glab(1) glab(1)

glab-release-upload - Upload release asset files or links to GitLab Release

glab release upload [...] [flags]

Upload release assets to GitLab Release

You can define the display name by appending '#' after the file name. The link type comes after the display name (eg. 'myfile.tar.gz#My display name#package')

-a, --assets-links="" JSON string representation of assets links (e.g. --assets-links='[{"name": "Asset1", "url":"https://<domain>/some/location/1", "link_type": "other", "direct_asset_path": "path/to/file"}]')

--help[=false] Show help for command

-R, --repo="" Select another repository using the OWNER/REPO or GROUP/NAMESPACE/REPO format or full URL or git URL

Upload a release asset with a display name (type will default to 'other')
$ glab release upload v1.0.1 '/path/to/ display label'
Upload a release asset with a display name and type
$ glab release upload v1.0.1 '/path/to/asset.png#My display label#image'
Upload all assets in a specified folder (types will default to 'other')
$ glab release upload v1.0.1 ./dist/*
Upload all tarballs in a specified folder (types will default to 'other')
$ glab release upload v1.0.1 ./dist/*.tar.gz
Upload release assets links specified as JSON string
$ glab release upload v1.0.1 --assets-links='
      "name": "Asset1", 
      "link_type": "other", 
      "direct_asset_path": "path/to/file"


Apr 2024 Auto generated by spf13/cobra