hesv_comp_grp(3) Library Functions Manual hesv_comp_grp(3) NAME hesv_comp_grp - LDL: computational routines (factor, cond, etc.) SYNOPSIS Topics — full, rook v1 — {he,sy}con: condition number estimate {he,sy}trf: triangular factor la{he,sy}f: step in hetrf {he,sy}tf2: triangular factor, level 2 {he,sy}trs: triangular solve using factor {he,sy}tri: triangular inverse {he,sy}rfs: iterative refinement {he,sy}rfsx: iterative refinement, expert {he,sy}equb: equilibration, power of 2 syconv: convert to/from L and D from hetrf {he,sy}con_3: condition number estimate {he,sy}tri2: inverse {he,sy}tri2x: inverse {he,sy}tri_3: inverse {he,sy}tri_3x: inverse {he,sy}trs2: solve using factor {he,sy}trs_3: solve using factor {he,sy}swapr: apply 2-sided permutation la_hercond: Skeel condition number estimate la_herfsx_extended: step in herfsx la_herpvgrw: reciprocal pivot growth — packed, rook v1 — {hp,sp}con: condition number estimate {hp,sp}trf: triangular factor {hp,sp}trs: triangular solve using factor {hp,sp}tri: triangular inverse {hp,sp}rfs: iterative refinement — full, rook v2 — {he,sy}con_rook: condition number estimate {he,sy}trf_rook: triangular factor la{he,sy}f_rook: triangular factor step {he,sy}tf2_rook: triangular factor, level 2 {he,sy}trs_rook: triangular solve using factor {he,sy}tri_rook: triangular inverse — full, rook v3 — {he,sy}trf_rk: triangular factor la{he,sy}f_rk: triangular factor step {he,sy}tf2_rk: triangular factor, level 2 syconvf: convert to/from hetrf to hetrf_rk format syconvf_rook: convert to/from hetrf_rook to hetrf_rk format — full, Aasen — {he,sy}trf_aa: triangular factor la{he,sy}f_aa: triangular factor partial factor {he,sy}trs_aa: triangular solve using factor — full, Aasen, blocked 2-stage — {he,sy}trf_aa_2stage: triangular factor {he,sy}trs_aa_2stage: triangular solve using factor Detailed Description Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code. LAPACK Version 3.12.0 hesv_comp_grp(3)