_FILE The main journal file to use when not specified with
       -f/--file.  Default: $HOME/.hledger.journal.

       We welcome bug reports in the hledger issue tracker (shortcut:
       http://bugs.hledger.org), or on the #hledger chat or hledger mail list

       Some known issues:

       Does not work well on small screens, or in text-mode browsers.

       Simon Michael <simon@joyful.com> and contributors.
       See http://hledger.org/CREDITS.html

       Copyright 2007-2023 Simon Michael and contributors.

       Released under GNU GPL v3 or later.

       hledger(1), hledger-ui(1), hledger-web(1), ledger(1)

hledger-web-1.32.1               December 2023                  HLEDGER-WEB(1)