GOSOP(1) General Commands Manual GOSOP(1) NAME gosop - Stateless OpenPGP implementation for GopenPGP USAGE: gosop [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] AUTHOR: Proton Technologies AG COMMANDS armor Add ASCII Armor USAGE: gosop armor [command options] < DATA OPTIONS: --label value --label={auto|sig|key|cert|message} (default: auto) --help, -h: show help (default: false) dearmor Remove ASCII Armor USAGE: gosop dearmor < DATA OPTIONS: --help, -h: show help (default: false) decrypt Decrypt a Message USAGE: gosop decrypt [command options] [KEY...] < CIPHERTEXT OPTIONS: --session-key-out value --session-key-out=SESSIONKEY --with-session-key value --with-session-key=SESSIONKEY --with-password value --with-password=PASSWORD --verify-out value --verify-out=VERIFICATIONS --verify-with value --verify-out=CERTS --verify-not-before value --verify-not-before={-|DATE} (default: -) --verify-not-after value --verify-not-after={-|DATE} (default: now) --help, -h: show help (default: false) encrypt Encrypt a Message USAGE: gosop encrypt [command options] [CERTS...] < DATA OPTIONS: --as value --as={binary|text} (default: binary) --no-armor (default: false) --with-password value --with-password=PASSWORD --sign-with value --sign-with=KEY --help, -h: show help (default: false) extract-cert Extract a Certificate from a Secret Key USAGE: gosop extract-cert [command options] OPTIONS: --no-armor (default: false) --help, -h: show help (default: false) generate-key Generate a Secret Key USAGE: gosop generate-key [command options] [USERID...] OPTIONS: --no-armor (default: false) --help, -h: show help (default: false) sign Create a Detached Signature USAGE: gosop extract-cert [command options] OPTIONS: --no-armor (default: false) --help, -h: show help (default: false) verify Verify a Detached Signature USAGE: gosop verify SIGNATURE CERTS [CERTS...] < DATA OPTIONS: --not-before value --not-before={-|DATE} (default: -) --not-after value --not-after={-|DATE} (default: now) --help, -h: show help (default: false) version Version Information USAGE: gosop version [command options] [arguments...] OPTIONS: --backend (default: false) --extended (default: false) --help, -h: show help (default: false) help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --help, -h show help (default: false) --version, -v print the version (default: false) August 2024 GOSOP(1)