GH-PR-STATUS(1) GitHub CLI manual GH-PR-STATUS(1) NAME gh-pr-status - Show status of relevant pull requests SYNOPSIS gh pr status [flags] OPTIONS -c, --conflict-status Display the merge conflict status of each pull request -q, --jq Filter JSON output using a jq expression --json Output JSON with the specified fields -t, --template Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting" OPTIONS INHERITED FROM PARENT COMMANDS -R, --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO> Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format JSON FIELDS additions, assignees, author, autoMergeRequest, baseRefName, body, changedFiles, closed, closedAt, comments, commits, createdAt, deletions, files, headRefName, headRefOid, headRepository, headRepositoryOwner, id, isCrossRepository, isDraft, labels, latestReviews, maintainerCanModify, mergeCommit, mergeStateStatus, mergeable, mergedAt, mergedBy, milestone, number, potentialMergeCommit, projectCards, projectItems, reactionGroups, reviewDecision, reviewRequests, reviews, state, statusCheckRollup, title, updatedAt, url SEE ALSO gh-pr(1) May 2024 GH-PR-STATUS(1)