.\" Generated by scdoc 1.11.2 .\" Complete documentation for this program is not available as a GNU info page .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .nh .ad l .\" Begin generated content: .TH "grim" "1" "2023-06-26" .P .SH NAME .P grim - grab images from a Wayland compositor .P .SH SYNOPSIS .P \fBgrim\fR [options.\&.\&.\&] [output-file] .P .SH DESCRIPTION .P grim is a command-line utility to take screenshots of Wayland desktops.\& For now it requires support for the screencopy protocol to work.\& Support for the xdg-output protocol is optional, but improves fractional scaling support.\& .P grim will write an image to \fIoutput-file\fR, or to a timestamped file name in \fB$GRIM_DEFAULT_DIR\fR if not specified.\& If \fB$GRIM_DEFAULT_DIR\fR is not set, it falls back first to \fB$XDG_PICTURES_DIR\fR and then to the current working directory.\& If \fIoutput-file\fR is \fB-\fR, grim will write the image to the standard output instead.\& .P .SH OPTIONS .P \fB-h\fR .RS 4 Show help message and quit.\& .P .RE \fB-s\fR .RS 4 Set the output image'\&s scale factor to \fIfactor\fR.\& By default, the scale factor is set to the highest of all outputs.\& .P .RE \fB-g\fR ", x" .RS 4 Set the region to capture, in layout coordinates.\& .P If set to \fB-\fR, read the region from the standard input instead.\& .P .RE \fB-t\fR .RS 4 Set the output image'\&s file format to \fItype\fR.\& By default, the filetype is set to \fBpng\fR, valid values are \fBpng\fR, \fBjpeg\fR or \fBppm\fR.\& .P .RE \fB-q\fR .RS 4 Set the output jpeg'\&s filetype compression rate to \fIquality\fR.\& By default, the jpeg quality is \fB80\fR, valid values are between 0-100.\& .P .RE \fB-l\fR .RS 4 Set the output PNG'\&s filetype compression level to \fIlevel\fR.\& By default, the PNG compression level is 6 on a scale from 0 to 9.\& Level 9 gives the highest compression ratio, but may be slow; level 1 gives a lower compression ratio, but is faster.\& Level 0 does no compression at all, and produces very large files; it can be useful when grim is used in a pipeline with other commands.\& .P .RE \fB-o\fR .RS 4 Set the output name to capture.\& .P .RE \fB-c\fR .RS 4 Include cursors in the screenshot.\& .P .RE .SH AUTHORS .P Maintained by Simon Ser , who is assisted by other open-source contributors.\& For more information about grim development, see .\&