.nh .TH "glab" "1" "Nov 2024" "Auto generated by spf13/cobra" "" .SH NAME .PP glab-changelog-generate - Generate a changelog for the repository or project. .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBglab changelog generate [flags]\fP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Generate a changelog for the repository or project. .SH OPTIONS .PP \fB--config-file\fP="" Path of the changelog configuration file in the project's Git repository. Defaults to '.gitlab/changelog_config.yml'. .PP \fB--date\fP="" Date and time of the release. Uses ISO 8601 (\fB2016-03-11T03:45:40Z\fR) format. Defaults to the current time. .PP \fB--from\fP="" Start of the range of commits (as a SHA) to use when generating the changelog. This commit itself isn't included in the list. .PP \fB--to\fP="" End of the range of commits (as a SHA) to use when generating the changelog. This commit is included in the list. Defaults to the HEAD of the project's default branch. .PP \fB--trailer\fP="" The Git trailer to use for including commits. Defaults to 'Changelog'. .PP \fB-v\fP, \fB--version\fP="" Version to generate the changelog for. Must follow semantic versioning. Defaults to the version of the local checkout, like using 'git describe'. .SH OPTIONS INHERITED FROM PARENT COMMANDS .PP \fB--help\fP[=false] Show help for this command. .SH EXAMPLE .EX glab changelog generate .EE .SH SEE ALSO .PP \fBglab-changelog(1)\fP