.nh .TH "glab" "1" "Nov 2024" "Auto generated by spf13/cobra" "" .SH NAME .PP glab-stack-move - Moves to any selected entry in the stack. (EXPERIMENTAL.) .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBglab stack move [flags]\fP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Shows a menu with a fuzzy finder to select a stack. .PP This feature is experimental. It might be broken or removed without any prior notice. Read more about what experimental features mean at \[la]https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/policy/experiment\-beta\-support.html\[ra] .PP Use experimental features at your own risk. .SH OPTIONS INHERITED FROM PARENT COMMANDS .PP \fB--help\fP[=false] Show help for this command. .PP \fB-R\fP, \fB--repo\fP="" Select another repository. Can use either \fBOWNER/REPO\fR or \fBGROUP/NAMESPACE/REPO\fR format. Also accepts full URL or Git URL. .SH EXAMPLE .EX glab stack move .EE .SH SEE ALSO .PP \fBglab-stack(1)\fP