GPIOMON(1) User Commands GPIOMON(1) NAME gpiomon - manual page for gpiomon v2.1.2 SYNOPSIS gpiomon [OPTIONS] ... DESCRIPTION Wait for events on GPIO lines and print them to standard output. Lines are specified by name, or optionally by offset if the chip option is provided. OPTIONS --banner display a banner on successful startup -b, --bias specify the line bias Possible values: 'pull-down', 'pull-up', 'disabled'. (default is to leave bias unchanged) --by-name treat lines as names even if they would parse as an offset -c, --chip restrict scope to a particular chip -C, --consumer consumer name applied to requested lines (default is 'gpiomon') -e, --edges specify the edges to monitor Possible values: 'falling', 'rising', 'both'. (default is 'both') -E, --event-clock specify the source clock for event timestamps Possible values: 'monotonic', 'realtime', 'hte'. (default is 'monotonic') By default 'realtime' is formatted as UTC, others as raw u64. -h, --help display this help and exit -F, --format specify a custom output format --idle-timeout exit gracefully if no events occur for the period specified -l, --active-low treat the line as active low, flipping the sense of rising and falling edges --localtime format event timestamps as local time -n, --num-events exit after processing num events -p, --debounce-period debounce the line(s) with the specified period -q, --quiet don't generate any output -s, --strict abort if requested line names are not unique --unquoted don't quote line or consumer names --utc format event timestamps as UTC (default for 'realtime') -v, --version output version information and exit Chips: A GPIO chip may be identified by number, name, or path. e.g. '0', 'gpiochip0', and '/dev/gpiochip0' all refer to the same chip. Periods: Periods are taken as milliseconds unless units are specified. e.g. 10us. Supported units are 's', 'ms', and 'us'. Format specifiers: %o GPIO line offset %l GPIO line name %c GPIO chip name %e numeric edge event type ('1' - rising or '2' - falling) %E edge event type ('rising' or 'falling') %S event timestamp as seconds %U event timestamp as UTC %L event timestamp as local time AUTHOR Bartosz Golaszewski REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to: Bartosz Golaszewski linux-gpio COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Bartosz Golaszewski License: GPL-2.0-or-later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. libgpiod v2.1.2 August 2024 GPIOMON(1)