gtklock(1) General Commands Manual gtklock(1) NAME gtklock - GTK-based lockscreen for Wayland SYNOPSIS gtklock [options...] OPTIONS -h, --help Show help options --help-config Show options available in the config. See CONFIGURATION. -d, --daemonize Detach from controlling terminal. -c, --config Specify config file to use. By default, the following paths are checked in the following order: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtklock/config.ini and gtklock/config.ini under each directory in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS. CONFIGURATION Configuration is stored in glib key file format. Options are specified as name=value and can be used from the command-line as --name=value. All options should be under the main group. All available options are: -g, --gtk-theme Set the GTK theme. -s, --style Load CSS style file. -x, --layout Load XML layout file. -m, --modules Load gtklock modules. Module name can be an absolute path, relative path (starting with ./ or ../) or name in system directory (such as for /usr/lib/gtklock/ The .so suffix can be ommited. -b, --background Load background. Specified background can be overwritten by CSS. -t, --time-format Set time format. See date(1). -H, --idle-hide Hide input form when idle. -T, --idle-timeout Idle timeout in seconds. -S, --start-hidden Start with input form hidden. -L, --lock-command Command to execute after locking. Command is executed asynchronously. -U, --unlock-command Command to execute after unlocking. Command is executed asynchronously. -M, --monitor-priority Set monitor focus priority. Option can be specified multiple times. EXAMPLE Example config: [main] gtk-theme=Adwaita-dark Example style: window { background-image: url("background.png"); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-color: black; } AUTHORS Maintained by Jovan Lanik , who is assisted by other contributors. For more information about gtklock development, see . 2024-08-17 gtklock(1)