glab(1) | glab(1) |
glab-api - Make an authenticated request to the GitLab API.
glab api [flags]
Makes an authenticated HTTP request to the GitLab API, and prints the response. The endpoint argument should either be a path of a GitLab API v4 endpoint, or "graphql" to access the GitLab GraphQL API.
- GitLab REST API documentation ⟨⟩
- GitLab GraphQL documentation ⟨⟩
If the current directory is a Git directory, uses the GitLab authenticated host in the current directory. Otherwise, will be used. To override the GitLab hostname, use '--hostname'.
These placeholder values, when used in the endpoint argument, are replaced with values from the repository of the current directory:
- :branch
- :fullpath
- :group
- :id
- :namespace
- :repo
- :user
- :username
Methods: the default HTTP request method is "GET", if no parameters are added, and "POST" otherwise. Override the method with '--method'.
Pass one or more '--raw-field' values in "key=value" format to add JSON-encoded string parameters to the POST body.
The '--field' flag behaves like '--raw-field' with magic type conversion based on the format of the value:
- Literal values "true", "false", "null", and integer numbers are converted to appropriate JSON types.
- Placeholder values ":namespace", ":repo", and ":branch" are populated with values from the repository of the current directory.
- If the value starts with "@", the rest of the value is interpreted as a filename to read the value from. Pass "-" to read from standard input.
For GraphQL requests, all fields other than "query" and "operationName" are interpreted as GraphQL variables.
Raw request body can be passed from the outside via a file specified by '--input'. Pass "-" to read from standard input. In this mode, parameters specified with '--field' flags are serialized into URL query parameters.
In '--paginate' mode, all pages of results are requested sequentially until no more pages of results remain. For GraphQL requests:
- The original query must accept an '$endCursor: String' variable.
- The query must fetch the 'pageInfo{ hasNextPage, endCursor }' set of fields from a collection.
-F, --field=[] Add a parameter of inferred type. Changes the default HTTP method to "POST".
-H, --header=[] Add an additional HTTP request header.
--hostname="" The GitLab hostname for the request. Defaults to "", or the authenticated host in the current Git directory.
-i, --include[=false] Include HTTP response headers in the output.
--input="" The file to use as the body for the HTTP request.
-X, --method="GET" The HTTP method for the request.
--paginate[=false] Make additional HTTP requests to fetch all pages of results.
-f, --raw-field=[] Add a string parameter.
--silent[=false] Do not print the response body.
--help[=false] Show help for this command.
$ glab api projects/:fullpath/releases $ glab api projects/gitlab-com%2Fwww-gitlab-com/issues $ glab api issues --paginate $ glab api graphql -f query=' query { project(fullPath: "gitlab-org/gitlab-docs") { name forksCount statistics { wikiSize } issuesEnabled boards { nodes { id name } } } } ' $ glab api graphql --paginate -f query=' query($endCursor: String) { project(fullPath: "gitlab-org/graphql-sandbox") { name issues(first: 2, after: $endCursor) { edges { node { title } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } }'
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