GH-RUN-LIST(1) GitHub CLI manual GH-RUN-LIST(1)

gh-run-list - List recent workflow runs

gh run list [flags]

Filter runs by branch
Filter runs by the SHA of the commit
Filter runs by the date it was created
Filter runs by which event triggered the run
Filter JSON output using a jq expression
Output JSON with the specified fields
Maximum number of runs to fetch
Filter runs by status: {queued|completed|in_progress|requested|waiting|action_required|cancelled|failure|neutral|skipped|stale|startup_failure|success|timed_out}
Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting"
Filter runs by user who triggered the run
Filter runs by workflow

Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format

conclusion, createdAt, databaseId, displayTitle, event, headBranch, headSha, name, number, startedAt, status, updatedAt, url, workflowDatabaseId, workflowName


May 2024